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boilerplatezero is a collection of C# source generators

csharp csharp-sourcegenerator dependency-property routed-event source-generators sourcegenerator wpf

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boilerplatezero is a collection of C# source generators

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# ![Logo](product/bpz%20logo%20dark.png) boilerplatezero (BPZ)

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boilerplatezero (BPZ) is a collection of C# source generators that simplify the code required for common C# patterns.

🔗 Jump to...
- [WPF Dependency Property Generator](#wpf-dependency-property-generator)
- [WPF Routed Event Generator](#wpf-routed-event-generator)
- [🐛 Known Issues List](#-known-issues)


## WPF Dependency Property Generator

Dependency properties in WPF are great! However, they do require quite a bit of ceremony in order to define one.

Luckily, dependency properties (and attached properties) always follow the same pattern when implemented.

As such, this kind of boilerplate code is the perfect candidate for a source generator.

The dependency property generator in BPZ works by identifying `DependencyProperty` and `DependencyPropertyKey` fields that are initialized with calls to appropriately-named `Gen` or `GenAttached` methods.

When this happens, the source generator adds private static classes as nested types inside your class & implements the dependency property for you.

- If an appropriate property-changed handler method is found, then it will be used during registration.
- If an appropriate coercion method is found, then it will be used during registration.
- If an appropriate validation method is found, then it will be used during registration.

🔗 Jump to...
- [👩‍💻 Write This, Not That](#-write-this-not-that-property-examples)
- [🤖 Generated Code Example](#-generated-code)
- [✨ Features List](#-features)


### 👩‍💻 Write This, Not That: Property Examples

#### 🔧 Dependency Property

// Write this (using BPZ):
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey FooPropertyKey = Gen.Foo();

// Not that (idiomatic implementation):
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey FooPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly(nameof(Foo), typeof(string), typeof(MyClass), null);
public static readonly DependencyProperty FooProperty = FooPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;
public string Foo
get => (string)this.GetValue(FooProperty);
private set => this.SetValue(FooPropertyKey, value);

A more complex example...

// Write this (using BPZ):
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = Gen.Text("", FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault);
protected virtual void OnTextChanged(string oldText, string newText) { ... }

// Not that (idiomatic implementation):
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
nameof(Text), typeof(string), typeof(MyClass),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata("", FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault, TextPropertyChanged));
public string Text
get => (string)this.GetValue(TextProperty);
set => this.SetValue(TextProperty, value);
private static void TextPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
((MyClass)d).OnTextChanged((string)e.OldValue, (string)e.NewValue);
protected virtual void OnTextChanged(string oldText, string newText) { ... }

#### 🔧 Attached Property

// Write this (using BPZ):
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey BarPropertyKey = GenAttached.Bar();

// Not that (idiomatic implementation):
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey BarPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttachedReadOnly("Bar", typeof(string), typeof(MyClass), null);
public static readonly DependencyProperty BarProperty = BarPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;
public static string GetBar(DependencyObject d) => (string)d.GetValue(BarProperty);
private static void SetBar(DependencyObject d, string value) => d.SetValue(BarPropertyKey, value);


### 🤖 Generated Code

Here's an example of hand-written code & the corresponding generated code.

Note that the default value for the dependency property is specified in the user's code & included in the property metadata along with the appropriate property-changed handler.

The documentation comment on `IdPropertyKey` is copied to the generated `Id` property.

// 👩‍💻 Widget.cs
namespace Goodies
public partial class Widget : DependencyObject
/// Gets the ID of this instance.
protected static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IdPropertyKey = Gen.Id("");

private static void IdPropertyChanged(Widget self, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// This method will be used as the property-changed callback during registration!
// It was selected because...
// - its name contains the property name, "Id", & ends with "Changed"
// - it is `static` with return type `void`
// - the type of parameter 0 is compatible with the owner type
// - the type of parameter 1 is `DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs`

// 🤖 Widget.g.cs (actual name may vary)
namespace Goodies
partial class Widget
public static readonly DependencyProperty IdProperty = IdPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;

/// Gets the ID of this instance.
public string Id
get => (string)this.GetValue(IdProperty);
protected set => this.SetValue(IdPropertyKey, value);

private static partial class Gen
public static DependencyPropertyKey Id<__T>(__T defaultValue)
PropertyMetadata metadata = new PropertyMetadata(
(d, e) => IdPropertyChanged((Goodies.Widget)d, e),
return DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly("Id", typeof(__T), typeof(Widget), metadata);


### ✨ Features

- generates instance properties for dependency properties
- generates static methods for attached properties
- optional default values
- optional FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions flags
A flags argument may be specified for the property's FrameworkPropertyMetadata.

// 👩‍💻 user
public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = Gen.Text(FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault);
public static readonly DependencyProperty ErrorBrushProperty = GenAttached.ErrorBrush(Brushes.Red, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits);

- detects suitable property-changed handlers
There are 4 options for property-changed handlers.
If multiple candidates are found, then they are prioritized (from highest to lowest) as shown below (static methods, instance methods, routed events).

// 👩‍💻 user
public static readonly DependencyProperty SeasonProperty = Gen.Season("autumn");

// Option 1 - static method, named "*Season*Changed"
private static void SeasonPropertyChanged(Widget self, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// This method can be used as the property-changed callback during registration!
// It is a candidate because...
// - its name contains the property name, "Season", & ends with "Changed"
// - it is `static`
// - return type is `void`
// - type of parameter 0 is compatible with the owner type
// - type of parameter 1 is `DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs`

// Option 2 - instance method, named "[On]SeasonChanged", 2 parameters
protected virtual void OnSeasonChanged(string oldSeason, string newSeason)
// This method can be used as the property-changed callback during registration!
// It is a candidate because...
// - its name is "OnSeasonChanged" ("SeasonChanged" is also acceptable)
// - it is not `static`
// - return type is `void`
// - types of parameter 0 & 1 match the property type
// - names of parameter 0 & 1 start with "old" & "new" (respectively)

// Option 3 - instance method, named "[On]SeasonChanged", 1 parameter
protected virtual void OnSeasonChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// This method can be used as the property-changed callback during registration!
// It is a candidate because...
// - its name is "OnSeasonChanged" ("SeasonChanged" is also acceptable)
// - it is not `static`
// - return type is `void`
// - type of parameter 0 is `DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs`

// Option 4 - routed event, named "SeasonChangedEvent"
public static readonly RoutedEvent SeasonChangedEvent = Gen.SeasonChanged();
// Invoking this event can be used as the property-changed callback during registration!
// It is a candidate because...
// - it is a `static readonly RoutedEvent`
// - it's name is "SeasonChangedEvent"

- detects suitable value coercion handlers

// 👩‍💻 user
public static readonly DependencyProperty AgeProperty = Gen.Age(0);
private static int CoerceAge(Widget self, int baseValue)
// This method will be used as the value coercion method during registration!
// It was selected because...
// - its name is "CoerceAge" (i.e. "Coerce" + the property name)
// - it is `static`
// - return type is `object` or matches the property type
// - type of parameter 0 is compatible with the owner type
// - type of parameter 1 is `object` or matches the property type
return (baseValue >= 0) ? baseValue : 0;

- detects suitable value validation handlers

// 👩‍💻 user
public static readonly DependencyProperty WrapModeProperty = Gen.WrapMode(TextWrapping.NoWrap);
private static bool IsValidWrapMode(TextWrapping value)
// This method will be used as the value validation method during registration!
// It was selected because...
// - its name is "IsValidWrapMode" (i.e. "IsValid" + the property name)
// - it is `static`
// - return type is `bool`
// - type of parameter 0 is `object` or matches the property type
return Enum.IsDefined(value);

- supports generic owner types
- supports nullable types

public static readonly DependencyProperty IsCheckedProperty = Gen.IsChecked(false);
public static readonly DependencyProperty NameProperty = Gen.Name();

- access modifiers are preserved on generated members
- documentation is preserved (for dependency properties) on generated members
- generates dependency property fields for read-only properties (if necessary)

// 👩‍💻 user
// Instance field `FooProperty` is defined, so it will not be generated.
// Access modifiers for generated get/set of the `Foo` instance property will match the property & key.
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey FooPropertyKey = GenAttached.Foo(3.14f);
protected static readonly DependencyProperty FooProperty = FooPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;

// Instance field `BarProperty` is not defined, so it will be generated.
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey BarPropertyKey = Gen.Bar();

// 🤖 generated
protected float Foo
get => (float)this.GetValue(FooProperty);
private set => this.SetValue(FooPropertyKey, value);

public static readonly DependencyProperty BarProperty = BarPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;
public System.Guid Bar
get => (System.Guid)this.GetValue(BarProperty);
private set => this.SetValue(BarPropertyKey, value);

- attached properties may constrain their target type by specifying a generic type argument on GenAttached

// 👩‍💻 user
// Attached property `Standard` may be used with any dependency object.
public static readonly DependencyProperty StandardProperty = GenAttached.Standard("🍕");

// Attached property `IsFancy` may only be used with objects of type .
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsFancyProperty = GenAttached.IsFancy(true);

// 🤖 generated
public static string GetStandard(DependencyObject d) => (string)d.GetValue(StandardProperty);
public static void SetStandard(DependencyObject d, string value) => d.SetValue(StandardProperty, value);

public static bool GetIsFancy(Goodies.Widget d) => (bool)d.GetValue(IsFancyProperty);
public static void SetIsFancy(Goodies.Widget d, bool value) => d.SetValue(IsFancyProperty, value);


## WPF Routed Event Generator

Similar to dependency properties, routed events always use the same pattern when implemented correctly.

The routed event generator in BPZ works by identifying `RoutedEvent` fields that are initialized with calls to appropriately-named `Gen` or `GenAttached` methods.

When this happens, the source generator adds private static classes as nested types inside your class & implements the routed event for you.

🔗 Jump to...
- [👩‍💻 Write This, Not That](#-write-this-not-that-event-examples)
- [✨ Features List](#-features-1)


### 👩‍💻 Write This, Not That: Event Examples

#### ⚡ Routed Event

// Write this (using BPZ):
public static readonly RoutedEvent FooChangedEvent = Gen.FooChanged();

// Not that (idiomatic implementation):
public static readonly RoutedEvent FooChangedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(nameof(FooChanged), RoutingStrategy.Direct, typeof(RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler), typeof(MyClass));
public event RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler FooChanged
add => this.AddHandler(FooChangedEvent, value);
remove => this.RemoveHandler(FooChangedEvent, value);

#### ⚡ Attached Event

// Write this (using BPZ):
public static readonly RoutedEvent ThingUpdatedEvent = GenAttached.ThingUpdatedChanged(RoutingStrategy.Bubble);

// Not that (idiomatic implementation):
public static readonly RoutedEvent ThingUpdatedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent(nameof(BarChanged), RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(MyClass));
public static void AddThingUpdatedHandler(DependencyObject d, RoutedEventHandler handler) => (d as UIElement)?.AddHandler(BarChangedEvent, handler);
public static void RemoveThingUpdatedHandler(DependencyObject d, RoutedEventHandler handler) => (d as UIElement)?.RemoveHandler(BarChangedEvent, handler);


### ✨ Features

- generates instance events for routed events
- generates static methods for attached events
- handler type may be specified via generic type argument on the generator method (e.g. `Gen.FooChanged()`)
- handler type is optional (default is `RoutedEventHandler`)
- handler types that are **not** delegates (e.g. `Gen.FooChanged()`) are treated as `RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler` with the specified type
- routing strategy may be specified via generator method argument (e.g. `Gen.ThingUpdated(RoutingStrategy.Bubble)`)
- routing strategy is optional (default is `RoutingStrategy.Direct`)
- supports generic owner types
- access modifiers are preserved on generated members
- documentation is preserved (for routed events) on generated members
- attached events may constrain their target type by specifying a generic type argument on `GenAttached`


### 🐛 Known Issues

related: Source Generator support for WPF project blocked? [#3404](
- fix / workaround: use this in project file