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A cross-platform unofficial Google Assistant Client for Desktop (powered by Google Assistant SDK)

cross-platform desktop-app desktop-assistant electron electron-app g-assist gassist gaudc google-assistant google-assistant-sdk linux macos virtual-assistant windows

Last synced: 4 months ago
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A cross-platform unofficial Google Assistant Client for Desktop (powered by Google Assistant SDK)

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# Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client

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![G Assist Banner](images/Banner.png)

Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client is a cross-platform desktop client for Google Assistant based on **Google Assistant SDK**.

> Note:
> ---
> The **"Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client"** is under development. So, if you find any bugs or have any suggestion, feel free to post an _issue_ or a _pull request_.

## Inspiration

The design is inspired by Google Assistant in Chrome OS and comes in both Light Mode _(beta)_ and Dark Mode ๐Ÿ˜‰.

![G Assist Screenshot](images/Assistant_light_dark.jpg)

## Download

You can build the assistant on your machine if you prefer _(see [How to Build]( If you don't want to build the project for yourself, you can download the Assistant Setup/Installer for the respective platform from [here (releases)]( You can download from other official sources as well.

### Windows (using `winget`)

> If you are on **Windows 11**, chances are you have `winget` pre-installed.
> If you are on older version of Windows (Windows 10) and don't have it installed, check out
> [Install Winget](
> documentation section to learn how to install it.

#### โšก Stable versions:

PS> winget install "g-assist" -e

#### ๐Ÿงช Preview Versions (Pre-release versions):

PS> winget install "g-assist-preview" -e

### MacOS (using `brew`)

> Visit []( to learn how to install `brew` if you don't have it
> installed on your machine.

$ brew install --cask google-assistant

### Linux (using `snap`)

> Some linux distros like Ubuntu, KDE Neon, Manjaro, Zorin OS, etc. come pre-installed with
> `snap`. For distros without out-of-the-box support for snaps, visit [Installing snapd](
> documentation page.

Manually download from the Snapstore:

[![Get it from the Snap Store](](

#### โšก Stable versions:

$ sudo snap install g-assist

#### ๐Ÿงช Preview versions (Pre-release versions):

If you want to install release candidates:

$ sudo snap install g-assist --candidate

If you want to install beta versions:

$ sudo snap install g-assist --beta

## Getting Started

In order to use the client, you must have a _"Key File"_ and _"Token"_ for authentication which you can get by going through **Device Registration** process. You can go through the wiki given below to get started.

"*Setup Authentication for Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client*" Wiki (For both **Device Registration** & **Authentication** help):

#### Other References

If you want a user friendly registration method, use **Device Registration** UI:

If you want to use a CLI tool to complete the **Device Registration** and **Authentication** process manually, read the following:

After you have registered your device and downloaded the required authentication files, you can head on to _Settings_ and set the _"Key File Path"_ and _"Saved Tokens Path"_ to the location where the respective files are located.

## Want to Contribute?

You are more than welcome to contribute to all kinds of contributions:

* ๐Ÿค” Request/Suggest a feature
* ๐Ÿ› Report a bug
* ๐Ÿ“– Make this documentation better
* ๐Ÿ’ป Contribute with the code

Before you start, we highly recommend you check the Google Assistant Unofficial Desktop Client's [contributing guidelines](./

## Default Keyboard Shortcut

* **Windows:** Win + Shift + A
* **MacOS:** Cmd + Shift + A
* **Linux:** Super + Shift + A

**Note:** Keyboard shortcut is configurable in the settings

## Other Libraries Used

* **p5.js:**
* For visualization purpose when the user speaks through mic.
* Link:

* **aud_player.js:**
* For playing audio through speakers.
* Link:

* **microphone.js:**
* For recording audio using Web API.
* Link:

* **google-assistant:**
* Node.js implementation of the Google Assistant SDK
* Link:

* **bumblebee-hotword:**
* A minimalist hotword / wake word for the web, based on Porcupine
* Link:
