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Swift Implementation of Bluetooth Message Protocols. Encode and Decode BLE Characteristics

ble blemesh bluetooth characteristics decode encoder homekit-accessory-protocol spm swift swift-package-manager

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Swift Implementation of Bluetooth Message Protocols. Encode and Decode BLE Characteristics

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# BluetoothMessageProtocol

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This is not a BLE Manager for your phone. There are plenty of those out there. BluetoothMessageProtocol provides functions for encoding and decoding Bluetooth Characteristic data.

## Installation

BluetoothMessageProtocol is available through [CocoaPods]( To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'BluetoothMessageProtocol'

Swift Package Manager:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "2.0.1")

## How to Use

### Services

The Service class helps to describe a BLE Service. There is no assumption to which Characteristics the Service contains.

Example Using CoreBluetooth:


centralManager.scanForPeripherals(withServices: [CBUUID(string: ServiceHeartRate.uuidString),],
options: [CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey : true])


#### Supported Services

* BLE SIG Services
* Home Kit Accessory Protocol (HAP)
* BLE Mesh

### Characteristic

Each Bluetooth Characteristic has an encode and decode method. When you receive the data from a sensor you call the static decode method to turn the data into a Characteristic Object as seen below in the example:

func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {

if let sensorData = characteristic.value {
if characteristic.uuid.uuidString == CharacteristicHeartRateMeasurement.uuidString {
doDecodeHRMess(sensorData: sensorData)

if characteristic.uuid.uuidString == CharacteristicBodySensorLocation.uuidString {
doDecodeBody(sensorData: sensorData)

func doDecodeHRMess(sensorData: Data) {

let hrData: Result = CharacteristicHeartRateMeasurement.decode(with: sensorData)

switch hrData {
case .success(let char):
print("HR: \(char.heartRate)")

case .failure(let error):

/// Or you can stil use the doCatch
do {
let hrData = try CharacteristicHeartRateMeasurement.decode(with: sensorData).get()

print("HR: \(hrData.heartRate)")

} catch {

func doDecodeBody(sensorData: Data) {

let sensor: Result = CharacteristicBodySensorLocation.decode(with: sensorData)

switch sensor {
case .success(let char):
print("Location: \(char.sensorLocation.stringValue)")

case .failure(let error):

/// Or you can stil use the doCatch
do {
let sensor = try CharacteristicBodySensorLocation.decode(with: sensorData).get()

print("Location: \(sensor.sensorLocation.stringValue)")

} catch {

### Manufacturer Specific Data

Manufacturer Specific data contains a Company Assigned Number and specific data defined by the Manufacturer.

Example using Apple iBeacon:

func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDiscover peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi RSSI: NSNumber) {

if let advertData = advertisementData[CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey] as? Data {

switch ManufacturerDataAppleiBeacon.decode(with: advertData) {
case .success(let beacon):

case .failure(let error):


/// Or you can stil use the doCatch
if let beacon = try? ManufacturerDataAppleiBeacon.decode(with: advertData).get() {

#### Manufacturer Specific Data

* Apple iBeacon
* AltBeacon
* HomeKit
* HomeKit Encrypted Notification Advertisement
* Polar Heart Rate

## Author

This package is developed and maintained by Kevin A. Hoogheem

## License

BluetoothMessageProtocol is available under the [MIT license](