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Embeddable and distributed in-memory alternative to Redis.

cache client-server cluster consistent database distributed distributed-database go golang in-memory-database lfu-cache lru-cache memory networking pubsub redis store tcp tcp-server

Last synced: 4 days ago
JSON representation

Embeddable and distributed in-memory alternative to Redis.

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# Table of Contents
1. [What is SugarDB](#what-is-sugardb)
2. [Features](#features)
3. [Usage (Embedded)](#usage-embedded)
4. [Usage (Client-Server)](#usage-client-server)
1. [Homebrew](#usage-homebrew)
2. [Docker](#usage-docker)
3. [GitHub Container Registry](#usage-container-registry)
4. [Binaries](#usage-binaries)
5. [Clients](#clients)
6. [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)
7. [Commands](#commands)
1. [ACL](#commands-acl)
2. [ADMIN](#commands-admin)
3. [CONNECTION](#commands-connection)
4. [GENERIC](#commands-generic)
5. [HASH](#commands-hash)
6. [LIST](#commands-list)
7. [PUBSUB](#commands-pubsub)
8. [SET](#commands-set)
9. [SORTED SET](#commands-sortedset)
10. [STRING](#commands-string)

# What is SugarDB?

SugarDB is a highly configurable, distributed, in-memory data store and cache implemented in Go.
It can be imported as a Go library or run as an independent service.

SugarDB aims to provide a rich set of data structures and functions for
manipulating data in memory. These data structures include, but are not limited to:
Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, and much more to come soon.

SugarDB provides a persistence layer for increased reliability. Both Append-Only files
and snapshots can be used to persist data in the disk for recovery in case of unexpected shutdowns.

Replication is a core feature of SugarDB and is implemented using the RAFT algorithm,
allowing you to create a fault-tolerant cluster of SugarDB nodes to improve reliability.
If you do not need a replication cluster, you can always run SugarDB
in standalone mode and have a fully capable single node.

SugarDB aims to not only be a server but to be importable to existing
projects to enhance them with SugarDB features, this
capability is always being worked on and improved.

# Features

Features offered by SugarDB include:

1) TLS and mTLS support for multiple server and client RootCAs.
2) Replication cluster support using the RAFT algorithm.
3) ACL Layer for user Authentication and Authorization.
4) Distributed Pub/Sub functionality.
5) Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Lists and more.
6) Persistence layer with Snapshots and Append-Only files.
7) Key Eviction Policies.
8) Command extension via shared object files.
9) Command extension via embedded API.
10) Multi-database support for key namespacing.

We are working hard to add more features to SugarDB to make it
much more powerful. Features in the roadmap include:

1) Sharding
2) Streams
3) Transactions
4) Bitmap
5) HyperLogLog
6) Lua Modules
8) Improved Observability

# Usage (Embedded)

Install SugarDB with: `go get`.

Here's an example of using SugarDB as an embedded library.
You can access all of SugarDB's commands using an ergonomic API.

func main() {
server, err := sugardb.NewSugarDB()
if err != nil {

_, _, _ = server.Set("key", "Hello, SugarDB!", sugardb.SETOptions{})

v, _ := server.Get("key")
fmt.Println(v) // Hello, SugarDB!

// (Optional): Listen for TCP connections on this SugarDB instance.

An embedded SugarDB instance can still be part of a cluster, and the changes triggered
from the API will be consistent across the cluster.

# Usage (Client-Server)

### Homebrew

To install via homebrew, run:
1) `brew tap echovault/sugardb`
2) `brew install echovault/echovault/sugardb`

Once installed, you can run the server with the following command:
`sugardb --bind-addr=localhost --data-dir="path/to/persistence/directory"`

### Docker

`docker pull echovault/sugardb`

The full list of tags can be found [here](

### Container Registry

`docker pull`

The full list of tags can be found [here](

### Binaries

You can download the binaries by clicking on a release tag and downloading
the binary for your system.

# Clients

SugarDB uses RESP, which makes it compatible with existing
Redis clients.

# Benchmarks
The following benchmark only applies to the TCP client-server mode.

Hardware: MacBook Pro 14in, M1 chip, 16GB RAM, 8 Cores

Command: `redis-benchmark -h localhost -p 7480 -q -t ping,set,get,incr,lpush,rpush,lpop,rpop,sadd,hset,zpopmin,lrange,mset`

PING_INLINE: 89285.71 requests per second, p50=0.247 msec
PING_MBULK: 85543.20 requests per second, p50=0.239 msec
SET: 65573.77 requests per second, p50=0.455 msec
GET: 79176.56 requests per second, p50=0.295 msec
INCR: 68870.52 requests per second, p50=0.439 msec
LPUSH: 27601.44 requests per second, p50=1.567 msec
RPUSH: 61842.92 requests per second, p50=0.519 msec
LPOP: 58548.01 requests per second, p50=0.567 msec
RPOP: 68681.32 requests per second, p50=0.439 msec
SADD: 67613.25 requests per second, p50=0.479 msec
HSET: 56561.09 requests per second, p50=0.599 msec
ZPOPMIN: 70972.32 requests per second, p50=0.359 msec
LPUSH (needed to benchmark LRANGE): 26434.05 requests per second, p50=1.623 msec
LRANGE_100 (first 100 elements): 26939.66 requests per second, p50=1.263 msec
LRANGE_300 (first 300 elements): 5081.82 requests per second, p50=9.095 msec
LRANGE_500 (first 500 elements): 2554.87 requests per second, p50=18.191 msec
LRANGE_600 (first 600 elements): 1903.96 requests per second, p50=24.607 msec
MSET (10 keys): 56022.41 requests per second, p50=0.463 msec

# Supported Commands

## ACL
* [ACL CAT](

* [SAVE](

* [AUTH](
* [HELLO](
* [PING](

* [DECR](
* [DEL](
* [GET](
* [INCR](
* [MGET](
* [MSET](
* [PTTL](
* [SET](
* [TTL](

* [HDEL](
* [HGET](
* [HKEYS](
* [HLEN](
* [HSET](
* [HVALS](

* [LLEN](
* [LMOVE](
* [LPOP](
* [LPUSH](
* [LREM](
* [LSET](
* [LTRIM](
* [RPOP](
* [RPUSH](


## SET
* [SADD](
* [SCARD](
* [SDIFF](
* [SMOVE](
* [SPOP](
* [SREM](

* [ZADD](
* [ZCARD](
* [ZDIFF](
* [ZMPOP](
* [ZRANK](
* [ZREM](