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Useful Erlang Functions Library

binaries bytes-formatting datetime erlang file-reading functional-programming html-entities lists nested-maps number-formating otp-library

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Useful Erlang Functions Library

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= uef-lib
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*uef-lib* is a **U**seful **E**rlang **F**unctions **Lib**rary that provides modules for manipulating lists, binaries, maps, numbers, date and time.
It can be used in OTP applications and contains some functions optimized for performance in specific cases (e.g. for file I/O operations or binary transformations).

Erlang/OTP 19 or higher is required.

See how to link:#build[build] and link:#test-and-dialyze[test].




== Installation

=== For Erlang projects

Add `uef-lib` as a dependency to your `rebar.config` file:

{deps, [
{uef, "2.6.0"}

=== For Elixir projects

Add `uef-lib` as a dependency to your `mix.exs` file:

defp deps do
{:uef, "~> 2.6.0"}

== Modules

* *link:#module-uef_bin[uef_bin]* - for binaries.
* *link:#module-uef_crypt[uef_crypt]* - some crypto functions.
* *link:#module-uef_encode[uef_encode]* - working with encodings.
* *link:#module-uef_file[uef_file]* - working with files.
* *link:#module-uef_format[uef_format]* - formatting numbers.
* *link:#module-uef_lists[uef_lists]* - lists transformations.
* *link:#module-uef_maps[uef_maps]* - functions for maps processing.
* *link:#module-uef_num[uef_num]* - helpful functions for numbers.
* *link:#module-uef_time[uef_time]* - datetime functions.

== Documentation

=== Module `uef_bin`


==== uef_bin:chomp/1

uef_bin:chomp(Binary1 :: binary()) -> Binary2 :: binary().

Removes all trailing `\n` and `\r` characters from `Binary1`.


> uef_bin:chomp(<<"string\r\n">>).

> uef_bin:chomp(<<"string\r\n\r\n">>).

> uef_bin:chomp(<<"string\n\n\n\n">>).

> uef_bin:chomp(<<"string\r\r\r\r">>).


==== uef_bin:binary_join/2

uef_bin:binary_join(ListOfBinaries, Separator) -> Binary.

Joins a list of binaries with separator into a single binary. Returns binary.


> uef_bin:binary_join([<<"www">>, <<"example">>, <<"com">>], <<".">>).


==== uef_bin:repeat/2

uef_bin:repeat(Binary1, N) -> Binary2.

Returns binary `Binary2` consisting of `Binary1` repeated `N` times.


> uef_bin:repeat(<<"a">>, 10).

> uef_bin:repeat(<<"0">>, 3).

> uef_bin:repeat(<<0>>, 3).

> uef_bin:repeat(<<1,1>>, 3).

> uef_bin:repeat(<<"abc">>, 3).


==== uef_bin:reverse/1

uef_bin:reverse(Binary1) -> Binary2.

Returns a binary in reverse *byte* order.

**Note:** this function is **not** intended to work with UTF-8 binary strings. To get a binary in reverse *character* order, use link:#uef_binreverse_utf81[uef_bin:reverse_utf8/1] instead.


> uef_bin:reverse(<<"ABCDEFGH">>).

> uef_bin:reverse(<<1,2,3,4,5>>).

> uef_bin:reverse(<<>>).


==== uef_bin:reverse_utf8/1

uef_bin:reverse_utf8(UTF8_Binary1) -> UTF8_Binary2.

Returns a binary in reverse character order. Intended to work with UTF-8 binary strings.


> uef_bin:reverse_utf8(<<"ABCDEFGH">>).

> uef_bin:reverse_utf8(<<1,2,3,4,5>>).

> uef_bin:reverse_utf8(<<"die Straße"/utf8>>).
<<"eßartS eid"/utf8>>

> uef_bin:reverse_utf8(<<"АБВГДЕЁЖ"/utf8>>) =:= <<"ЖЁЕДГВБА"/utf8>>.

> uef_bin:reverse_utf8(<<1, 2, 3, "АБВГДЕЁЖ"/utf8, 4, 5, 6, 7>>) =:= <<7, 6, 5, 4, "ЖЁЕДГВБА"/utf8, 3, 2, 1>>.

> uef_bin:reverse_utf8(<<"這條街"/utf8>>) =:= <<"街條這"/utf8>>.

> uef_bin:reverse_utf8(<<"こんにちは"/utf8>>) =:= <<"はちにんこ"/utf8>>.


==== uef_bin:split/2

uef_bin:split(Binary, Splitter) -> ListOfBinaries.

Splits binary `Binary` with splitter `Splitter` into a list of binaries. Works as[binary:split/2] but is more performant in simple cases.


> uef_bin:split(<<"">>, <<".">>).

> uef_bin:split(<<"">>, <<".">>).

> uef_bin:split(<<"">>, <<"A">>).


==== uef_bin:split/3

uef_bin:split(Binary, Splitter, 'trim_all') -> ListOfBinaries.

Splits binary `Binary` with splitter `Splitter` into a list of binaries. Works as `uef_bin:split/2` but removes all epmty (`<<>>`) chunks. It can be used in simple cases instead of[binary:split/3] for the reason that it's more performant.


> uef_bin:split(<<"">>, <<".">>, trim_all).


==== uef_bin:replace/3

uef_bin:replace(Binary1, Chars, OtherChars) -> Binary2.

Replaces chars `Chars` with other chars `OtherChars` in binary `Binary1` and returns another binary `Binary2`. Works as[binary:replace/3] but more permormant and can be used in simple cases.


> uef_bin:replace(<<"abcdefgbc">>, <<"bc">>, <<"ZZ">>).

> uef_bin:replace(<<"abcdefgbc">>, <<"d">>, <<"ZZ">>).


==== uef_bin:replace_chars/3

uef_bin:replace_chars(Binary1, ListOfCharsToReplace, OtherChars) -> Binary2.

Replaces chars inluded in list `ListOfCharsToReplace` with other chars `OtherChars` in binary `Binary1` and returns another binary `Binary2`.


uef_bin:replace_chars(<<"">>, [<<".">>], <<>>).

uef_bin:replace_chars(<<"">>, [<<".">>, <<"w">>], <<>>).


==== uef_bin:random_latin_binary/2

uef_bin:random_latin_binary(Length, CaseFlag) -> RandomLatinBinary.

Returns a random binary of size `Length` consisting of latins `[a-zA-Z]` and digits `[0-9]`. The second argument `CaseFlag` corresponds to a letter case, an atom `'lower'`, `'upper'` or `'any'`.


> uef_bin:random_latin_binary(10, lower).

> uef_bin:random_latin_binary(10, upper).

> uef_bin:random_latin_binary(10, any).


==== uef_bin:random_binary_from_chars/2

uef_bin:random_binary_from_chars(Length, Chars) -> RandomCharsBinary.

Generates and returns a binary of size `Length` which consists of the given characters `Chars`.


> uef_bin:random_binary_from_chars(16, <<"ErlangForever">>).


==== uef_bin:numeric_prefix/1

uef_bin:numeric_prefix(Binary) -> DigitsOnlyOrEmptyBinary.

Returns new binary `DigitsOnlyBinary` which consists of digits [0-9] wich are at the beginning in the given binary `Binary`. If `Binary` does not begin with digit, this function returns empty binary (`<<>>`).


> uef_bin:numeric_prefix(<<"3456sld1knskjd">>).

> uef_bin:numeric_prefix(<<"ddd3456sld1knskjd">>).


==== uef_bin:strip_left/2

uef_bin:strip_left(Binary1, Chars) -> Binary2.

Binary1 :: binary().
Chars :: binary() | integer().
Binary2 :: binary().

Removes leading `Chars` from `Binary1` and returns `Binary2`.


> uef_bin:strip_left(<<"">>, <<"w">>).

> uef_bin:strip_left(<<"">>, <<"ww">>).

> uef_bin:strip_left(<<11, 11, 11, 12, 13, 14>>, 11).

> uef_bin:strip_left(<<"ААААБВГДЕЁЖ"/utf8>>, <<"А"/utf8>>) =:= <<"БВГДЕЁЖ"/utf8>>.

> uef_bin:strip_left(<<"這這這這條街"/utf8>>, <<"這"/utf8>>) =:= <<"條街"/utf8>>.


==== uef_bin:strip_right/2

uef_bin:strip_right(Binary1, Chars) -> Binary2.

Binary1 :: binary().
Chars :: binary() | integer().
Binary2 :: binary().

Removes trailing `Chars` from `Binary1` and returns `Binary2`.


> uef_bin:strip_right(<<"example.comwww">>, <<"w">>).

> uef_bin:strip_right(<<"example.comwww">>, <<"ww">>).

> uef_bin:strip_right(<<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5>>, 5).

> uef_bin:strip_right(<<"АБВГДЕЁЖЖЖЖ"/utf8>>, <<"Ж"/utf8>>) =:= <<"АБВГДЕЁ"/utf8>>.

> uef_bin:strip_right(<<"這條街街街街"/utf8>>, <<"街"/utf8>>) =:= <<"這條"/utf8>>.


==== uef_bin:strip_both/2

uef_bin:strip_both(Binary1, Chars) -> Binary2.

Binary1 :: binary().
Chars :: binary() | integer().
Binary2 :: binary().

Removes leading and trailing `Chars` from `Binary1` and returns `Binary2`.


> uef_bin:strip_both(<<"www.example.www">>, <<"w">>).

> uef_bin:strip_both(<<"">>, <<"com">>).

> uef_bin:strip_both(<<5,5,5, 1,2,3,4, 5,5,5>>, 5).

> uef_bin:strip_both(<<"ЖЖЖЖАБВГДЕЁЖЖЖЖ"/utf8>>, <<"Ж"/utf8>>) =:= <<"АБВГДЕЁ"/utf8>>.

> uef_bin:strip_both(<<"街街街街這條街街街街"/utf8>>, <<"街"/utf8>>) =:= <<"這條"/utf8>>.


=== Module `uef_crypt`


==== uef_crypt:md5_hex/1

uef_crypt:md5_hex(IoData) -> Binary.

Returns binary `Binary` in hexadecimal form of md5 hash of the argument `IoData`.


> uef_crypt:md5_hex("abcd").

> uef_crypt:md5_hex(<<"привет"/utf8>>).

> uef_crypt:md5_hex(["how", ["is", ["it"]], "going", $?]).


=== Module `uef_encode`


==== uef_encode:html_encode_bin/1

uef_encode:html_encode_bin(Html) -> EncodedBinary.

Takes argument `Html`, replaces some unsafe symbols with their appropriate HTML entities and returns binary.


> uef_encode:html_encode_bin("<>&©\n™").

> uef_encode:html_encode_bin("♦±Σ").


==== uef_encode:html_encode_list/1

uef_encode:html_encode_list(Html) -> EncodedList.

Takes argument Html, replaces some unsafe symbols with their appropriate HTML entities and returns list of binaries.


> uef_encode:html_encode_list("<>&©\n™").

> uef_encode:html_encode_list("♦±Σ").


==== uef_encode:win_to_utf8/1

uef_encode:win_to_utf8(Binary1251) -> BinaryUtf8.

Converts *cp1251* binary to *utf-8* binary.


file_1251_to_utf8() ->
File1251 = "1251.txt",
FileUtf8 = "utf8.txt",
{ok, Bin1251} = file:read_file(File1251),
BinUtf8 = uef_encode:win_to_utf8(Bin1251), %converting
file:write_file(FileUtf8, BinUtf8).


=== Module `uef_file`


==== uef_file:read_file_info_fast/1

uef_file:read_file_info_fast(Filename) -> {ok, FileInfo} | {error, Reason}.

Retrieves information about **local** file. Returns `{ok, FileInfo}` if successful, otherwise `{error, Reason}`. Works as[file:read_file_info/2] but optimized for **local** files. This is a wrapper of:

`file:read_file_info(Filename, [raw, {time, posix}])`.


==== uef_file:read_file_fast/1

uef_file:read_file_fast(Filename) -> {ok, BinaryData} | {error, Reason}.

Reads contents of **local** file `Filename` and returns `{ok, BinaryData}`, where `BinaryData` is a binary data object that contains the contents of `Filename`, or `{error, Reason}` if an error occurs. This function is optimized for reading contents of **local** files, as no Erlang process is used. It calls[file:open/2] with options `[read, raw, binary]`.


=== Module `uef_format`


==== uef_format:format_bytes/1

uef_format:format_bytes(Bytes) -> FormattedBytes.

The same as `uef_format:format_bytes(Bytes, #{})`. See link:#uef_formatformat_bytes2[uef_format:format_bytes/2] docs.


> uef_format:format_bytes(1024).

> uef_format:format_bytes(1000).

> uef_format:format_bytes(1048576).

> uef_format:format_bytes(10485760).


==== uef_format:format_bytes/2

uef_format:format_bytes(Bytes, Options) -> FormattedBytes.


Bytes :: integer().

Options :: #{
units => Units,
base => Base,
to_type => ToType,
sep => Separator

Units :: auto | MultiUnits.
MultiUnits :: 'KB' | 'MB' | 'GB' | 'TB' | 'PB' | 'EB' | 'ZB' | 'YB'.
Base :: 2 | 10.
ToType :: bin | int.
Separator :: binary().

FormattedBytes :: binary() | integer() | {integer(), MultiUnits}.

Default `Options`:

#{ units => auto, base => 2, to_type => bin, sep => <<>> }.

Converts bytes `Bytes` to[multiples of bytes]. The datatype of the return value depends on `ToType` and `Units`:

* if `ToType` is `bin`, it returns `binary()`;
* if `ToType` is `int`, it returns `integer()`;
* if `ToType` is `int` and `Units` is `auto`, tuple `{integer(), MultiUnits}` is returned.

The value of `Base` affects the conversion of `Bytes` to multiples:

* `Base = 2` means that `1KB = 1024 bytes`, `1MB = 1048576 bytes`, ...;
* `Base = 10` means that `1KB = 1000 bytes`, `1MB = 1000000 bytes`, ...

If the value of `Units` is `auto`, bytes are converted to the most reasonable multiples of bytes.

`Separator` is a separator between _integer value_ and `Units`. This option affects the result when `ToType` is `bin`.


> uef_format:format_bytes(1000000, #{units => auto, base => 2}).

> uef_format:format_bytes(1048576, #{units => auto, base => 2}).

> uef_format:format_bytes(1048576, #{units => 'KB', base => 2}).

> uef_format:format_bytes(1048576, #{units => 'KB', base => 10}).

> uef_format:format_bytes(1048576, #{units => auto, base => 2, to_type => int}).

> uef_format:format_bytes(1048576, #{units => 'KB', base => 2, to_type => int}).

> uef_format:format_bytes(1048576, #{units => 'KB', to_type => bin, sep => <<" ">>}).
<<"1024 KB">>

> uef_format:format_bytes(1048576, #{units => 'KB', to_type => bin, sep => <<"|">>}).


==== uef_format:format_number/3

uef_format:format_number(Number, Precision, Decimals) -> FormattedNumber.

The same as `uef_format:format_number/4` with `#{}` as the forth argument. See link:#uef_formatformat_number4[uef_format:format_number/4] docs.


> uef_format:format_number(199.4567, 2, 3).

>uef_format:format_number(199.4567, 1, 3).

> uef_format:format_number(199.4567, 0, 4).

> uef_format:format_number(199.4567, -1, 2).


==== uef_format:format_number/4

uef_format:format_number(Number, Precision, Decimals, Options) -> FormattedNumber.

Formats `Number` by adding thousands separator between each set of 3 digits to the left of the decimal point, substituting `Decimals` for the decimal point, and rounding to the specified `Precision`. Returns a **binary** value.


Number :: number().
Precision :: integer().
Decimals :: non_neg_integer().
FormattedNumber :: binary().

`Options` is a map:

thousands_sep => binary() | string(), % Thousands separator
decimal_point => binary() | string(), % Decimal point
cur_symbol => binary() | string(), %% Currency symbol
cur_pos => 'left' | 'right', % Currency position against price (left or right)
cur_sep => binary() | string() % Separator between currency and price

**Note:** to get maximum performance use **binary** values for options `thousands_sep`, `decimal_point`, `cur_symbol` and `cur_sep` instead of strings.


> uef_format:format_number(1234567890.4567, 2, 2, #{}).

> uef_format:format_number(1234567890.4567, 2, 2, #{thousands_sep => ",", cur_symbol => "$"}).

> uef_format:format_number(1234567890.4567, 2, 2, #{
thousands_sep => ",",
cur_symbol => "USD",
cur_sep => " ", % whitespace
cur_pos => right}).
<<"1,234,567,890.46 USD">>

> uef_format:format_number(1234567890.4567, 2, 4, #{
thousands_sep => ",",
decimal_point => "==",
cur_symbol => "USD",
cur_sep => " ",
cur_pos => left}).
<<"USD 1,234,567,890==4600">>

> uef_format:format_number(1234567890.4567, 2, 4, #{
thousands_sep => <<",">>, % binary()
decimal_point => <<".">>, % binary()
cur_symbol => <<"USD">>, % binary()
cur_sep => <<" ">>, % binary()
cur_pos => left}).
<<"USD 1,234,567,890.4600">>


==== uef_format:format_price/1

uef_format:format_price(Number) -> FormattedPrice.

Formats `Number` in price-like style. Returns a binary containing `FormattedPrice` formatted with a precision of `2` and decimal digits of `2`.

The same as `uef_format:format_price/2` with a precision of `2` as the second argument. See link:#uef_formatformat_price2[uef_format:format_price/2] docs.


> uef_format:format_price(199).

> uef_format:format_price(199.9876).


==== uef_format:format_price/2

uef_format:format_price(Number, Precision) -> FormattedPrice.

Formats `Number` in price-like style. Returns a binary containing `FormattedPrice` formatted with a specified precision as the second argument and decimal digits of `2`.

The same as `uef_format:format_price/3` with `#{}` as the third argument. See link:#uef_formatformat_price3[uef_format:format_price/3] docs.


> uef_format:format_price(1999.9876, 4).


==== uef_format:format_price/3

uef_format:format_price(Number, Precision, CurrencySymbol_OR_Options) -> FormattedPrice.

Formats `Number` in price-like style. Returns a binary containing `FormattedPrice` formatted with a specified precision as the second argument, decimal digits of `2`, and with currency symbol (or options) as the third argument.

If `CurrencySymbol_OR_Options` is a `map` the functions works as link:#uef_formatformat_number4[uef_format:format_number/4] with decimal digits of `2` as the third argument and with options as the forth one.

If `CurrencySymbol_OR_Options` is a `binary` or a `string`, the corresponding currency symbol is added to the left.


> uef_format:format_price(1000.8767, 4, #{}).

> uef_format:format_price(1000.8767, 4, #{
thousands_sep => ",",
cur_symbol => "USD",
cur_sep => " ",
cur_pos => right}).
<<"1,000.88 USD">>

> uef_format:format_price(1000.8767, 4, #{
thousands_sep => ",",
cur_symbol => <<"руб."/utf8>>,
cur_sep => " ",
cur_pos => right}).
<<49,44,48,48,48,46,56,56,32,209,128,209,131,208,177,46>> % <<"1,000.88 руб."/utf8>>.

> uef_format:format_price(1000.8767, 4, "$").

> uef_format:format_price(99.999, 2, "$").

> uef_format:format_price(99.99, 2, "$").

> uef_format:format_price(99.99, 2, <<"€"/utf8>>).
<<226,130,172,57,57,46,57,57>> % <<"€99.99"/utf8>>



=== Module `uef_lists`


==== uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks/2

uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks(List, MaxLen) -> [List1, List2, ..., ListN].

Splits `List` into list of lists `[List1, List2, ..., ListN]` where `List1, List2, ..., ListN` are lists with maximum `MaxLen` elements.


> uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 1).

> uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 2).

> uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 3).

> uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 4).

> uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 8).

> uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 9).

> uef_lists:split_list_into_chunks([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 99).


==== uef_lists:lists_to_list_of_tuples/2

uef_lists:lists_to_list_of_tuples(List1, List2) -> List3.

Transforms two lists into one list of two-tuples, where the first element of each tuple is taken from the first list and the second element is taken from the second list one by one.


> uef_lists:lists_to_list_of_tuples([a,b,c], [1,2]).

> uef_lists:lists_to_list_of_tuples([a,b,c], [1,2,3]).


==== uef_lists:lists_to_list_of_tuples/3

uef_lists:lists_to_list_of_tuples(List1, List2, List3) -> List4.

Transforms three lists into one list of three-tuples, where the first element of each tuple is taken from the first list, the second element is taken from the second list one by one, and the third element is taken from the third list one by one.


> uef_lists:lists_to_list_of_tuples([a1,b1], [a2,b2], [a3,b3]).

> uef_lists:lists_to_list_of_tuples([a1,b1], [a2,b2,c2], [a3,b3]).


==== uef_lists:search/2

uef_lists:search(Pred, List) -> {value, Value} | false.

If there is a `Value` in `List` such that `Pred(Value)` returns `true`, returns `{value, Value}` for the first such `Value`, otherwise returns `false`.

**Note:** Since OTP **21.0** use BIF `lists:search/2` instead.


=== Module `uef_maps`


==== uef_maps:delete_nested/2

uef_maps:delete_nested(Keys, Map1) -> {ok, Map2} | {error, {badkey, SomeKey}} | {error, empty_keys}.

Say, `Keys` is a list of elements `Key1, Key2, ..., KeyN` and `Map1` has internal structure `#{Key1 => #{Key2 => #{... => #{KeyN => ValueN}}}}`. The function removes key `KeyN`, if it exists, and its associated value from the corresponding internal map and updates the entire structure of map `Map1` getting new map `Map2`. There are three possible return values:

* tuple `{ok, Map2}` if `KeyN` was removed;

* tuple `{error, {badkey, SomeKey}}` if `SomeKey` does not exist in the structure of map `Map1`, where `SomeKey` is one of the elements of list `Keys`;

* tuple `{error, empty_keys}` if `Keys` is empty list.

The call fails with a `{badmap,Map1}` exception if `Map1` is not a map, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.

See also: link:#uef_mapsremove_nested2[uef_maps:remove_nested/2], link:#uef_mapstake_nested2[uef_maps:take_nested/2].


> Map1 = #{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3, 33 => val33}}}.
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}}

> uef_maps:delete_nested([], Map1).

> uef_maps:delete_nested([1], Map1).

> uef_maps:delete_nested([1,2], Map1).
{ok,#{1 => #{}}}

> uef_maps:delete_nested([1,2,3], Map1).
{ok,#{1 => #{2 => #{33 => val33}}}}

> uef_maps:delete_nested([-1], Map1).

> uef_maps:delete_nested([1,-2], Map1).

> uef_maps:delete_nested([1,2,-3], Map1).

> uef_maps:delete_nested([1,2,3,4], Map1).

> uef_maps:delete_nested([1,2,3,4,5], Map1).
{error,{badkey,4}} % 4, not 5!


==== uef_maps:find_nested/2

uef_maps:find_nested(Keys, Map) -> {ok, Value} | error.

Traverses nested map `Map` (*map of maps*) deep through the keys that are elements of list `Keys`. Returns tuple `{ok, Value}`, where `Value` is the value associated with the last element of list `Keys`, or `error` if no value is found.

The call fails with a `{badmap,Map}` exception if `Map` is not a map, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.


> Value = abc, M3 = #{key4 => Value}, M2 = #{key3 => M3}, M1 = #{key2 => M2}, M0 = #{key1 => M1}.
#{key1 => #{key2 => #{key3 => #{key4 => abc}}}} % M0

> uef_maps:find_nested([key1], M0).
{ok,#{key2 => #{key3 => #{key4 => abc}}}} % {ok, M1}

> uef_maps:find_nested([key1,key2], M0).
{ok,#{key3 => #{key4 => abc}}} % {ok, M2}

> uef_maps:find_nested([key1,key2,key3], M0).
{ok,#{key4 => abc}} % {ok, M3}

> uef_maps:find_nested([key1,key2,key3,key4], M0).
{ok,abc} % {ok, Value}

> uef_maps:find_nested([-1], M0).

> uef_maps:find_nested([key1,key2,-3,key4], M0).

> uef_maps:find_nested([key1,key2,key3,-4], M0).

> uef_maps:find_nested([key1,key2,key3,key4,key5], M0).
** exception error: {badmap,abc}


==== uef_maps:get_nested/2

uef_maps:get_nested(Keys, Map) -> Value.

Traverses nested map `Map` (*map of maps*) deep through the keys that are elements of list `Keys`. Returns value `Value` associated with the last element of list `Keys`.

The call fails with a `{badmap,Map}` exception if `Map` is not a map, or with a `{badkeys,Keys}` exception if no value is found, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.


> Value = abc, M3 = #{key4 => Value}, M2 = #{key3 => M3}, M1 = #{key2 => M2}, M0 = #{key1 => M1}.
#{key1 => #{key2 => #{key3 => #{key4 => abc}}}} % M0

> uef_maps:get_nested([key1], M0).
#{key2 => #{key3 => #{key4 => abc}}} % M1

> uef_maps:get_nested([key1,key2], M0).
#{key3 => #{key4 => abc}} % M2

> uef_maps:get_nested([key1,key2,key3], M0).
#{key4 => abc} % M3

> uef_maps:get_nested([key1,key2,key3,key4], M0).
abc % Value



==== uef_maps:get_nested/3

uef_maps:get_nested(Keys, Map, Default) -> Value | Default.

Traverses nested map `Map` (*map of maps*) deep through the keys that are elements of list `Keys`. Returns value `Value` associated with the last element of list `Keys`. If no value is found, `Default` is returned.

The call fails with a `{badmap,Map}` exception if `Map` is not a map, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list. It **does not** fail if any internal value associated with any element of list `Keys` is not a map.


> Value = abc, Default = default, M3 = #{key4 => Value}, M2 = #{key3 => M3}, M1 = #{key2 => M2}, M0 = #{key1 => M1}.
#{key1 => #{key2 => #{key3 => #{key4 => abc}}}} % M0.

> uef_maps:get_nested([key1,key2,key3,key4], M0, Default).
abc % Value

> uef_maps:get_nested([key1,key2,key3,-4], M0, Default).
default % Default

> uef_maps:get_nested([key1,key2,-3,key4], M0, Default).
default % Default

> uef_maps:get_nested([key1,key2,key3,key4,key5], M0, Default).
default % Default anyway. Doesn't fail


==== uef_maps:is_key_nested/2

uef_maps:is_key_nested(Keys, Map) -> true | false.

Returns `true` if map `Map` contains submaps as values associated with their own key corresponding to the element of list `Keys`, and returns `false` otherwise.

The call fails with a `{badmap,Map}` exception if `Map` is not a map, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.


> M3 = #{key4 => value}, M2 = #{key3 => M3}, M1 = #{key2 => M2}, M0 = #{key1 => M1}.
#{key1 => #{key2 => #{key3 => #{key4 => value}}}} % M0

> uef_maps:is_key_nested([key1,key2,key3,key4], M0).

> uef_maps:is_key_nested([key1,key2,key3], M0).

> uef_maps:is_key_nested([key1,key2], M0).

> uef_maps:is_key_nested([key1], M0).

> uef_maps:is_key_nested([], M0).

> uef_maps:is_key_nested([key1,key2,key3,key4,key5], M0).

> uef_maps:is_key_nested([-1,key2,key3,key4], M0).

> uef_maps:is_key_nested([key1,-2,key3,key4], M0).


==== uef_maps:new_nested/1

uef_maps:new_nested(Keys) -> Map.

Same as `uef_maps:new_nested(Keys, #{})`. See docs of link:#uef_mapsnew_nested2[uef_maps:new_nested/2].


==== uef_maps:new_nested/2

uef_maps:new_nested(Keys, Value) -> Map.

Returns new nested map `Map` with the deepest map `#{LastKey => Value}`, where `LastKey` is the last element of list `Keys`.

The call fails with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.


> uef_maps:new_nested([], value).

> uef_maps:new_nested([key], value).
#{key => value}

> uef_maps:new_nested([key1, key2], value).
#{key1 => #{key2 => value}}

> uef_maps:new_nested([key1, key2, key3], value).
#{key1 => #{key2 => #{key3 => value}}}


==== uef_maps:put_nested/3

uef_maps:put_nested(Keys, Value, Map1) -> Map2.

Say, `Keys` is a list of elements `Key1, Key2, ..., KeyN` and `Map1` has internal structure `#{Key1 => #{Key2 => #{... => #{KeyN => ValueN}}}}`. The function associates `KeyN` with value `Value` and updates the entire structure of map `Map1` returning new map `Map2`. If some keys from list `Keys` are not in the structure of map `Map1`, they will be inserted into the structure of map `Map2` in the same order.

The call fails with a `{badmap,Map1}` exception if `Map1` is not a map, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.

See also: link:#uef_mapsupdate_nested3[uef_maps:update_nested/3].


> Map1 = #{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3}}}.
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3}}} % Map1

> uef_maps:put_nested([], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3}}} % Map1 (empty list of keys)

> uef_maps:put_nested([1], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => new_value}

> uef_maps:put_nested([1,2], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => new_value}}

> uef_maps:put_nested([1,2,3], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => new_value}}}

> uef_maps:put_nested([1,2,-3], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{-3 => new_value,3 => val3}}}

> uef_maps:put_nested([1,2,3,4], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => #{4 => new_value}}}}

> uef_maps:put_nested([-1], new_value, Map1).
#{-1 => new_value,1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3}}}

> uef_maps:put_nested([1,-2], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{-2 => new_value,2 => #{3 => val3}}}

> uef_maps:put_nested([1,2,-3], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{-3 => new_value,3 => val3}}}

> uef_maps:put_nested([1,2,3,-4], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => #{-4 => new_value}}}}


==== uef_maps:remove_nested/2

uef_maps:remove_nested(Keys, Map1) -> Map2.

Say, `Keys` is a list of elements `Key1, Key2, ..., KeyN` and `Map1` has internal structure `#{Key1 => #{Key2 => #{... => #{KeyN => ValueN}}}}`. The function removes key `KeyN`, if it exists, and its associated value from the corresponding internal map and updates the entire structure of map `Map1` returning new map `Map2`. If some keys from list `Keys` are not in the structure of map `Map1` the function returns a map without changes.

The call fails with a `{badmap,Map1}` exception if `Map1` is not a map, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.

See also: link:#uef_mapsdelete_nested2[uef_maps:delete_nested/2], link:#uef_mapstake_nested2[uef_maps:take_nested/2].


> Map1 = #{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3, 33 => val33}}}.
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}}

> uef_maps:remove_nested([], Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}} % Map1 (empty list of keys)

> uef_maps:remove_nested([1], Map1).

> uef_maps:remove_nested([1,2], Map1).
#{1 => #{}}

> uef_maps:remove_nested([1,2,3], Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{33 => val33}}}

> uef_maps:remove_nested([-1], Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}} % Map1

> uef_maps:remove_nested([1,-2], Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}} % Map1

> uef_maps:remove_nested([1,2,-3], Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}} % Map1

> uef_maps:remove_nested([1,2,3,4], Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}} % Map1

> uef_maps:remove_nested([1,2,3,4,5], Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}} % Map1


==== uef_maps:take_nested/2

uef_maps:take_nested(Keys, Map1) -> {Value, Map2} | error.

Say, `Keys` is a list of elements `Key1, Key2, ..., KeyN` and `Map1` has internal structure `#{Key1 => #{Key2 => #{... => #{KeyN => Value}}}}`. The function removes key `KeyN`, if it exists, and its associated value `Value` from the corresponding internal map and updates the entire structure of map `Map1` returning tuple `{Value, Map2}`. If some keys from list `Keys` are not in the structure of map `Map1` the function returns `error`.

The call fails with a `{badmap,Map1}` exception if `Map1` is not a map, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.

See also: link:#uef_mapsdelete_nested2[uef_maps:delete_nested/2], link:#uef_mapsremove_nested2[uef_maps:remove_nested/2].


> Map1 = #{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3, 33 => val33}}}.
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}}}

> uef_maps:take_nested([], Map1).

> uef_maps:take_nested([1], Map1).
{#{2 => #{3 => val3,33 => val33}},#{}}

> uef_maps:take_nested([1,2], Map1).
{#{3 => val3,33 => val33},#{1 => #{}}}

> uef_maps:take_nested([1,2,3], Map1).
{val3,#{1 => #{2 => #{33 => val33}}}}

> uef_maps:take_nested([-1], Map1).

> uef_maps:take_nested([1,-2], Map1).

> uef_maps:take_nested([1,2,-3], Map1).

> uef_maps:take_nested([1,2,3,4], Map1).

> uef_maps:take_nested([1,2,3,4,5], Map1).


==== uef_maps:update_nested/3

uef_maps:update_nested(Keys, Value, Map1) -> Map2.

Works similar to link:#uef_mapsput_nested3[uef_maps:put_nested/3] with the difference that it fails with a `{badkey,SomeKey}` exception if `SomeKey` does not exist in the structure of map `Map1`, where `SomeKey` is one of the elements of list `Keys`.

The call also fails with a `{badmap,Map1}` exception if `Map1` is not a map, or with a `{badlist,Keys}` exception if `Keys` is not a list.


> Map1 = #{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3}}}.
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3}}} % Map1

> uef_maps:update_nested([], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => val3}}} % Map1 (empty list of keys)

> uef_maps:update_nested([1], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => new_value}

> uef_maps:update_nested([1,2], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => new_value}}

> uef_maps:update_nested([1,2,3], new_value, Map1).
#{1 => #{2 => #{3 => new_value}}}

> uef_maps:update_nested([1,2,3,4], new_value, Map1).
** exception error: {badkey,4}

> uef_maps:update_nested([1,2,3,4,5], new_value, Map1).
** exception error: {badkey,4} % 4, not 5! because 4 is before

> uef_maps:update_nested([-1], new_value, Map1).
** exception error: {badkey,-1}

> uef_maps:update_nested([1,-2], new_value, Map1).
** exception error: {badkey,-2}

> uef_maps:update_nested([1,2,-3], new_value, Map1).
** exception error: {badkey,-3}

> uef_maps:update_nested([1,2,3,-4], new_value, Map1).
** exception error: {badkey,-4}


=== Module `uef_num`


==== uef_num:ctz/1

uef_num:ctz(Integer) -> TrailingZeros.

Counts[trailing zeros] in the binary representation of a positive integer. Returns the number of zero bits following the least significant one bit.

The call fails with a `{badarg,Integer}` exception if `Integer` is not a positive integer.


> uef_num:ctz(2#10001000).

> uef_num:ctz(7).

> uef_num:ctz(2#00101010).

> uef_num:ctz(2#1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000).

> uef_num:ctz(2#1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111).

> uef_num:ctz(16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).


==== uef_num:lsb_pos/1

uef_num:lsb_pos(Integer) -> Position.

Returns the position of the[least significant bit] (**LSB**) in the binary representation of a positive integer.

The call fails with a `{badarg,Integer}` exception if `Integer` is not a positive integer.


> uef_num:lsb_pos(2#10001000).

> uef_num:lsb_pos(7).

> uef_num:lsb_pos(2#00101010).

> uef_num:lsb_pos(2#1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000).

> uef_num:lsb_pos(2#1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111).

> uef_num:lsb_pos(16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).


==== uef_num:msb_pos/1

uef_num:msb_pos(Integer) -> Position.

Returns the position of the[most significant bit] (**MSB**) in the binary representation of a positive integer.

The call fails with a `{badarg,Integer}` exception if `Integer` is not a positive integer.


> uef_num:msb_pos(2#111).

> uef_num:msb_pos(7).

> uef_num:msb_pos(2#0010101).

> uef_num:msb_pos(2#1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000).

> uef_num:msb_pos(2#1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111).

> uef_num:msb_pos(16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).


==== uef_num:popcount/1

uef_num:popcount(Integer) -> OneBits.

Returns the number of 1's (ones or one-bits) in the[binary representation] of a non-negative integer.
Also known as population count, pop count, popcount, sideways sum, bit summation,
or[Hamming weight].

The call fails with a `{badarg,Integer}` exception if `Integer` is not a non-negative integer.


> uef_num:popcount(7).

> uef_num:popcount(0).

> uef_num:popcount(2#1010101).

> uef_num:popcount(2#1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000).

> uef_num:popcount(2#1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111).

> uef_num:popcount(16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).


==== uef_num:round_number/2

uef_num:round_number(Number, Precision) -> Float.

Rounds the number to the specified precision.


> uef_num:round_number(10, 2).

> uef_num:round_number(123.786, 2).


==== uef_num:round_price/1

uef_num:round_price(Number) -> Float.

Rounds the number to the precision of **2**. The same as `uef_num:round_number(Number, 2)`.


=== Module `uef_time`


==== uef_time:add_seconds/1

uef_time:add_seconds(Seconds) -> NewDateTime.

Same as `uef_time:add_seconds(erlang:localtime(), Seconds)`. See docs of link:#uef_timeadd_seconds2[uef_time:add_seconds/2].


Seconds :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


==== uef_time:add_seconds/2

uef_time:add_seconds(DateOrDatetime, Seconds) -> NewDateTime.

Adds the number of seconds `Seconds` to `DateOrDatetime` and returns a new datetime value.


DateOrDatetime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().
Seconds :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


> uef_time:add_seconds({2019, 1, 1}, 10).

> uef_time:add_seconds({2019, 1, 1}, -10).

> uef_time:add_seconds({{2019, 1, 1}, {23, 59, 0}}, 10).

> uef_time:add_seconds({{2019, 1, 1}, {23, 59, 0}}, -10).


==== uef_time:add_minutes/1

uef_time:add_minutes(Minutes) -> NewDateTime.

Same as `uef_time:add_seconds(Minutes * 60)`. See docs of link:#uef_timeadd_seconds1[uef_time:add_seconds/1].


Minutes :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


==== uef_time:add_minutes/2

uef_time:add_minutes(DateOrDatetime, Minutes) -> NewDateTime.

Adds the number of minutes `Minutes` to `DateOrDatetime` and returns a new datetime value.


DateOrDatetime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().
Minutes :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


> uef_time:add_minutes({2019, 1, 1}, 10).

> uef_time:add_minutes({2019, 1, 1}, -10).

> uef_time:add_minutes({{2019, 1, 1}, {23, 59, 0}}, 10).

> uef_time:add_minutes({{2019, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0}}, -10).


==== uef_time:add_hours/1

uef_time:add_hours(Hours) -> NewDateTime.

Same as `uef_time:add_seconds(Hours * 3600)`. See docs of link:#uef_timeadd_seconds1[uef_time:add_seconds/1].


Hours :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


==== uef_time:add_hours/2

uef_time:add_hours(DateOrDatetime, Hours) -> NewDateTime.

Adds the number of hours `Hours` to `DateOrDatetime` and returns a new datetime value.


DateOrDatetime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().
Hours :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


> uef_time:add_hours({2019, 1, 1}, 10).

> uef_time:add_hours({2019, 1, 1}, -10).

> uef_time:add_hours({{2019, 1, 1}, {23, 59, 0}}, 10).

> uef_time:add_hours({{2019, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0}}, -10).


==== uef_time:add_days/1

uef_time:add_days(Days) -> NewDateTime.

Same as `uef_time:add_seconds(Days * 86400)`. See docs of link:#uef_timeadd_seconds1[uef_time:add_seconds/1].


Days :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


==== uef_time:add_days/2

uef_time:add_days(DateOrDatetime, Days) -> NewDateOrDateTime.

Adds the number of days `Days` to `DateOrDatetime` and returns a new *date or datetime* value. The type of `NewDateOrDateTime` is the same as the type of `DateOrDatetime`.


DateOrDatetime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().
Days :: integer().
NewDateOrDateTime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().


> uef_time:add_days({2019, 1, 1}, 10).

> uef_time:add_days({2019, 1, 1}, -10).

> uef_time:add_days({{2019, 1, 1}, {23, 59, 0}}, 10).

> uef_time:add_days({{2019, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0}}, -10).


==== uef_time:add_weeks/1

uef_time:add_weeks(Weeks) -> NewDateTime.

Same as `uef_time:add_seconds(Weeks * 604800)`. See docs of link:#uef_timeadd_seconds1[uef_time:add_seconds/1].


Weeks :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


==== uef_time:add_weeks/2

uef_time:add_weeks(DateOrDatetime, Weeks) -> NewDateOrDateTime.

Adds the number of weeks `Weeks` to `DateOrDatetime` and returns a new *date or datetime* value. The type of `NewDateOrDateTime` is the same as the type of `DateOrDatetime`.


DateOrDatetime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().
Weeks :: integer().
NewDateOrDateTime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().


> uef_time:add_weeks({2019, 1, 1}, 4).

> uef_time:add_weeks({2019, 1, 1}, -4).

> uef_time:add_weeks({{2019, 1, 1}, {23, 59, 0}}, 4).

> uef_time:add_weeks({{2019, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0}}, -4).


==== uef_time:add_months/1

uef_time:add_months(Months) -> NewDateTime.

Same as `uef_time:add_months(erlang:localtime(), Months)`. See docs of link:#uef_timeadd_months2[uef_time:add_months/2].


Months :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


==== uef_time:add_months/2

uef_time:add_months(DateOrDatetime, Months) -> NewDateOrDateTime.

Adds the number of months `Months` to `DateOrDatetime` and returns a new *date or datetime* value. The type of `NewDateOrDateTime` is the same as the type of `DateOrDatetime`.


DateOrDatetime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().
Months :: integer().
NewDateOrDateTime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().


> uef_time:add_months({2019, 1, 31}, 1).

> uef_time:add_months({2016, 1, 31}, 1).

> uef_time:add_months({2019, 1, 31}, -1).

> uef_time:add_months({{2019, 1, 1}, {23, 59, 0}}, 1).

> uef_time:add_months({{2019, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0}}, -1).


==== uef_time:add_years/1

uef_time:add_years(Years) -> NewDateTime.

Same as `uef_time:add_years(erlang:localtime(), Years)`. See docs of link:#uef_timeadd_years2[uef_time:add_years/2].


Years :: integer().
NewDateTime :: calendar:datetime().


==== uef_time:add_years/2

uef_time:add_years(DateOrDatetime, Years) -> NewDateOrDateTime.

Adds the number of years `Years` to `DateOrDatetime` and returns a new *date or datetime* value. The type of `NewDateOrDateTime` is the same as the type of `DateOrDatetime`.


DateOrDatetime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().
Years :: integer().
NewDateOrDateTime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().


> uef_time:add_years({2019, 1, 31}, 1).

> uef_time:add_years({2019, 1, 31}, -1).

> uef_time:add_years({{2019, 1, 1}, {23, 59, 0}}, 1).

> uef_time:add_years({{2019, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0}}, -1).


==== uef_time:add_time/1

uef_time:add_time(Periods) -> NewDateTime.

Same as `uef_time:add_time(erlang:localtime(), Periods)`. See docs of link:#uef_timeadd_time2[uef_time:add_time/2]. `NewDateTime` is of type `calendar:datetime()`. See types for `Periods` in *Types* section of function `uef_time:add_time/2`.


==== uef_time:add_time/2

uef_time:add_time(DateOrDatetime, Periods) -> NewDateOrDateTime.

Adds one or more periods of time to `DateOrDatetime` and returns a new *date or datetime* value. This is a universal function based on functions `uef_time:add_seconds/2`, `uef_time:add_minutes/2`, `uef_time:add_hours/2`, `uef_time:add_days/2`, `uef_time:add_weeks/2`, `uef_time:add_months/2` and `uef_time:add_years/2`. The type of `NewDateOrDateTime` depends on the type of `DateOrDatetime` and `Periods` (see *Examples*).


DateOrDatetime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().
NewDateOrDateTime :: calendar:date() | calendar:datetime().

psecond() :: sec | second | seconds.
pminute() :: min | minute | minutes.
phour() :: hrs | hour | hours.
pday() :: day | days.
pmonth() :: month | months.
pyear() :: year | years.
ptype() :: psecond() | pminute() | phour() | pday() | pmonth() | pyear().

period() :: {integer(), ptype()} | {ptype(), integer()}.
periods() :: [period()].


> uef_time:add_time({2000, 1, 1}, [{1, year}, {1, month}, {1, week}, {1, day}, {1, hour}, {1, minute}, {1, second}]).
{{2001,2,9},{1,1,1}} % type calendar:datetime()

> uef_time:add_time({2000, 1, 1}, [{1, year}, {1, month}, {1, week}, {1, day}]).
{2001,2,9} % type calendar:date()

> uef_time:add_time({{2000, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}, [{1, year}, {1, month}, {1, week}, {1, day}]).
{{2001,2,9},{0,0,0}} % type calendar:datetime()

> uef_time:add_time({2000, 1, 1}, [{year, 1}, {month, 1}, {week, 1}, {day, 1}, {hour, 1}, {minute, 1}, {second, 1}]).

> uef_time:add_time({2000, 1, 1}, [{1, hrs}, {1, min}, {1, sec}]).

> uef_time:add_time({{2000, 1, 31}, {23, 59, 59}}, [{1, hour}, {1, minute}, {1, second}]).

> uef_time:add_time({{2000, 1, 31}, {23, 59, 59}}, [{1, second}]).

> uef_time:add_time({2000, 1, 1}, [{1, years}]) =:= uef_time:add_years({2000, 1, 1}, 1).

> uef_time:add_time({2000, 1, 1}, [{1, month}]) =:= uef_time:add_months({2000, 1, 1}, 1).


==== uef_time:today/0

uef_time:today() -> CurrentDate.

Returns the current date as *{Year, Month, Day}*. Same as[erlang:date()]. `CurrentDate` is of type `calendar:date()`.


==== uef_time:tomorrow/0

uef_time:tomorrow() -> TomorrowDate.

Returns tomorrow's date as *{Year, Month, Day}*. `TomorrowDate` is of type `calendar:date()`.


==== uef_time:yesterday/0

uef_time:yesterday() -> YesterdayDate.

Returns yesterday's date as *{Year, Month, Day}*. `YesterdayDate` is of type `calendar:date()`.


==== uef_time:unix_time/0

uef_time:unix_time() -> Seconds.

Returns the current number of seconds since 00:00:00 (UTC), 1 January 1970. It also known as *Unix time* or *POSIX time* or *UNIX Epoch time*.


> uef_time:unix_time().


==== uef_time:unix_time/1

uef_time:unix_time(Datetime) -> Seconds.

Returns the number of seconds elapsed between *00:00:00 (UTC), 1 January 1970* and `Datetime`. `Datetime` must be of type `calenadr:datetime()`.


> uef_time:unix_time({{1970,1,1}, {0,0,0}}).

> uef_time:unix_time({{2000,1,1}, {23,59,59}}).


==== uef_time:days_diff/1

uef_time:days_diff(Date) -> Days.

Returns the difference ***in days*** between `Date` and the current local date provided by function[erlang:date()]. `Date` must be of type `calendar:date()` (`{Year, Month, Day}`). `Days` is a positive value if `Date` is after `erlang:date()` or a negative value otherwise.


==== uef_time:days_diff/2

uef_time:days_diff(Date1, Date2) -> Days.

Returns the difference ***in days*** between `Date2` and `Date1`. `Date1` and `Date2` must be of type `calendar:date()` (`{Year, Month, Day}`). `Days` is a positive value if `Date2` is after `Date1` or a negative value otherwise.


> uef_time:days_diff({1999, 1, 31}, {2019, 12, 31}).

> uef_time:days_diff({2019, 12, 31}, {1999, 1, 31}).


==== uef_time:seconds_diff/1

uef_time:seconds_diff(DateTime) -> Seconds.

Returns the difference ***in seconds*** between `Date` and the current local time provided by function[erlang:localtime()]. `DateTime` must be of type `calendar:datetime()` (`{{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}`). `Seconds` is a positive value if `DateTime` is after `erlang:localtime()` or a negative value otherwise.


==== uef_time:seconds_diff/2

uef_time:seconds_diff(DateTime1, DateTime2) -> Seconds.

Returns the difference ***in seconds*** between `DateTime2` and `DateTime1`. `DateTime1` and `DateTime2` must be of type `calendar:datetime()` (`{{Year, Month, Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}`). `Seconds` is a positive value if `DateTime2` is after `DateTime1` or a negative value otherwise.


> uef_time:seconds_diff({{1999, 1, 31}, {0, 0, 0}}, {{2019, 12, 31}, {0, 0, 0}}).

> uef_time:seconds_diff({{2019, 12, 31}, {0, 0, 0}}, {{1999, 1, 31}, {0, 0, 0}}).


== Build

=== Build with GNU `make`


=== Build with `rebar3`

rebar3 compile

== Test and dialyze

=== Test/dialyze with GNU `make`

make test

make dialyzer

make xref

make cover

=== Test/dialyze with `rebar3`

rebar3 eunit

rebar3 dialyzer

rebar3 xref

rebar3 do eunit, cover

== Build documentation

=== Build docs with GNU `make`

make docs

=== Build docs with `rebar3`

rebar3 edoc

== Contributing

You are welcome :)