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ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout is yet another UICollectionViewLayout subclass that implements "brick", "mozaic" or Pinterest style layout.

carthage cocoapods mozaic uicollectionview uicollectionviewlayout waterfall

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ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout is yet another UICollectionViewLayout subclass that implements "brick", "mozaic" or Pinterest style layout.

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# ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout

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[![CocoaPods Compatible](](
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## What is it
`ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout` is yet another `UICollectionViewLayout` subclass that implements "brick" or "mozaic"


## Why do anybody need yet another one?
Because there are plenty of kind of the same layouts already:
* [CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout](
* [FMMosaicLayout](
* [Greedo Layout](

But this project is pure `swift` implementation, so if you don't want to mess up `objective-c` code and `swift` you are on the right page. Also, as an advantage compares to another "mozaic" layout - you're not limited to predefined sizes of cells.

## Usage

The idea behind this layout is to split `UICollectionView` bounds into some kind of "matrix".
To do this `ADMozaikCollectionViewLayout` requires `height` for rows and `width` for columns in specific section.
/// Designated initializer for `ADMozaikLayout`
/// - Parameter delegate: delegate/datasource for the layout
public init(delegate: ADMozaikLayoutDelegate)

It requires the delegate object conforms to protocol `ADMozaikLayoutDelegate`.
The first required method is to return the size of each item in layout:
/// Method should return `ADMozaikLayoutSize` for specific indexPath
/// - Parameter collectionView: collection view is using layout
/// - Parameter layout: layout itself
/// - Parameter indexPath: indexPath of item for the size it asks for
/// - Returns: `ADMozaikLayoutSize` struct object describes the size
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, mozaik layout: ADMozaikLayout, mozaikSizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> ADMozaikLayoutSize

Where `ADMozaikLayoutSize` describes the size of each cell in terms of `ADMozaikCollectionViewLayout`
* Defines the size of the layout item
public struct ADMozaikLayoutSize {
/// Columns number that item requires
let columns: Int
/// Rows number that item requires
let rows: Int

The second method is to get the geometry information for each specific section of layout:
/// Method should return `ADMozaikLayoutSectionGeometryInfo` to describe specific section's geometry
/// - Parameters:
/// - collectionView: collection view is using layout
/// - layoyt: layout itself
/// - section: section to calculate geometry info for
/// - Returns: `ADMozaikLayoutSectionGeometryInfo` struct object describes the section's geometry
func collectonView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, mozaik layoyt: ADMozaikLayout, geometryInfoFor section: ADMozaikLayoutSection) -> ADMozaikLayoutSectionGeometryInfo

Where `ADMozaikLayoutSectionGeometryInfo` describes the all geometry parameters of the section
* Defines the layout's information
public struct ADMozaikLayoutSectionGeometryInfo {
/// array of `ADMozaikLayoutColumn` for the layout
let columns: [ADMozaikLayoutColumn]

/// height for each row in points
let rowHeight: CGFloat

/// minimum space between items
let minimumInteritemSpacing: CGFloat

/// minimum space between each row
let minimumLineSpacing: CGFloat

/// Insets for the section from top, left, right, bottom
let sectionInset: UIEdgeInsets

/// Height for header in section
/// Width is currently limited to the collection view width
let headerHeight: CGFloat

/// Height for footer in section
/// Width is currently limited to the collection view width
let footerHeight: CGFloat

### Content mode options

/// Method should return `ADMozaikLayoutSectionContentMode` to describe specific section's geometry
/// - Parameters:
/// - collectionView: collection view is using layout
/// - layout: layout itself
/// - section: section to return content mode for
/// - Returns: `ADMozaikLayoutSectionContentMode` enum describes the section's content mode and how to position cells
func collectonView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, mozaik layout: ADMozaikLayout, contentModeFor section: ADMozaikLayoutSection) -> ADMozaikLayoutSectionContentMode

The `contentMode` option controls the way how the Mozaik layout is filled with items:
1. `fill` - tries to fill vacant spaces with item;
2. `ordered` - keeps order of the provided items, so empty space can appear in the collection view.

For the complete example please check the example project. Note that current example project is supposed to be run on iPhone 8 screen's size.

## Install

### CocoaPods

To integrate ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your `Podfile`:

source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout', '~> 4.0'
### Carthage

To integrate ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your `Cartfile`:

github "Antondomashnev/ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout" ~> 4.0

Run `carthage update` to build the framework and drag the built `ADMozaikCollectionViewLayout.framework` into your Xcode project.

## Migration guide

* [From 3.x to 4.x](./Docs/

## License

ADMozaicCollectionViewLayout is available under the MIT license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.