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Yet Another Blazor Redux implementation

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Yet Another Blazor Redux implementation

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# BlazorState

A collection of libraries to help manage state in Blazor applications.


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## BlazorState.Hooks

Is an easy and light weight way of managing state in Blazor app.
It is very similar to ["Hooks"]( feature in React, but different.

To use Hooks, install `BlazorState.Hooks` Nuget package.
Install-Package BlazorState.Hooks
dotnet add package BlazorState.Hooks
In the `Startup.cs` add `services.AddHooks();` to register necessary dependencies.

### Transient component state

Inherit your component from `HookedComponentBase`.
Define state using `UseState` method in the markup.

@inherits HookedComponentBase

@{ var (count, setCount) = UseState(InitialCount); }

Current count: @count

setCount(count + 1)">+1
setCount(count - 1)">-1

In this case component state is created per component instance and disposed when component gets disposed.

See [CounterOnHooks.razor]( for an example.

### Persistent component state

Allows the component state to be mapped to an entity outside the component's lifetime.

Inherit your component from `PersistedHookedComponentBase`, provide type of the object used to store state.
Define state using `UseState` method.
`PersistedHookedComponentBase` will look for `Props` property of type TState. You can override `GetStateProperty` method to control the property used.

@inherits PersistedHookedComponentBase

@{ var (count, setCount) = UseState(s => s.Count); }

Current count: @count

setCount(count + 1)">+1
setCount(count - 1)">-1

@code {

public PersistedCounterState Props { get; set; }


By default, value is immediately set to the backing entity property, this behavior can be changed by calling `DeferStatePersistans` method in the component initializer. Later when ready to synchronize state with a backing object, call `Persist` method.
See, [CounterOnHooksDeferredPersisted]( for an example.

All samples can be found here [samples](

## BlazorState.Redux

As the name suggests it is a port of [React-Redux][1] library to Blazor/.NET world.

- [BlazorState.Redux](#blazorstateredux)
- [Why should I care?](#why-should-i-care)
- [Installing](#installing)
- [Shaping the state of the application](#shaping-the-state-of-the-application)
- [Boilerplate code](#boilerplate-code)
- [Defining components](#defining-components)
- [Making some actions](#making-some-actions)
- [Reducers](#reducers)
- [Mapping reducers to state](#mapping-reducers-to-state)
- [Render component](#render-component)
- [DevTools](#devtools)
- [Async actions](#async-actions)
- [Location tracking](#location-tracking)
- [Persisting and restoring state](#persisting-and-restoring-state)

## Why should I care?
Redux is a popular library for managing state in SPA applications.
Key benefits of using Redux:
1. Single source of truth. The whole state of the application is in one place, the store.
2. It helps to enforce [unidirectional data flow][2] in the application, thus making state mutations more predictable and easier to understand.
3. It helps separate presentational components from container components (state aware components).
4. Great DevTools makes it easy to see how the state of the application is changing in time.

More on Redux [here][3].

Refer to [samples][4] in the repository for usage examples.

## Installing
Install `BlazorState.Redux` from NuGet
Install-Package BlazorState.Redux
dotnet add package BlazorState.Redux

## Shaping the state of the application

The state in Redux is a tree. Here is an example of the state object for a sample application:
public class RootState
public int Count { get; set; }

public WeatherState Weather { get; set; }
where `WeatherState` is:
public class WeatherState
public WeatherState(IEnumerable forecasts)
Forecasts = forecasts;

public IEnumerable Forecasts { get; private set; }
**Note:** Name `RootState` is completely arbitrary and can be anything.

In Redux, state is immutable, meaning that if it needs to change a new state object is created. For that purpose, `WeatherState` does not expose setters for its properties.

`RootState` change is handled by an out of the box reducer and must have a default constructor.

## Boilerplate code

When state shape is defined, some configuration needs to be put in place for Redux to work.

In your services configuration (`Startup.cs` or `Program.cs`) add the following line:
services.AddReduxStore(cfg =>
// TODO: Configure reducers and actions

This registers all services needed for Redux to function properly. Also, it provides a configurator that can be used to configure reducers, actions, and other options.
See `Configuration` section below.

Next, in `App.razor` add a `BlazorRedux` component before `Router` component.


Sorry, there's nothing at this address.


For the component to be found `@using BlazorState.Redux.Blazor` statement needs to be added to `_Imports.razor`.

`BlazorRedux` component is responsible for bootstrapping Redux store and dev tools, if enabled.

## Defining components

As in `React-Redux` there are also two kinds of component in `Blazor-Redux`.
First, is presentational component, this component does not have access to the application state and takes all it needs from `props` object that is passed to it. Similarly, the outgoing communication is also done through callbacks, that are passed with `props`. In simple words, this component only renders data that is passed to it.

Here is an example of the `Counter` presentational component:


Current count: @Props.Count




@code {
[Parameter] public CounterProps Props { get; set; }
where `CounterProps` is

public class CounterProps
public int Count { get; set; }

public EventCallback IncrementByOne { get; set; }

public EventCallback IncrementBy { get; set; }

public EventCallback DecrementByOne { get; set; }

public EventCallback DecrementBy { get; set; }

public EventCallback Reset { get; set; }

Second, is container component, or connected component. It is called connected, because it knows about the store and it is responsible for mapping the state to the props and dispatching actions in response to presentational component callbacks.

Here is an example of the `CounterConnected` component:
public class CounterConnected : ConnectedComponent
protected override void MapStateToProps(RootState state, CounterProps props)
props.Count = state?.Count ?? 0;
protected override void MapDispatchToProps(IStore store, CounterProps props)
props.IncrementByOne = EventCallback.Factory.Create(this, () =>
store.Dispatch(new IncrementByOneAction());
props.IncrementBy = EventCallback.Factory.Create(this, amount =>
store.Dispatch(new IncrementByAction { Amount = amount });
props.DecrementByOne = EventCallback.Factory.Create(this, () =>
store.Dispatch(new DecrementByOneAction());
props.DecrementBy = EventCallback.Factory.Create(this, amount =>
store.Dispatch(new DecrementByAction { Amount = amount });
props.Reset = EventCallback.Factory.Create(this, () =>
store.Dispatch(new ResetCountAction());

protected async override Task Init(IStore store)
// Optional

Connected component must inherit from `ConnectedComponent` and provide 3 type arguments:
1. Presentational component to connect
1. Type of the application state (Root state)
1. Props type of the presentational component

`ConnectedComponent` base class defines two abstract methods that need to be implemented:
1. MapStateToProps - method responsible for mapping state object to presentational component `props` object. This method is called every time the state changes.
2. MapDispatchToProp - method responsible for mapping presentational components callbacks to dispatch methods. This method is called once, when component initializes.

Additionally, there is an Init method that can be used to do data fetching or some other initialization logic. See '['Async actions' for more details.

## Making some actions
Actions are payloads of information that send data from your application to your store. They are the only source of information for the store. Send them to the store using `store.Dispatch()`.

Example of `IncrementByAction` action:
public class IncrementByAction : IAction
public int Amount { get; set; }

Actions must implement `IAction` interface, otherwise they are Plain Old CLR Objects classes.

## Reducers
Reducers specify how the application's state changes in response to actions sent to the store.
Here is an example of the `CountReducer`:
public class CountReducer : IReducer
public int Reduce(int state, IAction action)
switch (action)
case IncrementByOneAction _:
return state + 1;
case DecrementByOneAction _:
return state - 1;
case IncrementByAction a:
return state + a.Amount;
case DecrementByAction a:
return state - a.Amount;
case ResetCountAction _:
return 0;
return state;

Reducer must implement `IReducer` interface, where `TState` is a type of state this particular reducer handles.
In the example above, the state this reducer handles is of type `int`, but it can be any C# object.
It is important to remember that reducer is a pure function, it should not produce side effects. In case of a change reducer must always return new state and should never modify existing state.
For example, `WeatherReducer` will look like this:
public class WeatherReducer : IReducer
private static Random random = new Random();
public WeatherState Reduce(WeatherState state, IAction action)
switch (action)
case ReceiveWeatherForecastsAction a:
return new WeatherState(a.Forecasts);
case AddRandomForecast a:
var forecasts = new List(state.Forecasts);
forecasts.Add(new WeatherForecast
Date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(random.Next(1, 30)),
Summary = $"There is {random.Next(0, 100)}% chance of rain.",
TemperatureC = random.Next(10, 40)
return new WeatherState(forecasts);
return state;

## Mapping reducers to state

Once reducers defined, they need to be mapped to the corresponding state property that they handle. This is done in `Startup.cs` using config object of the `AddReduxStore` method:
services.AddReduxStore(cfg =>
cfg.Map(s => s.Count);
cfg.Map(s => s.Weather);

Note: Reducer must have a default parameter-less constructor.

## Render component

When all necessary components are in place, it is time to place component(s) on the page.
This is typically done by using static `Get` method on the connected component. See section `Defining components` for more details. This method returns `RenderFragment` that can be directly rendered on the page. Clean and simple.

Here is an example of the `Counter` page rendering `Counter` component.
@page "/counter"


## DevTools
To configure DevTools, add `cfg.UseReduxDevTools();` to the configuration callback in `Startup.cs`:
services.AddReduxStore(cfg =>
cfg.Map(s => s.Count);
cfg.Map(s => s.Weather);

Assuming that ReduxDevTools is installed, open your browser of choice developer tools and enjoy time travel debugging and other goodness of ReduxDevTools.

## Async actions
Actions we've seen so far were synchronous, but sooner or later application needs to make asynchronous request for data to the server. For such a case BlazorState.Redux has a concept of async actions.

Here is an example of async action fetching weather information from the server:
public class FetchWeather : IAsyncAction
private readonly HttpClient _http;

public FetchWeather(HttpClient http)
_http = http;

public async Task Execute(IDispatcher dispatcher)
var forecasts = await _http.GetJsonAsync("sample-data/weather.json");
dispatcher.Dispatch(new ReceiveWeatherForecastsAction
Forecasts = forecasts

Async action must implement `IAsyncAction` or `IAsyncAction` interface. Both interfaces have only one method, `Execute`, the difference is that `IAsyncAction` expect a second parameter. This parameter is a user-defined object of any type.
For example:
public class DeleteIdentity : IAsyncAction
private readonly HttpClient _client;

public DeleteIdentity(HttpClient client)
_client = client;

public async Task Execute(IDispatcher dispatcher, IdentityViewModel identity)
await _client.Delete(identity.Id);
await dispatcher.Dispatch();

To dispatch async action, use the `store.Dispatch` method.
private async Task Init(IStore store)
await store.Dispatch();

Last, but not least, actions must be registered in `Startup.cs`.
There are two options:
1. Register each action separately. `cfg.RegisterAsyncAction();`
2. Register all actions in assembly. `cfg.RegisterActionsFromAssemblyContaining();`

services.AddReduxStore(cfg =>

## Location tracking
In some cases it is desirable to store current page address in the state. Once such case might be to navigate user back to the same page where he left during last session.
This is supported by Redux out of the box, and can be configured by adding `cfg.TrackUserNavigation(s => s.Location);` to `Startup.cs`:
services.AddReduxStore(cfg =>
cfg.TrackUserNavigation(s => s.Location);
`s => s.Location` is the property on the RootState. This property must be of type string.
When configured, special `NavigationAction` will be dispatched every time user navigates to another page.
![Navigation Action Example](assets/img/NavigationActionExample.png)

If state is persisted, Redux will handle navigating user back to the page stored in the state on the first request.

## Persisting and restoring state
This is done automatically by Redux, the only action required is configuring state storage.
BlazorState.Redux has out of the box implementation that uses browser Local Storage to persist and restore state. To use it, install `Blazor.Redux.Storage` NuGet package and add `cfg.UseLocalStorage();` to the config callback in `Startup.cs`:

services.AddReduxStore(cfg =>
