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A notification bar alert displayed at the top of the screen for react-native

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A notification bar alert displayed at the top of the screen for react-native

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# react-native-message-bar

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A message bar notification component displayed at the top of the screen for React Native (Android and iOS) projects.


## Content
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
- [Hide the Message Bar Alert](#hide-the-message-bar-alert)
- [Customize Alert Type](#customize-alert-type)
- [Customize Alert Content](#customize-alert-content)
- [Customize View Layout](#customize-view-layout)
- [Customize Position and Animation, Twitter Style!](#customize-position-and-animation-twitter-style)
- [Properties](#properties)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [TODOS](#todos)
- [Apps using this library](#apps-using-this-library)
- [License](#license)

## Features
- Android and iOS capable
- Animated alert with Title, Message and Icon/Avatar (from a local or a remote image file)
- Top or Bottom display
- 4 Slides Animation Types (Alert is shown from top, from bottom, from left or from right)
- Auto-hide after x seconds (customizable and/or can be disabled)
- Auto-hide current alert to display a newer one, if context requires to do so
- Support hide on tap (can be disabled)
- 4 pre-configured customizable styles + 1 extra
- Customizable texts, styles, durations, positions and animation
- Callbacks on alert show, hide and tap
- Orientation supported
- Children component support Show/Hide alert

## Installation
Make sure that you are in your React Native project directory and run:
$ npm install react-native-message-bar --save

## Basic Usage
- 1. Import the `react-native-message-bar` package
var MessageBarAlert = require('react-native-message-bar').MessageBar;
var MessageBarManager = require('react-native-message-bar').MessageBarManager;

- 2. Add the `MessageBarAlert` to your render function
Note: Add it at the very end of your render function, the alert will then be displayed over any component of the view
// Within your render function.
// Include the MessageBar once within your top View element
// Make sure you add the MessageBar at the very bottom of your master component, then it will be displayed over all other components


- 3. Register and Release your Message Bar as the current main alert
componentDidMount() {
// Register the alert located on this master page
// This MessageBar will be accessible from the current (same) component, and from its child component
// The MessageBar is then declared only once, in your main component.

componentWillUnmount() {
// Remove the alert located on this master page from the manager

- 4. Display the Message Bar Alert on demand
// Call this method after registering your MessageBar as the current alert
// By calling this method the registered alert will be displayed
// This is useful to show the alert from your current page or a child component
title: 'Your alert title goes here',
message: 'Your alert message goes here',
alertType: 'success',
// See Properties section for full customization
// Or check `index.ios.js` or `` for a complete example
Please note, if you do not provide a `alertType`, the `info` one will be chosen for you.

The normal `duration` of the notification is 3 seconds (3000 ms), you can override it. After this time, the notification is going to be hidden

See a full Example in `index.ios.js` or ``.

## Hide the Message Bar Alert
// You can force the current alert to be hidden through the Manager

## Customize Alert Type
The Message Bar Alert comes with 4 pre-configured alert style and 1 undefined extra.
These alert styles defined the background color of the alert and the line stroke color.
The 4 pre-configured alert styles are:
- `info` defined blue colors
- `success` defined green colors
- `warning` defined orange colors
- `error` defined red colors

The `extra` alert type allows you to use another 5th type.


alertType: 'info', // Alert Type: you can select one of 'success', 'error', 'warning', 'error', or 'custom' (use custom if you use a 5th stylesheet, all are customizable). Default is 'info'

/* Customize the stylesheets and/or provide an additional one 'extra' */
stylesheetInfo : {{ backgroundColor : '#007bff', strokeColor : '#006acd' }}, // Default are blue colors
stylesheetSuccess : {{ backgroundColor : 'darkgreen', strokeColor : '#b40000' }}, // Default are Green colors
stylesheetWarning : {{ backgroundColor : '#ff9c00', strokeColor : '#f29400' }}, // Default are orange colors
stylesheetError : {{ backgroundColor : '#ff3232', strokeColor : '#FF0000' }}, // Default are red colors
stylesheetExtra : {{ backgroundColor : 'black', strokeColor : 'gray' }}, // Default are blue colors, same as info


## Customize Alert Content
You can customize the style of the Title, Message and Icon/Avatar.

title: "John Doe", // Title of the alert
message: "Hello, any suggestions?", // Message of the alert
avatar: "') of your icon/avatar>", // Avatar/Icon of the alert or enter require('LOCALPATH') for local image

/* Number of Lines for Title and Message */
titleNumberOfLines: 1,
messageNumberOfLines: 0, // Unlimited number of lines

/* Style for the text elements and the */
titleStyle: {{ color: 'white', fontSize: 18, fontWeight: 'bold' }},
messageStyle: {{ color: 'white', fontSize: 16 }},
avatarStyle: {{ height: 40, width: 40, borderRadius: 20 }},


## Customize Message Bar Alert Layout
You can customize the inset (padding) and the offset of the alert.

/* Offset of the View, useful if you have a navigation bar or if you want the alert be shown below another component instead of the top of the screen */
viewTopOffset : 0, // Default is 0
viewLeftOffset : 0, // Default is 0
viewRightOffset : 0, // Default is 0

/* Inset of the view, useful if you want to apply a padding at your alert content */
viewTopInset : 15, // Default is 0
viewLeftInset : 0, // Default is 0
viewRightInset : 0, // Default is 0


## Customize Position and Animation, Twitter Style!
You can choose the position (`top`or `bottom`) of the alert.
You can choose the way the alert is shown (`SlideFromTop`, `SlideFromBottom`, `SlideFromLeft` or `SlideFromRight`).

/* Position of the alert and Animation Type the alert is shown */
position: 'bottom',
animationType: 'SlideFromLeft',


## Properties
Prop | Type | Default | Description
--------------------- | -------- | -------------------- | -----------
title | String | | Title of the alert
message | String | | Message of the alert
avatar | String | | Avatar/Icon source/URL of the alert. Use for a remote image file (eg `avatar: ''`) or use `avatar: require('')` for a remote image file
alertType | String | info | Alert Type: you can select one of 'success', 'error', 'warning', 'error', or 'custom' (use custom if you use a 5th stylesheet, all are customizable).
duration | Number | 3000 | Number of ms the alert is displayed
shouldHideAfterDelay | Bool | true | Tell the MessageBar whether or not it should hide after a delay defined in the `duration` property. If `false`, the MessageBar remain shown
shouldHideOnTap | Bool | true | Tell the MessageBar whether or not it should hide or not when the user tap the alert. If `false`, the MessageBar will not hide, but the `onTapped` function is triggered, if defined. In addition, if `false`, the `onHide` function will not be triggered. The property `shouldHideAfterDelay` take precedence over `shouldHideOnTap`. That means if `shouldHideAfterDelay` is `false`, the value of `shouldHideOnTap` is not taken into account, since the MessageBar will not ever be hidden
onTapped | Function | | Callback function after alert is tapped
onShow | Function | | Callback function after alert is shown
onHide | Function | | Callback function after alert is hidden
stylesheetInfo | Object | { backgroundColor: '#007bff', strokeColor: '#006acd' } | Background color and line stroke colors of the alert when alertType is equals to `info`
stylesheetSuccess | Object | { backgroundColor: 'darkgreen', strokeColor: '#b40000' } | Background color and line stroke colors of the alert when alertType is equals to `success`
stylesheetWarning | Object | { backgroundColor: '#ff9c00', strokeColor: '#f29400' } | Background color and line stroke colors of the alert when alertType is equals to `warning`
stylesheetError | Object | { backgroundColor: '#ff3232', strokeColor: '#FF0000' } | Background color and line stroke colors of the alert when alertType is equals to `error`
stylesheetExtra | Object | { backgroundColor: '#007bff', strokeColor: '#006acd' } | Background color and line stroke colors of the alert when alertType is equals to `extra`
durationToShow | Number | 350 | Duration of the animation to completely show the alert
durationToHide | Number | 350 | Duration of the animation to completely hide the alert
viewTopOffset | Number | 0 | Offset of the view from the top. That means the alert touch the top edge of the screen.
viewBottomOffset | Number | 0 | Offset of the view from the bottom. That means the alert touch the bottom edge of the screen
viewLeftOffset | Number | 0 | Offset of the view from the left. That means the alert touch the left edge of the screen
viewRightOffset | Number | 0 | Offset of the view from the right. That means the alert touch the right edge of the screen
viewTopInset | Number | 0 | Padding Top of the view
viewBottomInset | Number | 0 | Padding Bottom of the view
viewLeftInset | Number | 0 | Padding Left of the view
viewRightInset | Number | 0 | Padding Right of the view
titleNumberOfLines | Number | 1 | Number of lines of the title. `0` means unlimited
messageNumberOfLines | Number | 2 | Number of lines of the message. `0` means unlimited
avatarStyle | Style | { height: 40, width: 40, borderRadius: 20, alignSelf: 'center' } | Style of the icon/avatar
titleStyle | Style | { color: 'white', fontSize: 18, fontWeight: 'bold' } | Style of the title
messageStyle | Style | { color: 'white', fontSize: 16 } | Style of the message
position | String | top | Define the position of the alert, can be `top` or `right`
animationType | String | SlideFromTop | Define the way the alert is animated on the view, can be `SlideFromTop`, `SlideFromBottom`, `SlideFromLeft` or `SlideFromRight`. If no value is specified, the animation type is selected for you based on the `position`; `SlideFromTop` if `position` is equal to `top`, `SlideFromBottom` if `position` is equal to `bottom`. The alert will then be smoothly displayed

## Contributing
1. Fork this Repo first
2. Clone your Repo
3. Install dependencies by $ npm install
4. Checkout a feature branch
5. Feel free to add your features
6. Make sure your features are fully tested
7. Publish your local branch, Open a pull request
8. Enjoy hacking <3

- [ ] Add Alert Queuing System
- [x] Add Bottom Position
- [x] Add Slide Animations Type (Slide from Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
- [ ] Add Other Animations Type (Fade-in, Elastic, etc.)
- [ ] Add customizable Animation (inject your configuration)
- [ ] Anything that can help to improve :) Thanks for contributions

## Apps using this library
- Your App here...


## License
`React-Native-Message-Bar` is released under MIT License. See `LICENSE` for details.

>**Copyright © 2016 KBLNY.**

*Please provide attribution, it is greatly appreciated.*