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A framework for building native apps with React.

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A framework for building native apps with React.

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# React Native Ubuntu

## Introduction

### Platforms

There is support for applications on both Desktop Ubuntu and Ubuntu Touch.

### Prerequisites

You should have an Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) installation.

If you are going to be developing on a device:
- You must have a device with Ubuntu Touch installed and developer mode
enabled, see [Touch installation page](
for more details.
- Your device must be on the same local network as your development machine.

You should have some familiarity with developing on Ubuntu platforms.

## Setup

Before we can go further, git and node, and node's package manager must be

sudo apt-get install -y git nodejs-legacy npm

### Setup React Native

To start working on a React Native application, the React Native packages for
ubuntu need to be published to a local package repository.

Download the port for Ubuntu.
~$ mkdir src; cd src
~/src$ git clone -b ubuntu
And then follow the instruction in ~/src/reactnative-ubuntu/react-native-cli/

Roughly they are -
~/src$ sudo npm install -g sinopia
~/src$ (edit sinopia config for react)
~/src$ sinopia&
~/src$ npm set registry http://localhost:4873/
~/src$ npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873/
~/src$ cd reactnative-ubuntu/react-native-cli; npm publish --force
~/src/reactnative-ubuntu/react-native-cli$ cd ..; npm publish --force

### Setup node-haste

Some changes to node-haste are required to detect the Ubuntu platform. Clone
the patched repo and publish to the local package repository.
~/src$ git clone
~/src$ cd node-haste; npm install
~/src/node-haste$ (add node-haste to sinopia config - see below)
~/src/node-haste$ npm publish --force

node-haste should be added to the packages section of the Sinopia config file
allow_access: $all
allow_publish: $all

### Install React Native CLI

The last step in preparing for creating our application to install the CLI
tools from the local package repository.
~$ sudo npm install -g react-native-cli

## Creating a new React Native application

Now that React Native has been installed we can get started making an

~$ cd ~/src
~/src$ react-native init AwesomeProject
~/src$ cd AwesomeProject
~/src/AwesomeProject$ react-native ubuntu
~/src/AwesomeProject$ cd ubuntu

That's it, the skeleton of an application is in place. You can edit
~/src/AwesomeProject/index.ubuntu.js to start developing.

## Easy path

The quick and easy way to get started is to use the react-native CLI tool to
build and run the application.
~/src/AwesomeProject$ react-native run-ubuntu

If you have a connected Ubuntu device, you can launch onto the device with
~/src/AwesomeProject$ react-native run-ubuntu --arch=arm
*Note*; For device builds, the Ubuntu SDK must have been installed as per the
instructions below.

Other command line arguments can be passed
~/src/AwesomeProject$ react-native run-ubuntu -h
To be able to read the list.

### Targeting a device

#### Dependencies

Usually we would want to be installing the ubuntu-sdk, which can be done
directly, but since this is still in preview, we will just install a raw build
environment. The build environment is a chroot provided by the hardworking SDK
team, but is not part of the general distribution. We will need to add the SDK
team's repository first.

~$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa
~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Then we can install all necessary packages.
~$ sudo apt-get install -y adb click-dev ubuntu-sdk-api-15.04-armhf

#### Building

To build for the device, run the build script through the chroot build
~/src/AwesomeProject/ubuntu$ click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-15.04 -n click run ./

#### Running

Make sure that the device can be connected to via adb. The device will need to
have developer mode enabled, instruction on these topics can be found on the
[Touch installation page](

In a separate shell, start the React Native packager.
~/src/AwesomeProject$ npm start

Then it is all good to go. Live reload can be activated by passing the --live-reload flag.
~/src/AwesomeProject/ubuntu$ ./ —on-device —live-reload

### Targeting a desktop

#### Dependencies

~$ sudo apt-get install -y cmake qt5-default qtdeclarative5-dev

#### Building

Run the build script.
~/src/AwesomeProject/ubuntu$ ./

#### Running

In a separate shell, start the React Native packager.
~/src/AwesomeProject$ npm start

Then it is all good to go. Live reload can be activated by passing the
--live-reload flag.
~/src/AwesomeProject/ubuntu$ ./ —live-reload

## Developing React Native Ubuntu

If you would like to contribute, or just want a short cut to trying some React
Native examples, you can build React Native directly.

#### Dependencies

~$ sudo apt-get install -y cmake qt5-default qtdeclarative5-dev
~/src/reactnative-ubuntu$ npm install

*Note*; you do not need need to add react-native and react-native-cli to the
local repository if you are building this way, but you must add node-haste, as
per the instructions above.

#### Building

~/src/reactnative-ubuntu$ mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. && make

#### Running

In a separate shell, start the React Native packager.
~/src/reactnative-ubuntu$ npm start

The examples all follow a similar template, e.g to run the TicTacToe app
~/src/reactnative-ubuntu$ ./build/Examples/TicTacToe/
To run the 2048 app
~/src/reactnative-ubuntu$ ./build/Examples/2048/