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All things gengi related

api app cli monorepo website

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

All things gengi related

Awesome Lists containing this project



# gengi

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This is a monorepo for all things `gengi` related

## Getting started

Clone the repo and install dependencies with `yarn` or `npm install`. This will also run `lerna bootstrap` which will install dependencies for all the projects, and create symlinks for interdependent packages.

### Development

We are using [prettier]( on `packages/**/*.js`. There is a precommit hook in place which will run `prettier` on all changed files and `git add` them after fixing them. **Note** that `applications/gengi-is` is not included in the prettier setup, since it is a legacy project with a pretty weird setup and breaks in a bunch of funny ways.

## Projects

The folder structure is pretty basic, projects are split up into `applications` and `packages`.

### Applications
**Applications** are websites, apps and other products.

### Packages
**Packages** are published npm packages.

| Package | Version |
| `gengi` | [![NPM version](]( |
| `gengi-cli` | [![NPM version](]( |