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Repository for example styleguide project

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Repository for example styleguide project

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# Django Styleguide Example

> 👀 **Need help with your Django project?** [HackSoft is here for you]( Reach out at `[email protected]`

**Table of contents:**

- [How to ask a question or propose something?](#how-to-ask-a-question-or-propose-something)
- [What is this?](#what-is-this)
- [Structure](#structure)
- [General API Stuff](#general-api-stuff)
* [CORS](#cors)
- [Authentication - JWT](#authentication---jwt)
* [Settings](#settings)
* [APIs](#apis)
* [Requiring authentication](#requiring-authentication)
- [Authentication - Sessions](#authentication---sessions)
* [DRF & Overriding `SessionAuthentication`](#drf--overriding-sessionauthentication)
* [Cross origin](#cross-origin)
* [APIs](#apis-1)
* [`HTTP Only` / `SameSite`](#http-only--samesite)
* [Reading list](#reading-list)
- [Example List API](#example-list-api)
- [File uploads](#file-uploads)
- [Helpful commands for local development without `docker compose`](#helpful-commands-for-local-development-without-docker-compose)
- [Helpful commands for local development with `docker compose`](#helpful-commands-for-local-development-with-docker-compose)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
* [Heroku](#heroku)
* [Render](#render)
* [AWS ECS](#aws-ecs)
- [Linters and Code Formatters](#linters-and-code-formatters)


## How to ask a question or propose something?

Few points to navigate yourself:

1. If you have an issue with something related to the Django Styleguide Example - **just open an issue. We will respond.**
1. If you have a general question or suggestion - **just open na issue. We will respond.**
1. Even if you have a question that you are not sure if it's related to the Django Styleguide - **just open an issue anyway. We will respond.**

That's about it ✨

## What is this?

Hello 👋

This projects serves as the following:

1. As an [example of our Django Styleguide](, where people can explore actual code & not just snippets.
1. As a Django project, where we can test various things & concepts. A lot of the things you see here are being used as a foundation of our internal projects at [HackSoft](
- Usually, this is how something ends up as a section in the [Django Styleguide](
1. As a place for all code examples from [our blog](
- Code snippets tend to decay & **we want most of our blog articles to be up to date.** That's why we place the code here, write tests for it & guarantee a longer shelf life of the examples.

If you want to learn more about the Django Styleguide, you can watch the videos below:

**Radoslav Georgiev's [Django structure for scale and longevity]( for the philosophy behind the styleguide:**

[![Django structure for scale and longevity by Radoslav Georgiev](](

**Radoslav Georgiev & Ivaylo Bachvarov's [discussion on HackCast, around the Django Styleguide](**

[![HackCast S02E08 - Django Community & Django Styleguide](](

## Structure

The initial structure was inspired by [cookiecutter-django](

**The structure now is modified based on our work & production experience with Django.**

Few important things:

- Linux / Ubuntu is our primary OS and things are tested for that.
- It's dockerized for local development with `docker compose`.
- It uses Postgres as the primary database.
- It comes with [`whitenoise`]( setup, even for local development.
- It comes with [`mypy`]( configured, using both and
- Basic `mypy` configuration is located in [`setup.cfg`](setup.cfg)
- `mypy` is ran as a build step in [`.github/workflows/django.yml`](.github/workflows/django.yml)
- ⚠️ The provided configuration is quite minimal. **You should figure out your team needs & configure accordingly** -
- It comes with GitHub Actions support, [based on that article](
- It can be easily deployed to Heroku, Render or AWS ECS.
- It comes with an example list API, that uses [`django-filter`]( for filtering & pagination from DRF.
- It comes with setup for [Django Debug Toolbar](
- It comes with examples for writing tests with fakes & factories, based on the following articles - ,
- It comes with examples for how to add Google login, based on the following article -

## General API Stuff

### CORS

The project is running [`django-cors-headers`]( with the following general configuration:


For ``, we have the following:


## Authentication - JWT

The project is using for having authentication via JWT capabilities.

### Settings

All JWT related settings are located in `config/settings/`.

> ⚠️ We highly recommend reading the entire settings page from the project documentation - - to figure out your needs & the proper defaults for you!

The default settings also include the JWT token as a cookie.

The specific details about how the cookie is set, can be found here -

### APIs

The JWT related APIs are:

1. `/api/auth/jwt/login/`
1. `/api/auth/jwt/logout/`

The current implementation of the login API returns just the token:

"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InJhZG9yYWRvQGhhY2tzb2Z0LmlvIiwiaWF0IjoxNjQxMjIxMDMxLCJleHAiOjE2NDE4MjU4MzEsImp0aSI6ImIyNTEyNmY4LTM3ZDctNGI5NS04Y2M0LTkzZjI3MjE4ZGZkOSIsInVzZXJfaWQiOjJ9.TUoQQPSijO2O_3LN-Pny4wpQp-0rl4lpTs_ulkbxzO4"

This can be changed from `auth_jwt_response_payload_handler`.

### Requiring authentication

We follow this concept:

1. All APIs are public by default (no default authentication classes)
1. If you want a certain API to require authentication, you add the `ApiAuthMixin` to it.

## Authentication - Sessions

This project is using the already existing [**cookie-based session authentication**]( in Django:

1. On successful authentication, Django returns the `sessionid` cookie:

sessionid=5yic8rov868prmfoin2vhtg4vx35h71p; expires=Tue, 13 Apr 2021 11:17:58 GMT; HttpOnly; Max-Age=1209600; Path=/; SameSite=Lax

2. When making calls from the frontend, don't forget to **include credentials**. For example, when using `axios`:

axios.get(url, { withCredentials: true });, data, { withCredentials: true });

3. For convenience, `CSRF_USE_SESSIONS` is set to `True`

4. Check `config/settings/` for all configuration that's related to sessions.

### DRF & Overriding `SessionAuthentication`

Since the default implementation of `SessionAuthentication` enforces CSRF check, which is not the desired behavior for our APIs, we've done the following:

from rest_framework.authentication import SessionAuthentication

class CsrfExemptedSessionAuthentication(SessionAuthentication):
DRF SessionAuthentication is enforcing CSRF, which may be problematic.
That's why we want to make sure we are exempting any kind of CSRF checks for APIs.
def enforce_csrf(self, request):

Which is then used to construct an `ApiAuthMixin`, which marks an API that requires authentication:

from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated

class ApiAuthMixin:
authentication_classes = (CsrfExemptedSessionAuthentication, )
permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated, )

**By default, all APIs are public, unless you add the `ApiAuthMixin`**

### Cross origin

We have the following general cases:

1. The current configuration works out of the box for `localhost` development.
1. If the backend is located on `*` and the frontend is located on `*`, the configuration is going to work out of the box.
1. If the backend is located on `` and the frontend is located on ``, then you'll need to set `SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE = 'None'` and `SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True`

### APIs

1. `POST` to `/api/auth/session/login/` requires JSON body with `email` and `password`.
1. `GET` to `/api/auth/me/` returns the current user information, if the request is authenticated (has the corresponding `sessionid` cookie)
1. `GET` or `POST` to `/api/auth/logout/` will remove the `sessionid` cookie, effectively logging you out.

### `HTTP Only` / `SameSite`

The current implementation of `/api/auth/session/login` does 2 things:

1. Sets a `HTTP Only` cookie with the session id.
1. Returns the actual session id from the JSON payload.

The second thing is required, because Safari is not respecting the `SameSite = None` option for cookies.

More on the issue here -

### Reading list

Since cookies can be somewhat elusive, check the following urls:

1. - It's a good idea to just read every description for `SESSION_*`
1. - It's a good idea to read everything, several times.

## Example List API

You can find the `UserListApi` in [`styleguide_example/users/`](

List API is located at:

The API can be filtered:


Example data structure:

"limit": 1,
"offset": 0,
"count": 4,
"next": "http://localhost:8000/api/users/?limit=1&offset=1",
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"is_admin": false

## File uploads

Following this article - - there's a rich file-upload implementation in the Django Styleguide Example.

Everything is located in the `files` app.

Configuration wise, everything is located in [`config/settings/`](config/settings/

Additionally, you can check the available options in [`.env.example`](.env.example)

Currently, the following is supported:

1. Standard local file upload.
1. Standard S3 file upload.
1. Using CloudFront as CDN.
1. The so-called "direct" upload that can work both locally and with S3 (for more context, [check the article](

Feel free to use this as the basis of your file upload needs.

## Helpful commands for local development without `docker compose`

To create Postgres database:

sudo -u postgres createdb -O your_postgres_user_here database_name_here

If you want to recreate your database, you can use the bootstrap script:

./scripts/ your_postgres_user_here

To start Celery:

celery -A styleguide_example.tasks worker -l info --without-gossip --without-mingle --without-heartbeat

To start Celery Beat:

celery -A styleguide_example.tasks beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler

## Helpful commands for local development with `docker compose`

To build and run everything

docker compose up

To run migrations

docker compose run django python migrate

To shell

docker compose run django python shell

## Deployment

This project is ready to be deployed either on **Heroku** **Render** or **AWS ECS**.

### Heroku

Deploying a Python / Django application on Heroku is quite straighforward & this project is ready to be deployed.

To get an overview of how Heroku deployment works, we recommend reading this first -

**Files related to Heroku deployment:**

1. `Procfile`
- Comes with default `web`, `worker` and `beat` processes.
- Additionally, there's a `release` phase to run migrations safely, before releasing the new build.
1. `runtime.txt`
- Simply specifies the Python version to be used.
1. `requirements.txt`
- Heroku requires a root-level `requirements.txt`, so we've added that.

**Additionally, you need to specify at least the following settings:**

1. `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`, usually to `config.django.production`
1. `SECRET_KEY` to something secret. [Check here for ideas](
1. `ALLOWED_HOSTS`, usually to the default heroku domain (for example - ``)

On top of that, we've added `` with some example settings.

**We recommend the following materials, to figure out `gunicorn` defaults and configuration:**

1. Worker settings -
1. A brief description of the architecture of Gunicorn -

### Render

To get an overview of how Render deployment works, we recommend reading this first -

There's a current deployment that can be found here -

**Files related to Heroku deployment:**

1. `render.yaml`
- Describes the setup. Also known as [Render Blueprint](
1. `docker/*`
- Entrypoint for every different process type.
1. `docker/production.Dockerfile`
- Dockerfile for production build.
1. `requirements.txt`
- Heroku requires a root-level `requirements.txt`, so we've added that.


_Coming soon_

## Linters and Code Formatters

In all our Django projects we use:

- [ruff]( - an extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
- [pre-commit]( - a tool that triggers the linters before each commit.

To make sure all of the above tools work in symbiosis, you'd need to add some configuration:

1. Add `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file to the root of your project. There you can add the instructions for `pre-commit`
2. Add `pyproject.toml` file to the root of your project. There you can add the `ruff` config.
3. Make sure the linters are run against each PR on your CI. This is the config you need if you use GH actions:

- If you are running it as a separate step in the build process:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Run ruff
uses: chartboost/ruff-action@v1

- If you would like to run it as a part of another step, which has already ran the package installation commands:
- name: Run ruff
run: ruff check .

4. Last but not least, we highly recommend you to setup you editor to run `ruff` every time you save a new Python file.

In order to test if your local setup is up to date, you can either:

1. Try making a commit, to see if `pre-commit` is going to be triggered.
2. Or run `ruff check .` in the project root directory.