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High-performance, Reliable, and Parallel APL

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High-performance, Reliable, and Parallel APL

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# Co-dfns Compiler

The Co-dfns project aims to provide a high-performance, high-reliability
compiler for a parallel extension of the Dyalog dfns programming language.
The dfns language is a functionally oriented, lexically scoped dialect of
APL. The Co-dfns language extends the dfns language to include explicit task
parallelism with implicit structures for synchronization and determinism.
The language is designed to enable rigorous formal analysis of programs
to aid in compiler optimization and programmer productivity, as well as in
the general reliability of the code itself.

Our mission is to deliver scalable APL programming to information and domain
experts across many fields, expanding the scope and capabilities of what
you can effectively accomplish with APL.

## Getting Help

Documentation on Co-dfns can be found in the [docs/](docs/) folder.

APL and Co-dfns can be a little different at first. I encourage you to contact
me ([email protected]) for any questions you may have regarding either APL or Co-dfns.

Additionally, if you have general Dyalog APL inquiries, please do not hesitate to
email Dyalog's support email: [email protected].

## Contributing and Helping

We are seeking to create an open funding model for Co-dfns research through
user and patron contributions. You can support the project by contributing code, feedback, benchmarks, and so forth, but you can also directly support the Co-dfns project by funding the author:

## Related Projects

There are a number of related initiatives that are based on the Co-dfns

* [Mystika](
a high-level, high-performance cryptographic stack
* [apixlib](
programmable, easy to use image processing

## Publications

The following publications are either directly related to Co-dfns or talk about Co-dfns in their presentations.

[Living The Loopless Life: Techniques For Removing Explicit Loops And Recursion, LambdaConf 2024](

[The Nano-parsing Architecture: Sane And Portable Parsing For Perverse Environments, LambdaConf 2024](

[Co-dfns Update 2023 // Aaron Hsu // Dyalog '23](

[U-Net CNN in APL: Exploring Zero-Framework, Zero-Library Machine Learning. ARRAY 2023.](

[Implementing the Convolutional Neural Network U-Net in APL, Dyalog User Meeting 2022](

[Text Processing in APL, Dyalog User Meeting 2022](

[Co-dfns Report, Dyalog User Meeting 2022](

[DSLs, Architecture, & Structural Design in APL, 3 ways by Aaron W Hsu #FnConf 2022](

[A Taste of GPU Compute, mentions Co-dfns](

[Modern APL in the Real World: Theory, Practice, Case Studies - λC 20 Global Edition](

[Programming Obesity: A Code Health Epidemic - FnConf 2019](

[Program Obesity: A Code Health Epidemic - λC 2019 Unconference](

[A Data Parallel Compiler Hosted on the GPU](

[Pragmatic Array Oriented Functional Programming @ JIO Talks](

[Live Reading/Writing Co-dfns, The Way of APL](

Parallel-by-construction Tree Manipulation with APL - λC 2018 (Part [1]( [2](

[Does APL Need a Type System? (FnConf '18)](

[Array-oriented Functional Programming](

[Tree Manipulation Workshop and Dyalog '18 Talk](

[User Command for Co-dfns](

Functional Array Funhouse Intensive - λC 2017 (Part [1]( [2]( [3]( [4]( [5](

[APL Patterns vs. Anti-Patterns @ FunctionalConf 2017](

[Co-dfns 2017 Report](

[APL Style: Patterns and Anti-patterns](

[Co-dfns Compiler Architecture and Design (Video)](

[The Key to a Data Parallel Compiler](

[Accelerating Information Experts Through Compiler Design](

[Co-dfns: Ancient Language, Modern Compiler](

[U11: Using Co-dfns to Accelerate APL Code](

[U07: Co-dfns Report: Performance and Reliability Prototyping](

[I04: Co-dfns Compiler](

[Dyalog 2016 Presentation](