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Node Shopify connector sponsored by MONEI

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Node Shopify connector sponsored by MONEI

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# Shopify API Node.js

[![Version npm][npm-shopify-api-node-badge]][npm-shopify-api-node]
[![Build Status][ci-shopify-api-node-badge]][ci-shopify-api-node]
[![Coverage Status][coverage-shopify-api-node-badge]][coverage-shopify-api-node]

Shopify API bindings for Node.js.

## Installation:

$ npm install --save shopify-api-node

## API

This module exports a constructor function which takes an options object.

### `Shopify(options)`

Creates a new `Shopify` instance.

#### Arguments

- `options` - Required - A plain JavaScript object that contains the
configuration options.

#### Options

- `shopName` - Required - A string that specifies the shop name. The shop's
"" domain is also accepted.
- `apiKey` - Required for [private][generate-private-app-credentials] apps - A
string that specifies the API key of the app. This option must be used in
conjunction with the `password` option and is mutually exclusive with the
`accessToken` option.
- `password` - Required for [private][generate-private-app-credentials] apps - A
string that specifies the private app password. This option must be used in
conjunction with the `apiKey` option and is mutually exclusive with the
`accessToken` option.
- `accessToken` - Required for public apps - A string representing the permanent
[OAuth 2.0][oauth] access token. This option is mutually exclusive with the
`apiKey` and `password` options. If you are looking for a premade solution to
obtain an access token, take a look at the [shopify-token][] module.
- `agent` - Optional - An object that is passed as the `agent` option to `got`.
This allows to use a proxy server. See
[Got documentation](
for more details.
- `apiVersion` - Optional - A string to specify the [Shopify API
version][api-versioning] to use for requests. Defaults to the oldest supported
stable version.
- `autoLimit` - Optional - This option allows you to regulate the request rate
in order to avoid hitting the [rate limit][api-call-limit]. Requests are
limited using the token bucket algorithm. Accepted values are a boolean or a
plain JavaScript object. When using an object, the `calls` property and the
`interval` property specify the refill rate and the `bucketSize` property the
bucket size. For example `{ calls: 2, interval: 1000, bucketSize: 35 }`
specifies a limit of 2 requests per second with a burst of 35 requests. When
set to `true` requests are limited as specified in the above example. Defaults
to `false`. Mutually exclusive with the `maxRetries` option.
- `hooks` - Optional - A list of `got`
[request hooks]( to
attach to all outgoing requests, like `beforeRetry`, `afterResponse`, etc.
Hooks should be provided in the same format that Got expects them and will
receive the same arguments Got passes unchanged.
- `maxRetries` - Optional - The number of times to attempt to make the request
to Shopify before giving up. Defaults to `0`, which means no automatic
retries. If set to a value greater than `0`, `shopify-api-node` will make up
to that many retries. `shopify-api-node` will respect the `Retry-After` header
for requests to the REST API, and the throttled cost data for requests to the
GraphQL API, and retry the request after that time has elapsed. Mutually
exclusive with the `autoLimit` option.
- `parseJson` - Optional - The function used to parse JSON. The function is
passed a single argument. This option allows the use of a custom JSON parser
that might be needed to properly handle long integer IDs. Defaults to
- `presentmentPrices` - Optional - Whether to include the header to pull
presentment prices for products. Defaults to `false`.
- `stringifyJson` - Optional - The function used to serialize to JSON. The
function is passed a single argument. This option allows the use of a custom
JSON serializer that might be needed to properly handle long integer IDs.
Defaults to `JSON.stringify()`.
- `timeout` - Optional - The number of milliseconds before the request times
out. If the request takes longer than `timeout`, it will be aborted. Defaults
to `60000`, or 1 minute.

#### Return value

A `Shopify` instance.

#### Exceptions

Throws an `Error` exception if the required options are missing.

#### Example

const Shopify = require('shopify-api-node');

const shopify = new Shopify({
shopName: 'your-shop-name',
apiKey: 'your-api-key',
password: 'your-app-password'

### `shopify.callLimits`

The `callLimits` property allows you to monitor the API call limit. The value is
an object like this:

remaining: 30,
current: 10,
max: 40

Values start at `undefined` and are updated every time a request is made. After
every update the `callLimits` event is emitted with the updated limits as

shopify.on('callLimits', (limits) => console.log(limits));

When using the GraphQL API, a different property is used to track the API call
limit: `callGraphqlLimits`.

Keep in mind that the `autoLimit` option is ignored while using GraphQL API.

shopify.on('callGraphqlLimits', (limits) => console.log(limits));

## Resources

Every resource is accessed via your `shopify` instance:

const shopify = new Shopify({
shopName: 'your-shop-name',
accessToken: 'your-oauth-token'

// shopify..

Each method returns a `Promise` that resolves with the result:

.list({ limit: 5 })
.then((orders) => console.log(orders))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

The Shopify API requires that you send a valid JSON string in the request body
including the name of the resource. For example, the request body to create a
country should be:

"country": {
"code": "FR",
"tax": 0.25

When using `shopify-api-node` you don't have to specify the full object but only
the nested one as the module automatically wraps the provided data. Using the
above example this translates to:

.create({ code: 'FR', tax: 0.25 })
.then((country) => console.log(country))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

Similarly, the Shopify API includes the resource name in the JSON string that is
returned in the response body:

"country": {
"id": 1070231510,
"name": "France",
"tax": 0.2,
"code": "FR",
"tax_name": "TVA",
"provinces": []

`shopify-api-node` automatically unwraps the parsed object and returns:

id: 1070231510,
name: 'France',
tax: 0.2,
code: 'FR',
tax_name: 'TVA',
provinces: []

This behavior is valid for all resources.

## Metafields

Shopify allows for adding metafields to various resources. You can use the
`owner_resource` and `owner_id` properties to work with metafields that belong
to a particular resource as shown in the examples below.

Get metafields that belong to a product:

metafield: { owner_resource: 'product', owner_id: 632910392 }
(metafields) => console.log(metafields),
(err) => console.error(err)

Create a new metafield for a product:

key: 'warehouse',
value: 25,
type: 'integer',
namespace: 'inventory',
owner_resource: 'product',
owner_id: 632910392
(metafield) => console.log(metafield),
(err) => console.error(err)

## Pagination

[Pagination][paginated-rest-results] in API version 2019-07 and above can be
done as shown in the following example:

(async () => {
let params = { limit: 10 };

do {
const products = await shopify.product.list(params);


params = products.nextPageParameters;
} while (params !== undefined);

Each set of results may have the `nextPageParameters` and
`previousPageParameters` properties. These properties specify respectively the
parameters needed to fetch the next and previous page of results.

This feature is only available on version 2.24.0 and above.

## Shopify rate limit avoidance

`shopify-api-node` has two optional mechanisms for avoiding requests failing
with `429 Rate Limit Exceeded` errors from Shopify.

The `autoLimit` option implements a client side leaky bucket algorithm for
delaying requests until Shopify is likely to accept them. When `autoLimit` is
on, each `Shopify` instance will track how many requests have been made, and
delay sending subsequent requests if the rate limit has been exceeded.
`autoLimit` is very efficient because it almost entirely avoids sending requests
which will return 429 errors, but, it does not coordinate between multiple
`Shopify` instances or across multiple processes. If you're using
`shopify-api-node` in many different processes, `autoLimit` will not correctly
avoid 429 errors.

The `maxRetries` option implements a retry based strategy for getting requests
to Shopify, where when a 429 error occurs, the request is automatically retried
after waiting. Shopify usually replies with a `Retry-After` header indicating to
the client when the rate limit is available, and so `shopify-api-node` will wait
that long before retrying. If you are using `shopify-api-node` in many different
processes, they will all be competing to use the same rate limit shopify
enforces, so there is no guarantee that retrying after the `Retry-After` header
delay will work. It is recommended to set `maxRetries` to a high value like `10`
if you are making many concurrent requests in many processes to ensure each
request is retried for long enough to succeed.

`autoLimit` and `maxRetries` can't be used simultaneously. Both are off by

## Available resources and methods

- accessScope
- `list()`
- apiPermission
- `delete()`
- applicationCharge
- `activate(id[, params])`
- `create(params)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- applicationCredit
- `create(params)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- article
- `authors()`
- `count(blogId[, params])`
- `create(blogId, params)`
- `delete(blogId, id)`
- `get(blogId, id[, params])`
- `list(blogId[, params])`
- `tags([blogId][, params])`
- `update(blogId, id, params)`
- asset
- `create(themeId, params)`
- `delete(themeId, params)`
- `get(themeId, params)`
- `list(themeId[, params])`
- `update(themeId, params)`
- balance
- `list()`
- `transactions([params])`
- blog
- `count()`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- cancellationRequest
- `accept(fulfillmentOrderId[, message])`
- `create(fulfillmentOrderId[, message])`
- `reject(fulfillmentOrderId[, message])`
- carrierService
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id)`
- `list()`
- `update(id, params)`
- checkout
- `complete(token)`
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `get(token)`
- `list([params])`
- `shippingRates(token)`
- `update(token, params)`
- collect
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- collection
- `get(id[, params])`
- `products(id[, params])`
- collectionListing
- `get(id)`
- `list([params])`
- `productIds(id[, params])`
- comment
- `approve(id)`
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `notSpam(id)`
- `remove(id)`
- `restore(id)`
- `spam(id)`
- `update(id, params)`
- country
- `count()`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- currency
- `list()`
- customCollection
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- customer
- `accountActivationUrl(id)`
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `orders(id[, params])`
- `search(params)`
- `sendInvite(id[, params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- customerAddress
- `create(customerId, params)`
- `default(customerId, id)`
- `delete(customerId, id)`
- `get(customerId, id)`
- `list(customerId[, params])`
- `set(customerId, params)`
- `update(customerId, id, params)`
- customerSavedSearch
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `customers(id[, params])`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- deprecatedApiCall
- `list()`
- discountCode
- `create(priceRuleId, params)`
- `delete(priceRuleId, id)`
- `get(priceRuleId, id)`
- `list(priceRuleId)`
- `lookup(params)`
- `update(priceRuleId, id, params)`
- discountCodeCreationJob
- `create(priceRuleId, params)`
- `discountCodes(priceRuleId, id)`
- `get(priceRuleId, id)`
- dispute
- `get(id)`
- `list([params])`
- disputeEvidence
- `get(disputeId)`
- `update(disputeId, params)`
- disputeFileUpload
- `create(disputeId, params)`
- `delete(disputeId, id)`
- draftOrder
- `complete(id[, params])`
- `count()`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `sendInvoice(id[, params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- event
- `count([params])`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- fulfillment
- `cancel(orderId, id)`
- `cancelV2(id)`
- `complete(orderId, id)`
- `count(orderId[, params)`
- `create(orderId, params)`
- `createV2(params)`
- `get(orderId, id[, params])`
- `list(orderId[, params])`
- `open(orderId, id)`
- `update(orderId, id, params)`
- `updateTracking(id, params)`
- fulfillmentEvent
- `create(orderId, fulfillmentId, params)`
- `delete(orderId, fulfillmentId, id)`
- `get(orderId, fulfillmentId, id)`
- `list(orderId, fulfillmentId[, params])`
- `update(orderId, fulfillmentId, id, params)`
- fulfillmentOrder
- `cancel(id, params)`
- `close(id[, message])`
- `get(id)`
- `list([params])`
- `locationsForMove(id)`
- `move(id, locationId)`
- `setFulfillmentOrdersDeadline(params)`
- `fulfillments(id)`
- fulfillmentRequest
- `accept(fulfillmentOrderId[, message])`
- `create(fulfillmentOrderId, params)`
- `reject(fulfillmentOrderId[, message])`
- fulfillmentService
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id)`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- giftCard
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `disable(id)`
- `get(id)`
- `list([params])`
- `search(params)`
- `update(id, params)`
- [giftCardAdjustment](
- `create(giftCardId, params)`
- `get(giftCardId, id)`
- `list(giftCardId)`
- inventoryItem
- `get(id)`
- `list(params)`
- `update(id, params)`
- inventoryLevel
- `adjust(params)`
- `connect(params)`
- `delete(params)`
- `list(params)`
- `set(params)`
- location
- `count`
- `get(id)`
- `inventoryLevels(id[, params])`
- `list()`
- marketingEvent
- `count()`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id)`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- `engagements(id, params)`
- metafield
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- order
- `cancel(id[, params])`
- `close(id)`
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `fulfillmentOrders(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `open(id)`
- `update(id, params)`
- orderRisk
- `create(orderId, params)`
- `delete(orderId, id)`
- `get(orderId, id)`
- `list(orderId)`
- `update(orderId, id, params)`
- page
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- payment
- `count(checkoutToken)`
- `create(checkoutToken, params)`
- `get(checkoutToken, id)`
- `list(checkoutToken)`
- payout
- `get(id)`
- `list([params])`
- policy
- `list([params])`
- priceRule
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id)`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- product
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- productImage
- `count(productId[, params])`
- `create(productId, params)`
- `delete(productId, id)`
- `get(productId, id[, params])`
- `list(productId[, params])`
- `update(productId, id, params)`
- productListing
- `count()`
- `create(productId[, params])`
- `delete(productId)`
- `get(productId)`
- `list([params])`
- `productIds([params])`
- [productResourceFeedback](
- `create(productId[, params])`
- `list(productId)`
- productVariant
- `count(productId)`
- `create(productId, params)`
- `delete(productId, id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list(productId[, params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- province
- `count(countryId[, params])`
- `get(countryId, id[, params])`
- `list(countryId[, params])`
- `update(countryId, id, params)`
- recurringApplicationCharge
- `activate(id, params)`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `customize(id, params)`
- redirect
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- refund
- `calculate(orderId, params)`
- `create(orderId, params)`
- `get(orderId, id[, params])`
- `list(orderId[, params])`
- report
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- resourceFeedback
- `create(params)`
- `list()`
- scriptTag
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- shippingZone
- `list([params])`
- shop
- `get([params])`
- smartCollection
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `order(id, params)`
- `products(id[, params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- storefrontAccessToken
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `list()`
- tenderTransaction
- `list([params])`
- theme
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`
- transaction
- `count(orderId)`
- `create(orderId, params)`
- `get(orderId, id[, params])`
- `list(orderId[, params])`
- usageCharge
- `create(recurringApplicationChargeId, params)`
- `get(recurringApplicationChargeId, id[, params])`
- `list(recurringApplicationChargeId[, params])`
- user
- `current()`
- `get(id)`
- `list()`
- webhook
- `count([params])`
- `create(params)`
- `delete(id)`
- `get(id[, params])`
- `list([params])`
- `update(id, params)`

where `params` is a plain JavaScript object. See the [Rest Admin API
reference][reading-api-docs] for parameters details.

## GraphQL

The `shopify` instance also allows to use the GraphQL API through the `graphql`
method, which returns a promise that resolves with the result data:

const shopify = new Shopify({
shopName: 'your-shop-name',
accessToken: 'your-oauth-token'

const query = `{
customers(first: 5) {
edges {
node {

.then((customers) => console.log(customers))
.catch((err) => console.error(err));

## Hooks

`shopify-api-node` supports being passed hooks which are called by `got` (the
underlying HTTP library) during the request lifecycle.

For example, we can log every error that is encountered when using the
`maxRetries` option:

const shopify = new Shopify({
shopName: 'your-shop-name',
accessToken: 'your-oauth-token',
maxRetries: 3,
// Pass the `beforeRetry` hook down to Got.
hooks: {
beforeRetry: [(options, error, retryCount) => console.error(error)]

For more information on the available `got` hooks, see the
[`got` v11 hooks documentation](

## Become a master of the Shopify ecosystem by:

- [Talking To Other Masters][talking-to-other-masters]
- [Reading API Docs][reading-api-docs]
- [Learning from others][learning-from-others]

## Use Polaris, a React powered Frontend Framework which mimics the Shopify merchant admin:


## Shopify Apps already using Shopify API node:

(add yours!)

- [Sample Node Express app by Shopify][sample-node-express-app-by-shopify]
- [Youtube Traffic][youtube-traffic]
- [Shipatron][shipatron]
- [UPC Code Manager][upc-code-manager]
- [Shopify Passwordless Login][dimension-software]

## Supported by:


## License

