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Automatically split your PyTorch models on multiple GPUs for training & inference

deep-learning machine-learning natural-language-processing nlp python pytorch pytorch-transformers

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Automatically split your PyTorch models on multiple GPUs for training & inference

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# tensor_parallel
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Run large PyTorch models on multiple GPUs in one line of code with potentially linear speedup.

import transformers
import tensor_parallel as tp
tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-13b")
model = transformers.AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("facebook/opt-13b") # use opt-125m for testing

model = tp.tensor_parallel(model, ["cuda:0", "cuda:1"]) # <- each GPU has half the weights

inputs = tokenizer("A cat sat", return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"].to("cuda:0")
outputs = model.generate(inputs, num_beams=5)
print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0])) # A cat sat on my lap for a few minutes ...

model(input_ids=inputs, labels=inputs).loss.backward() # training works as usual

## Installation
Latest stable version (recommended):
pip install tensor_parallel
Bleeding edge version:
pip install

## Usage

Simply wrap your PyTorch model with `tp.tensor_parallel` and use it normally.
For best memory efficiency, call `tp.tensor_parallel` while the model is still on CPU.

Here are a few use cases:
- [`examples/training_flan-t5-xl.ipynb`](./examples/training_flan-t5-xl.ipynb) - fine-tune full FLAN-T5 model on text summarization
- [`tensor_parallel int8 LLM`]( - adapter-tuning a large language model with LLM.8bit + tensor_parallel
- __TBA__ - defining custom parallelism strategy

Advanced parameters to `tensor_parallel`:
- `device_ids: List[device]` - which devices to use; defaults to all available GPUs
- `output_device: device` - model outputs will have this device
- `tensor_parallel_config: tp.Config` - use custom parallelism strategy, see [``](./src/tensor_parallel/
- `distributed: bool` - if True, use torch.distributed backend instead of threading (requires `torchrun`)
- `sharded: bool` - if True, find all trainable parameters that weren't split by Tensor Parallelism and split them using [ZeRO-3 algorithm](
- weights will be split between GPUs and re-assembled before each forward pass
- TL;DR use this when training to avoid duplicate parameters (enabled by default!)
- `sharded_param_names: List[str]` - parameter names that should be sharded this way, default = found automatically

### Saving the model

To save a model such that it could be used in a non `tensor_parallel` context, you should use a `save_tensor_parallel` context wrapper.

import torch
import transformers
import tensor_parallel as tp

model = tp.tensor_parallel(

# A whole lot of trainig...

with tp.save_tensor_parallel(model):, "/tmp/")
# or

Such code saves a model as if it was never split. It works by gathering model parts during `state_dict` creation.

### Memory efficient dispatch

Normally, to normally create and dispatch a `tensor_parallel` model, one needs the whole model in memory. This can be troublesome, but there is another way.

It's possible to convert a `state_dict` of a basic model into the corresponding `tensor_parallel` `state_dict` using a helper function `convert_state_dict`. The state dict can then be dispatched and loaded into the model:

import accelerate
import transformers

import tensor_parallel as tp

# Initialize a weightless tensor_parallel model from MyModel
with accelerate.init_empty_weights():
model = tp.TensorParallel(
device_ids=[0, 1] # and prepare it to be put on GPUs 0 and 1

# Load partial state_dict for MyModel
state_dict = torch.load("my_model_part_1_of_5.bin")

# Convert it into a tensor_parallel state_dict
tensor_parallel_state_dict = tp.convert_state_dict(

# Dispatch the partial state_dict (load_state_dict doesn't work with meta so here I use accelerate)
device_map = tp.infer_sharded_device_map(model)
for param_name, param in state_dict.items():
module_name = param_name
while len(module_name) > 0 and module_name not in device_map:
module_name = ".".join(module_name.split(".")[:-1])
param_device = device_map[module_name]
accelerate.utils.set_module_tensor_to_device(model, param_name, param_device, value=param)

With this no more than one part of the model needs to be loaded into memory at once.

## FAQ

- __Q:__ I don't have a multi-GPU server. Can I use tensor_parallel in Google Colab?
- __A:__ Colab has a single GPU, so there's no point in tensor parallelism. However, [Kaggle offers two T4 for free]( to all phone-verified accounts.

- __Q:__ What is tensor parallelism?
- __A:__ You split each layer's weights into parts, multiply each part on a separate GPU, then gather results. Read more [here](

- __Q:__ Should I use `TensorParallel` or `DataParallel`?
- __A:__ TensorParallel for large models, DataParallel for smaller ones

- __Q:__ How does it compare against FullyShardedDataParallel and ZeRO?
- __A:__ ZeRO is better if you can fit a large batch, TensorParallel is better for small batches

Why use `tensor_parallel` ...
- v.s. [DeepSpeed]( and [FairScale](
- DeepSpeed has many parallelization strategies, but requires careful configuration
- tensor_parallel has one strategy that works with 1 line of code
- tensor_parallel works in a jupyter notebook
- v.s. [MegatronLM](
- MegatronLM has _great_ tensor parallelism for one model architecture
- tensor_parallel has _good_ parallelism for any architecture
- tensor_parallel is way easier to install
- v.s. [parallelformers](
- parallelformers is inference-only, tensor_parallel supports training
- v.s. [`alpa`](
- alpa is a powerful tool for automatic distributed training / inference in JAX
- tensor_parallel works with PyTorch
- v.s. [`Model.parallelize()`](
- both are easy to use, both fit large models
- in parallelize, one GPU works at a time
- in tensor_parallel, GPUs work in parallel

In short, use `tensor_parallel` for quick prototyping on a single machine.
Use DeepSpeed+Megatron or alpa for million-dollar training runs.

## Troubleshooting

If you experience NCCL errors, or random hanging, you may have some code errors that are not displayed properly.
To debug these errors, we recommend restarting with `export TENSOR_PARALLEL_USE_NATIVE=1` or on a single device.

If you found a bug or encountered a problem, please report it to [our issue tracker](
We will do our best to help, but it may take some time before we get to it.
Please create issues only if your problem is specifically with `tensor_parallel`.
For example, if you need help installing `transformers` or optimizing your code, please seek it elsewhere.

### Code style

We use [black]( and [isort]( for all pull requests.
Before committing your code, simply run `black . && isort .` and you will be fine.
