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Life Actuarial Maths

actuarial-modeling actuarial-science hacktoberfest life-insurance mortality

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Life Actuarial Maths

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# LifeContingencies.jl


LifeContingencies is a package enabling actuarial life contingent calculations.

## Features

- Integration with other JuliaActuary packages such as [MortalityTables.jl](
- Fast calculations, with some parts utilizing parallel processing power automatically
- Use functions that look more like the math you are used to (e.g. `A`, `ä`) with [Unicode support](
- All of the power, speed, convenience, tooling, and ecosystem of Julia
- Flexible and modular modeling approach

## Package Overview

- Leverages [MortalityTables.jl]( for
the mortality calculations
- Contains common insurance calculations such as:
- `Insurance(life,yield)`: Whole life
- `Insurance(life,yield,n)`: Term life for `n` years
- `ä(life,yield)`: `present_value` of Life contingent annuity
- `ä(life,yield)`: `present_value` of Life contingent annuity due for `n` years
- Contains various commutation functions such as `D(x)`,`M(x)`,`C(x)`, etc.
- `SingleLife` and `JointLife` capable
- Interest rate mechanics via [`Yields.jl`](
- More documentation available by clicking the DOCS badges at the top of this README

## Examples

### Basic Functions

Calculate various items for a 30-year-old male nonsmoker using 2015 VBT base table and a 5% interest rate


using LifeContingencies
using MortalityTables
using FinanceModels
import LifeContingencies: V, ä # pull the shortform notation into scope

# load mortality rates from MortalityTables.jl
vbt2001 = MortalityTables.table("2001 VBT Residual Standard Select and Ultimate - Male Nonsmoker, ANB")

issue_age = 30
life = SingleLife( # The life underlying the risk
mortality =[issue_age], # -- Mortality rates

yield = FinanceModels.Yield.Constant(0.05) # Using a flat 5% interest rate

lc = LifeContingency(life, yield) # LifeContingency joins the risk with interest

ins = Insurance(lc) # Whole Life insurance
ins = Insurance(life, yield) # alternate way to construct

With the above life contingent data, we can calculate vectors of relevant information:

cashflows(ins) # A vector of the unit cashflows
timepoints(ins) # The timepoints associated with the cashflows
survival(ins) # The survival vector
survival(ins,time) # The survivorship through `time`
benefit(ins) # The unit benefit vector
probability(ins) # The probability of benefit payment
present_value(ins) # the present value of the insurance benefits from time zero
present_value(ins,time) # the present value of the insurance benefits from `time`

Some of the above will return lazy results. For example, `cashflows(ins)` will return a `Generator` which can be efficiently used in most places you'd use a vector of cashflows (e.g. `pv(...)` or `sum(...)`) but has the advantage of being non-allocating (less memory used, faster computations). To get a computed vector instead of the generator, simply call `collect(...)` on the result: `collect(cashflows(ins))`.

Or calculate summary scalars:

present_value(ins) # The actuarial present value
premium_net(lc) # Net whole life premium
V(lc,5) # Net premium reserve for whole life insurance at time 5

Other types of life contingent benefits:

Insurance(lc,10) # 10 year term insurance
AnnuityImmediate(lc) # Whole life annuity due
AnnuityDue(lc) # Whole life annuity due
ä(lc) # Shortform notation
ä(lc, 5) # 5 year annuity due
ä(lc, 5, certain=5,frequency=4) # 5 year annuity due, with 5 year certain payable 4x per year
... # and more!

#### Constructing Lives

SingleLife([50]) # no keywords, just a mortality vector
SingleLife([50],issue_age = 60) # select at 50, but now 60
SingleLife(,issue_age = 50) # use issue_age to pick the right select vector
SingleLife(,issue_age = 50) # mort can also be a keyword


### Net Premium for Term Policy with Stochastic rates
Use a stochastic interest rate calculation to price a term policy:

using LifeContingencies, MortalityTables
using Distributions

vbt2001 = MortalityTables.table("2001 VBT Residual Standard Select and Ultimate - Male Nonsmoker, ANB")

# use an interest rate that's normally distirbuted
μ = 0.05
σ = 0.01

years = 100
int = Yields.Forward(rand(Normal(μ,σ), years))

life = SingleLife(mortality =[30], issue_age = 30)

term = 10
LifeContingencies.A(lc, term) # around 0.055

#### Extending example to use autocorrelated interest rates

You can use autocorrelated interest rates - substitute the following in the prior example
using the ability to self reference:

σ = 0.01
initial_rate = 0.05
vec = fill(initial_rate, years)

for i in 2:length(vec)
vec[i] = rand(Normal(vec[i-1], σ))

int = Yields.Forward(vec)

### Premium comparison across Mortality Tables

Compare the cost of annual premium, whole life insurance between multiple tables visually:

using LifeContingencies, MortalityTables, Plots

tables = [
MortalityTables.table("1980 CET - Male Nonsmoker, ANB"),
MortalityTables.table("2001 VBT Residual Standard Select and Ultimate - Male Nonsmoker, ANB"),
MortalityTables.table("2015 VBT Male Non-Smoker RR100 ANB"),

issue_ages = 30:90
int = FinanceModels.Yield.Constant(0.05)

whole_life_costs = map(tables) do t
map(issue_ages) do ia
lc = LifeContingency(SingleLife(mortality = t.ultimate, issue_age = ia), int)


plt = plot(ylabel="Annual Premium per unit", xlabel="Issue Age",
legend=:topleft, legendfontsize=8,size=(800,600))

for (i,t) in enumerate(tables)
plot!(plt,issue_ages,whole_life_costs[i], label="$(")

![Comparison of three different mortality tables' effect on insurance cost](

### Joint Life

m1 = MortalityTables.table("1986-92 CIA – Male Smoker, ANB")
m2 = MortalityTables.table("1986-92 CIA – Female Nonsmoker, ANB")
l1 = SingleLife(mortality = m1.ultimate, issue_age = 40)
l2 = SingleLife(mortality = m2.ultimate, issue_age = 37)

jl = JointLife(lives=(l1, l2), contingency=LastSurvivor(), joint_assumption=Frasier())

Insurance(jl,FinanceModels.Yield.Constant(0.05)) # whole life insurance
... # similar functions as shown in the first example above

## Commutation and Unexported Function shorthand

Because it's so common to use certain variables in your own code, LifeContingencies avoids exporting certain variables/functions so that it doesn't collide with your own usage. For example, you may find yourself doing something like:

a = ...
b = ...
result = b - a

If you imported `using LifeContingencies` and the package exported `a` (`annuity_immediate`) then you could have problems if you tried to do the above. To avoid this, we only export long-form functions like `annuity_immediate`. To utilize the shorthand, you can include them into your code's scope like so:

using LifeContingencies # brings all the default functions into your scope
using LifeContingencies: a, ä # also brings the short-form annuity functions into scope

**Or** you can do the following:

using LifeContingencies # brings all the default functions into your scope
... # later on in the code
LifeContingencies.ä(...) # utilize the unexported function with the module name

For more on module scoping, see the [Julia Manual section](

### Actuarial notation shorthand

V => reserve_premium_net
v => discount
A => present value of Insurance
ä => present value of AnnuityDue
a => present value of AnnuityImmediate
P => premium_net
ω => omega

### Commutation functions


## References

- Life Insurance Mathematics, Gerber
- [Actuarial Mathematics and Life-Table Statistics, Slud](
- [Commutation Functions, MacDonald](