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Use neovim as pager

cli neovim pager

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Use neovim as pager

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# Page

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Allows you to redirect text into [neovim](
You can set it as `$PAGER` to view logs, diffs, various command outputs.

ANSI escape sequences will be interpreted by :term buffer, which makes `page` noticeably faster than [vimpager]( and [nvimpager](
And text will be displayed instantly as it arrives - no need to wait until EOF.

Also, text from neovim :term buffer will be redirected directly into a new buffer in the same neovim instance - no nested neovim will be spawned.
That's by utilizing `$NVIM` variable like [neovim-remote]( does.

**Bonus**: another binary named `nv` is included, which reimplements `neovim-remote` but with interface similar to `page`. There's no intention to have all `nvim --remote` features — it should be only a simple file picker that prevents spawning nested neovim instance. Also, in contrast with `neovim-remote` there are some safeguards e.g. it won't open non-text files unless explicit flag is provided for that so `nv *` opens only text files in current directory. I recommend to read `--help` output and experiment with options a bit.

Ultimately, `page` and `nv` reuses all of neovim's text editing+navigating+searching facilities and will either facilitate all of plugins+mappings+options set in your neovim config.

## Usage

* *under regular terminal*

![usage under regular terminal](

* *under neovim's terminal*

![usage under neovim's terminal](


## CLI

expand page --help

Usage: page [OPTIONS] [FILE]...

[FILE]... Open provided file in separate buffer [without other flags revokes implied by default -o or -p

-o Create and use output buffer (to redirect text from page's stdin) [implied by
default unless -x and/or provided without other flags]
-O [] Prefetch from page's stdin: if all input fits then print it to
stdout and exit without neovim usage (to emulate `less --quit-if-one-screen`)
[empty: term height - 3 (space for prompt); negative: term height -
; 0: disabled and default; ignored with -o, -p, -x and when page
isn't piped]
-p Print path of pty device associated with output buffer (to redirect text from
commands respecting output buffer size and preserving colors) [implied if page
isn't piped unless -x and/or provided without other flags]
-P Set $PWD as working directory at output buffer (to navigate paths with `gf`)
-q [] Read no more than from page's stdin: next lines should be
fetched by invoking :Page command or 'r'/'R' keypress on neovim side
[empty: term height - 2 (space for tab and buffer lines); negative: term
height - ; 0: disabled and default; is optional and
defaults to ; doesn't take effect on buffers]
-f Cursor follows content of output buffer as it appears instead of keeping top
position (like `tail -f`)
-F Cursor follows content of output and buffers as it appears instead of
keeping top position
-t Set filetype on output buffer (to enable syntax highlighting) [pager: default;
not works with text echoed by -O]
-b Return back to current buffer
-B Return back to current buffer and enter into INSERT/TERMINAL mode
-n Set title for output buffer (to display it in statusline) [env:
-w Do not remap i, I, a, A, u, d, x, q (and r, R with -q) keys [wouldn't unmap on
connected instance output buffer]
-z [] Pagerize output when it exceeds lines (to view `journalctl`)
[default: disabled; empty: 100_000]
~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~

TCP/IP socked address or path to named pipe listened by running host neovim
process [env: NVIM=/run/user/1000/nvim.9389.0]
-A Arguments that will be passed to child neovim process spawned when

is missing [env: NVIM_PAGE_ARGS=]
-c Config that will be used by child neovim process spawned when
missing [file:$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/page/init.vim]
-C Enable PageConnect PageDisconnect autocommands
-e Run command on output buffer after it was created
--e Run lua expr on output buffer after it was created
-E Run command on output buffer after it was created or connected as instance
--E Run lua expr on output buffer after it was created or connected as instance
~ ~ ~
-i Create output buffer with tag or use existed with replacing its
content by text from page's stdin
-I Create output buffer with tag or use existed with appending
to its content text from page's stdin
-x Close output buffer with tag if it exists [without other
flags revokes implied by defalt -o or -p option]
~ ~ ~
-W Flush redirection protection that prevents from producing junk and possible
overwriting of existed files by invoking commands like `ls > $(NVIM= page -E
q)` where the RHS of > operator evaluates not into /path/to/pty as expected
but into a bunch of whitespace-separated strings/escape sequences from neovim
UI; bad things happens when some shells interpret this as many valid targets
for text redirection. The protection is only printing of a path to the existed
dummy directory always first before printing of a neovim UI might occur; this
makes the first target for text redirection from page's output invalid and
disrupts the whole redirection early before other harmful writes might occur.
[env:PAGE_REDIRECTION_PROTECT; (0 to disable)]
~ ~ ~
-l... Split left with ratio: window_width * 3 / ( + 1)
-r... Split right with ratio: window_width * 3 / ( + 1)
-u... Split above with ratio: window_height * 3 / ( + 1)
-d... Split below with ratio: window_height * 3 / ( + 1)
-L Split left and resize to columns
-R Split right and resize to columns
-U Split above and resize to rows
-D Split below and resize to rows
-+ With any of -r -l -u -d -R -L -U -D open floating window instead of split [to
not overwrite data in the current terminal]
~ ~ ~
-h, --help Print help information

expand nv --help

Usage: nv [OPTIONS] [FILE]...

[FILE]... Open provided files as editable [if none provided nv opens last modified file in currend

-o Open non-text files including directories, binaries, images etc
-O [] Ignoring [FILE] open all text files in the current directory and recursively
open all text files in its subdirectories [0: disabled and default; empty:
defaults to 1 and implied if no provided; :
also opens in subdirectories at this level of depth]
-v Open in `page` instead (just postfix shortcut)
~ ~ ~
-f Open each [FILE] at last line
-p Open and search for a specified
-P Open and search backwars for a specified
-b Return back to current buffer
-B Return back to current buffer and enter into INSERT/TERMINAL mode
-k Keep `nv` process until buffer is closed (for editing git commit message)
-K Keep `nv` process until first write occur, then close buffer and neovim if
it was spawned by `nv`
~ ~ ~

TCP/IP socket address or path to named pipe listened by running host neovim
process [env: NVIM=/run/user/1000/nvim.604327.0]
-A Arguments that will be passed to child neovim process spawned when

is missing [env: NVIM_PAGE_PICKER_ARGS=]
-c Config that will be used by child neovim process spawned when
missing [file: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/page/init.vim]
-t Override filetype on each [FILE] buffer (to enable custom syntax highlighting
[text: default]
~ ~ ~
-e Run command on each [FILE] buffer after it was created
--e Run lua expr on each [FILE] buffer after it was created
-x Just run command with ignoring all other options
--x Just run lua expr with ignoring all other options
~ ~ ~
-l... Split left with ratio: window_width * 3 / ( + 1)
-r... Split right with ratio: window_width * 3 / ( + 1)
-u... Split above with ratio: window_height * 3 / ( + 1)
-d... Split below with ratio: window_height * 3 / ( + 1)
-L Split left and resize to columns
-R Split right and resize to columns
-U Split above and resize to rows
-D Split below and resize to rows
-+ With any of -r -l -u -d -R -L -U -D open floating window instead of split
[to not overwrite data in the current terminal]
~ ~ ~
-h, --help Print help information

**Note**: `page` and `nv` may be unergonomic to type so I suggest users to create alias like `p` and `v`

## `nvim/init.lua` customizations

-- Opacity of popup window spawned with -+ option
vim.g.page_popup_winblend = 25

## `nvim/init.lua` customizations (pager only)

Statusline appearance:

-- String that will append to buffer name
vim.g.page_icon_pipe = '|' -- When piped
vim.g.page_icon_redirect = '>' -- When exposes pty device
vim.g.page_icon_instance = '$' -- When `-i, -I` flags provided

Autocommand hooks:

-- Will run once when output buffer is created
vim.api.create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'PageOpen',
callback = lua_function,

-- Will run once when file buffer is created
vim.api.create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'PageOpenFile',
callback = lua_function,

Only with `-C` option provided:

-- will run always when output buffer is created
-- and also when `page` connects to instance `-i, -I` buffers:
vim.api.create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'PageConnect',
callback = lua_function,

-- Will run when page process exits
vim.api.create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'PageDisconnect',
callback = lua_function,

## Shell hacks

To use as `$PAGER` without [scrollback overflow](

export PAGER="page -q 90000"

# Alternatively

export PAGER="page -z 90000" # will pagerize output

# And you can combine both

export PAGER="page -q 90000 -z 90000"

To configure:

export PAGER="page -WfC -q 90000 -z 90000" # some sensible flags
alias page="$PAGER"

# Usage
ls | page -q 100 # you can specify the same flag multiple times:
# last provided will override previous

To use as `$MANPAGER`:

export MANPAGER="page -t man"

# Alternatively, to pick a bit better `man` highlighting:

man () {
page -W "man://$PROGRAM${SECTION:+($SECTION)}"

To set `nv` as popup `git` commit message editor:

# Will spawn popup editor and exit on first write
git config --global core.editor "nv -K -+-R 80 -B"

To cd into directory passed to `nv`

nv() {
#stdin_is_term #one_argument #it's_dir
if [ -t 1 ] && [ 1 -eq $# ] && [ -d $1 ]; then
cd $1
nv $*

compdef _nv nv # if you have completions installed

To automatically `lcd` into terminal's directory:

chpwd () {
[ ! -z "$NVIM" ] && nv -x "lcd $PWD"

To circumvent neovim config picking:

page -c NONE

# Alternatively, to override neovim config create this file:

touch $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/page/init.lua # init.vim is also supported

To set output buffer name as first two words from invoked command (zsh only):

preexec () {
if [ -z "$NVIM" ]; then
export PAGE_BUFFER_NAME="page"
WORDS=(${1// *|*})
export PAGE_BUFFER_NAME="${WORDS[@]:0:2}"

## Buffer defaults (pager)


These commands are run on each `page` buffer creation:

vim.b.page_alternate_bufnr = {$initial_buf_nr}
if vim.wo.scrolloff > 999 or vim.wo.scrolloff < 0 then
vim.g.page_scrolloff_backup = 0
vim.g.page_scrolloff_backup = vim.wo.scrolloff
end, vim.wo.scrolloff, vim.wo.signcolumn, vim.wo.number =
100000, 999, 'no', false
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', {
buffer = 0,
callback = function() vim.wo.scrolloff = 999 end
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufLeave', {
buffer = 0,
callback = function() vim.wo.scrolloff = vim.g.page_scrolloff_backup end
vim.cmd 'silent doautocmd User PageOpen | redraw'


-- Is always set on all buffers created by page

'number of parent :term buffer or -1 when page isn't spawned from :term'

-- Is set only on output buffers.
-- On files buffers filetypes are detected automatically.'value of -t argument or "pager"'

-- Is appended when no -w option provided = false
_G.page_echo_notification = function(message)
local msg = "-- [PAGE] " .. message .. " --"
vim.api.nvim_echo({{ msg, 'Comment' }, }, false, {})
vim.cmd 'au CursorMoved ++once echo'
end, 64)
_G.page_bound = function(top, message, move)
local row, col, search
if top then
row, col, search = 1, 1, { '\\S', 'c' }
row, col, search = 9999999999, 9999999999, { '\\S', 'bc' }
vim.api.nvim_call_function('cursor', { row, col })
vim.api.nvim_call_function('search', search)
if move ~= nil then move() end
_G.page_scroll = function(top, message)
vim.wo.scrolloff = 0
local move
if top then
local key = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes('zM', true, false, true)
move = function() vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(key, 'nx', true) end
move = function() vim.api.nvim_feedkeys('z-M', 'nx', false) end
_G.page_bound(top, message, move)
vim.wo.scrolloff = 999
_G.page_close = function()
local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
if buf ~= vim.b.page_alternate_bufnr and
vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buf, { force = true })
local exit = true
for _, b in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do
local bt = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(b, 'buftype')
if bt == "" or bt == "acwrite" or bt == "terminal" or bt == "prompt" then
local bm = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(b, 'modified')
if bm then
exit = false
local bl = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(b, 0, -1, false)
if #bl ~= 0 and bl[1] ~= "" and #bl > 1 then
exit = false
if exit then
vim.cmd "qa!"
local function page_map(key, expr)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, '', key, expr, { nowait = true })
page_map('I', 'lua _G.page_scroll(true, "in the beginning of scroll")')
page_map('A', 'lua _G.page_scroll(false, "at the end of scroll")')
page_map('i', 'lua _G.page_bound(true, "in the beginning")')
page_map('a', 'lua _G.page_bound(false, "at the end")')
page_map('q', 'lua _G.page_close()')
page_map('u', '')
page_map('d', '')
page_map('x', 'G')

-- Is set only on output buffers

local closed = 'rpcnotify({channel}, "page_buffer_closed", "{page_id}")'
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufDelete', {
buffer = 0,
command = 'silent! call ' .. closed

-- Is appended when -q provided

vim.b.page_query_size = {$query_lines_count}
local def_args = '{channel}, "page_fetch_lines", "{page_id}", '
local def = 'command! -nargs=? Page call rpcnotify(' .. def_args .. ')'
vim.api.create_autocmd('BufEnter', {
buffer = 0,
command = def,

-- Also if -q provided and no -w provided

page_map('r', 'call rpcnotify(' .. def_args .. 'b:page_query_size * v:count1)')
page_map('R', 'call rpcnotify(' .. def_args .. '99999)')

-- If -P provided ({pwd} is $PWD value)

vim.b.page_lcd_backup = getcwd()
vim.cmd 'lcd {pwd}'
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', {
buffer = 0,
command = 'lcd {pwd}'
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufLeave', {
buffer = 0,
command = 'exe "lcd" . b:page_lcd_backup'

-- Is appended when --e provided

'value of --e flag'

-- Is appended when -e provided

vim.cmd [====[{$command}]====]

-- Is appended only on file buffers

vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds('User', {
pattern = 'PageOpenFile',

## Limitations (pager)

* Only ~100000 lines can be displayed (that's neovim terminal limit)
* No reflow: text that doesnt't fit into window will be lost on resize ([due to data structures inherited from vim](

## Installation

* From binaries
* Grab binary for your platform from [releases]( (currently Linux and OSX are supported)

* Arch Linux:
* Package [page-git]( is available on AUR
* Or: `git clone [email protected]:I60R/page.git && cd page && makepkg -ef && sudo pacman -U page-git*.pkg.tar.xz`

* Homebrew:
* Package [page]( is available on [Homebrew](

* Manually:
* Install `rustup` from your distribution package manager
* Configure toolchain: `rustup install stable && rustup default stable`
* `git clone [email protected]:I60R/page.git && cd page && cargo install --path .`