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# nest.nvim

Neovim utility plugin to define keymaps in concise, readable, cascading lists
and trees

- Modular, maintainable pure Lua way to define keymaps
- Written in a single file of ~100 lines
- Supports mapping keys to Lua functions with `expr` support
- Allows grouping keymaps the way you think about them concisely

## Installation

### Using [packer.nvim](

use { 'LionC/nest.nvim' }

### Using [vim-plug](

Plug 'LionC/nest.nvim'

### Using [dein](

call dein#add('LionC/nest.nvim')

## Quickstart Guide

The `nest` Lua module exposes an `applyKeymaps` function that can be called any
number of times with a list of (nested) keymaps to be set.

Keymaps will default to global, normal (`n`) mode, `noremap` and `silent`
unless overwritten. Overrides are inherited by nested keymaps.

local nest = require('nest')

nest.applyKeymaps {
-- Remove silent from ; : mapping, so that : shows up in command mode
{ ';', ':' , options = { silent = false } },
{ ':', ';' },

-- Prefix every nested keymap with
{ '', {
-- Prefix every nested keymap with f (meaning actually f here)
{ 'f', {
{ 'f', 'Telescope find_files' },
-- This will actually map fl
{ 'l', 'Telescope live_grep' },
-- Prefix every nested keymap with g (meaning actually fg here)
{ 'g', {
{ 'b', 'Telescope git_branches' },
-- This will actually map fgc
{ 'c', 'Telescope git_commits' },
{ 's', 'Telescope git_status' },

-- Lua functions can be right side values instead of key sequences
{ 'l', {
{ 'c', vim.lsp.buf.code_actions },
{ 'r', vim.lsp.buf.rename },
{ 's', vim.lsp.buf.signature_help },
{ 'h', vim.lsp.buf.hover },

-- Use insert mode for all nested keymaps
{ mode = 'i', {
{ 'jk', '' },

-- Set option for all nested keymaps
{ options = { expr = true }, {
{ '', 'compe#confirm("")' },
-- This is equivalent to viml `:inoremap compe#complete()`
{ '', 'compe#complete()' },

-- Buffer `true` sets keymaps only for the current buffer
{ '', '' },
{ 'l>', '' },
-- You can also set bindings for a specific buffer
{ 'o>', 'o', buffer = 2 },

-- Keymaps can be defined for multiple modes at once
{ 'H', '^', mode = 'nv' },

The passed `table` can be understood as a tree, with prefixes and config fields
cascading down to all children. This makes it not only very readable and groupable,
but also eases refactoring and modularization. Because `nest`-keymapConfigs are just
simple Lua values, they can be defined in their own files, passed around, plugged
into different prefixes or options etc.

## Advanced Usage

### Change defaults

You can change the defaults used by `applyKeymaps`:

local nest = require('nest')

nest.defaults.options = {
noremap = false,

Defaults start out as

mode = 'n',
prefix = '',
buffer = false,
options = {
noremap = true,
silent = true,

## Reference

### `nest.applyKeymaps`

Expects a `keymapConfig`, which is a table with at least two indexed properties
in one of the following four shapes:

#### Keymap

{ 'inputsequence', 'outputsequence' }

Sets a keymap, mapping the input sequence to the output sequence similiar to
the VimL `:*map` commands.

#### Lua Function Keymap

{ 'inputsequence', someLuaFunction }

Sets a keymap, mapping the input sequence to call the given lua function. Also
works when `expr` is set - just `return` a string from your function (e.g.
`'echo "Hello"'`).

#### Config Subtree

{ 'inputprefix', keymapConfig }

Append the inputprefix to the current prefix and applies the given
`keymapConfig`s with the new prefix.

#### Config List

-- ...

Applies all given `keymapConfig`s.

Each `keymapConfig` can also have any of the following fields, which will cascade
to all containing sub-`keymapConfig`s:

#### `mode`

Sets the Vim mode(s) for keymaps contained in the `keymapConfig`.

Accepts a string with each char representing a mode. The modes follow the Vim
prefixes (`n` for normal, `i` for insert...) **except the special character `_`**, which
stands for the empty mode (`:map `). See `:help map-table` for a reference.

#### `buffer`

Determines whether binding are global or local to a buffer:

- `false` means global
- `true` means current buffer
- A number means that specific buffer (see `:ls` for buffer numbering)

#### `options`

Sets mapping options like ``, `` etc. for keymaps contained in
the `keymapConfig`.

**Note that `options` gets merged** into the options in its context. This means
that you only have to pass the `options` you want to change instead of replacing
the whole object.

Accepts all values `nvim_set_keymap`s `options` parameter accepts. See `:help

### `nest.defaults`

`table` containing the defaults applied to keymaps. Can be modified or overwritten.

Has the same named fields as `keymapConfig`, with an additional field:

#### `prefix`

Sets a `string` prefix to be applied to all keymap inputs.

## Planned Features

See issues and milestones