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A curated list of Awesome tools and resources for org-mode and related files/

List: awesome-org


Last synced: 4 months ago
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A curated list of Awesome tools and resources for org-mode and related files/

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* Awesome Org

** Emacs Packages
- [[][Org]] - =[built-in]= Write notes, GTD, authoring, publish and wash dishes.
- [[][org-page]] - A static site generator based on org-mode files.
- [[][org-ioslide]] - Export Org document into Google I/O HTML5 slide.
- [[][org-bullets]] - Shows org-mode bullets as pretty UTF-8 characters.
- [[][org-trello]] - Minor mode to synchronize org-mode buffer and [[][trello]] board.
- [[][org-protocol-capture-html]] - Capture HTML from the browser selection into Emacs as org-mode content.
- [[][org-brain]] - Org-mode wiki + concept-mapping.
- [[][org-cliplink]] - Insert org-mode links from clipboard.
- [[][helm-org-rifle]] - Rifle through your Org buffers and acquire your target.
- [[][org-download]] - Drag and drop images to Emacs org-mode.
- [[][org-html-themes]] - Export Org mode files into awesome HTML in 2 minutes.
- [[][org-super-agenda]] - Help organize your agenda items into tidy groups.
- [[][org-noter]] - Annotate documents with a synchronized org-mode buffer alongside them.
- [[][org-sort-tasks]] - Functions to keep TODO tasks in orgmode sorted and organized.
- [[][org-web]] - Web app for viewing and editing org files online, optimized for mobile use.
- [[][org-roam]] - a [[][Roam]] replica built on top of the all-powerful Org-mode.

- [[][toc-org]] - Generate TOC for Org files.
- [[][org-media-note]] - Take notes for video and audio files in org-mode!
** Non-Emacs Readers/Editors
*** Web-Based
- [[][Logseq]] - =[alpha]= a local-first, non-linear, outliner notebook for organizing and sharing your personal knowledge base.
- [[][organice]] - An org-mode organizer/editor for mobile and desktop browsers. Syncs with Dropbox, Google Drive, and WebDAV.
*** Other Editors
- [[][VS Code Org Mode]] - Org Mode extension for Visual Studio Code.
- [[][Vim-OrgMode]] - Org Mode plugin for Vim.
- [[][Organized]] - Org Mode for Atom.
- [[][orgmode for Sublime Text]] - Org Mode for Sublime Text.
*** Mobile Apps
- [[][Beorg]] - An iOS app that uses Org Mode files.
- [[][Orgro]] - An iOS and Android app for viewing Org files. Good for note-takers who want to be able to read their notes easily while on the go.
- [[][Orgzly]] - An Android app that uses Org Mode for Notes and Todo Lists.
** Resources
- [[][An Agenda for Life With Org Mode]] - Article by Aaron Bieber
- [[][Orgmode for GTD]] - Article by Nicolas Petton
*** Communities
- [[][]] - A Reddit community for users of Org Mode