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A lightweight framework to enable hierarchical, heterogeneous dynamical systems co-integration. Batteries included!

differential-equations dynamical-systems julia julia-language stochastic-processes

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A lightweight framework to enable hierarchical, heterogeneous dynamical systems co-integration. Batteries included!

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# AlgebraicAgents.jl:
Dynamical Systems Co-Integration Framework

About |
Context |
A Single Sketch |

## About

A lightweight framework to enable **hierarchical, heterogeneous** dynamical systems **co-integration**. *Batteries included!*


Entangle dynamical systems

  • Simulate joint evolution of dynamical systems from across the Julia ecosystem

  • Each of the systems can evolve at its own pace - the framework will keep them in sync

  • The systems may access each other's (interpolated) observables

Organize systems into hierarchies

  • A dynamical system may contain an embedded hierarchy of agents

  • The systems are indexed as folders in a file system - even wildcards are supported

  • You may take sums of dynamical systems - and override default ⊕ to embrace custom system classes

The package solves a typical **scaling problem**: while modeling a complex system, one tears the joint dynamics into several parts, but inevitably runs into troubles when trying to put these parts together.

We provide a minimalistic **interface** featuring compositions of dynamical systems, to **approximate the joint dynamics** from separate systems' evolutionary laws. In practice, one only has to define a **wrap type** for a custom dynamical system class and implement a handful of **common interface methods**. So far, integrations of [DifferentialEquations.jl](, [Agents.jl](, and [AlgebraicDynamics.jl]( are provided, see the [docs](

The dynamical systems are organized into **hierarchies**. That is, a dynamical system may contain an embedded hierarchy of dynamical systems. Each system is then assigned a **path** in the overarching hierarchy, like a folder in a file system. A dynamical system typically indexes and retrieves other systems in the hierarchy via relative paths.

The underlying concept of a **sum** (a join) of dynamical systems is manifested at two distinct levels: first, the dynamical systems are **implicitly coupled** as they generally observe (and interact with) each other's state. Second, a structural sum **⊕** operator is provided; this outputs another dynamical system which usually contains the summands within a hierarchy of embedded systems. Importantly, using Julia's **dynamic dispatch**, it is possible to fully customize this behavior for user-defined dynamical system classes.

## Context: Dynamics of Value Evolution (DyVE)

The package is an integral part of the **Dynamics of Value Evolution (DyVE)** computational framework for learning, designing, integrating, simulating, and optimizing R&D process models, to better inform strategic decisions in science and business.

As the framework evolves, multiple functionalities have matured enough to become standalone packages.

This includes **[ReactiveDynamics.jl](**, a package which implements a category of reaction (transportation) network-type dynamical systems. The central concept of the package is of a stateful, parametric transition; simultaneous action of the transitions then evolves the dynamical system. Moreover, a network's dynamics can be specified using a compact modeling metalanguage.

**[CEEDesigns.jl](** is a decision-making framework for the cost-efficient design of experiments, with direct applications in drug research, healthcare, and various other fields. Typically, a design consists of multiple experiments. Each experiment is regarded as an option to acquire additional experimental evidence and is associated with a monetary cost and an execution time. The framework, then, aims to select experiments that balance the value of acquired information and the incurred costs.

Another package is **[GeneratedExpressions.jl](**, which implements a metalanguage to support code-less expression comprehensions. In the context of ReactiveDynamics.jl, expression comprehensions are used to generate complex dynamics from user-specified template transitions.

## A Single Sketch

## Integrating a Custom Dynamical System

# drug entity, lives in a therapeutic area
@aagent FreeAgent Molecule struct SmallMolecule

profile::NTuple{N, Float64}


Note the use of a conveniency macro `@aagent` which appends additional fields expected (not required, though) by default interface methods.

Next we provide an evolutionary law for `SmallMolecule` type. This is done by extending the interface function `AlgebraicAgents._step!(agent)`.

Here, `t` is the maximal time to which all the systems in a hierarchy have been projected. Once `t` reaches the time point to which `mol` has been projected, then it's time for another step:

# implement evolution
function AlgebraicAgents._step!(mol::SmallMolecule)
t = projected_to(mol) # get current time; this equals the time point up to which the mol agent has been projected (enforced via `AlgebraicAgents.step!`)

# log sales volume at time t
push!(mol.df_sales, (t, mol.sales))
# increment mol's age - by default, mols will evolve by unit step
mol.age += 1
# apply sales decay in time
mol.sales *= sales_decay_small

# remove mol 1) once sales volume drops below a given level
# 2) also account for some random effect - prob of removal increases in time
if (mol.sales <= 10) || (rand() >= exp(-0.2*mol.age))
mol.kill_time = t
push!(getagent(mol, "../dx").removed_mols, (mol.mol, t))
# remove mol from the system

We provide additional methods required by the common interface:

# to reinit the system's state - since we have cold starts here, let's simply remove the mol
AlgebraicAgents._reinit!(mol::Molecule) = disentangle!(mol)
# return time to which the system has been projected
AlgebraicAgents._projected_to(mol::Molecule) = mol.age + mol.birth_time

### Adding SDE Models

Let's define toy market demand model and represent this as a stochastic differential equation defined in `DifferentialEquations.jl`

# add SDE models for drug demand in respective areas
using DifferentialEquations

dt = 1//2^(4); tspan = (0.0,100.)
f(u,p,t) = p[:α]*u; g(u,p,t) = p[:β]*u

prob_1 = SDEProblem(f,g,.9,tspan,Dict{Symbol, Any}(:α=>.01, :β=>.01))
prob_2 = SDEProblem(f,g,1.2,tspan,Dict{Symbol, Any}(:α=>.005, :β=>.01))

SDEProblem with uType Float64 and tType Float64. In-place: false
timespan: (0.0, 100.0)
u0: 1.2

Internally, a discovery unit will adjust its productivity according to the observed market demand:

# sync with market demand
dx.productivity, = getobservable(getagent(dx, "../demand"), "demand")

### Defining & Entangling the Systems

Next step is to initiate the actual dynamical systems.

# define therapeutic areas
therapeutic_area1 = FreeAgent("therapeutic_area1")
therapeutic_area2 = FreeAgent("therapeutic_area2")

# join therapeutic models into a pharma model
pharma_model = ⊕(therapeutic_area1, therapeutic_area2; name="pharma_model")

# initialize and push discovery units to therapeutic areas
# discovery units evolve at different pace
entangle!(therapeutic_area1, Discovery("dx", 5.2, 10.; dt=3.))
entangle!(therapeutic_area2, Discovery("dx", 6., 8.; dt=5.))

# add SDE models for drug demand in respective areas
demand_model_1 = DiffEqAgent("demand", prob_1, EM(); observables=Dict("demand" => 1), dt)
demand_model_2 = DiffEqAgent("demand", prob_2, EM(); observables=Dict("demand" => 1), dt)

# push market demand units to therapeutic areas
entangle!(therapeutic_area1, demand_model_1)
entangle!(therapeutic_area2, demand_model_2)

# show the model

agent pharma_model with uuid 05e79978 of type FreeAgent
inner agents:
agent therapeutic_area1 with uuid 8b7ac56f of type FreeAgent
inner agents: demand, dx
agent therapeutic_area2 with uuid 6c749c0f of type FreeAgent
inner agents: demand, dx

getagent(pharma_model, glob"therapeutic_area?/")

2-element Vector{FreeAgent}:
FreeAgent{name=therapeutic_area2, uuid=6c749c0f, parent=FreeAgent{name=pharma_model, uuid=05e79978, parent=nothing}}
FreeAgent{name=therapeutic_area1, uuid=8b7ac56f, parent=FreeAgent{name=pharma_model, uuid=05e79978, parent=nothing}}

### Simulating the System

Let's next evolve the compound model over a hundred time units. The last argument is optional here; see `?simulate` for the details.

# let the problem evolve
simulate(pharma_model, 100)

agent pharma_model with uuid 05e79978 of type FreeAgent
inner agents:
agent therapeutic_area1 with uuid 8b7ac56f of type FreeAgent
inner agents: yBh8n, NL9OQ, IfnJm, jB2XS, YKXlR, hEjuU, TPT6A, G3KGF, dx, 0CBpW, Vj3wm, LgNCo, jBF5x, ankr2, nN8iW, 9XjQX, y3YVk, PRejO, KR4Vl, 5HktC, 4dHax, arRnv, AhPe7, 5tnsD, qqkxY, kOjsf, q2zm5, Np78L, Jlzf7, DYVji, iafx4, b1WsV, ph5PO, NmmaJ, ZQrZK, kyEmh, Szewc, Y6i1A, EEFIu, g8Kuc, p8lgB, RBFqP, 3ndHM, oqWwt, HHKxT, ck6Kh, kQ9lL, qUr9S, GWYI8, PApQn, yitPS, iD5oS, 4EQqz, pCUle, rpXFX, 9295B, aLG3w, z2dTa, T2Cg7, nF00k, demand, g3vDH, KZ423, HcGru, yh9qU, m9u9r, HNZPr, 2p5VX, WKh1Y, DXarI, TFmHm, uGhAj, Medas, MgoKV, KGgP4, llnyd, lTTiZ, doSkK, ZfhWv, XRbpr, FKCI3, ys9UH, l5gVu, N4xmD, PjsRa, ouR7H, ym4Tb, KVYTB, 6YEHf, eyprJ, WBV4y, J92xS, bfsxh, Z57dn, smhsk, ZjoM4, tu9vN, lnUVB, PqUab, oiJOb, rZHlz
agent therapeutic_area2 with uuid 6c749c0f of type FreeAgent
inner agents: dx, aIcFE, qDfar, demand

getagent(pharma_model, "therapeutic_area1/dx")

agent dx with uuid af488692 of type Main.Discovery
custom properties:
rate_small: 5.2
rate_large: 10.0
productivity: 2.3297332635836594
t: 102.0
dt: 3.0
t0: 0.0
removed_mols: [("DGSLp", 99.0), ("Grjue", 99.0), ("s8c3x", 99.0), ("NLbHs", 99.0), ("DsTSW", 99.0), ("Qzokp", 99.0), ("8BFqZ", 99.0), ("YVKb0", 99.0), ("pRKig", 99.0), ("x3Sbn", 99.0) … ("Qq6Rs", 99.0), ("C4bqV", 99.0), ("Ic9YH", 99.0), ("D5emm", 99.0), ("VW0lS", 99.0), ("Dez7v", 99.0), ("z0VjL", 99.0), ("w9LBP", 99.0), ("0Aq1f", 99.0), ("i27ZG", 99.0)]
df_output: 34×4 DataFrame
Row │ time small large removed
│ Float64 Int64 Int64 Int64
1 │ 0.0 16 32 0
2 │ 3.0 21 26 38
3 │ 6.0 8 22 46
4 │ 9.0 22 22 33
5 │ 12.0 16 34 45
6 │ 15.0 13 39 44
7 │ 18.0 14 27 56
8 │ 21.0 18 31 42
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
28 │ 81.0 14 58 98
29 │ 84.0 24 62 80
30 │ 87.0 39 70 74
31 │ 90.0 42 69 121
32 │ 93.0 38 74 107
33 │ 96.0 38 87 95
34 │ 99.0 42 74 133
19 rows omitted
parent: therapeutic_area1

getagent(pharma_model, "therapeutic_area1/demand")

agent demand with uuid 18d7fbd7 of type DiffEqAgent
custom properties:
t: 100.0
u: 2.3580108744816726
observables: demand (index: 1)
parent: therapeutic_area1

### Plotting

It's possible to provide custom plotting recipes by specializing the interface method `AlgebraicAgents._draw(agent)`. Whenever a dynamical system's state is logged into a single DataFrame - as is the case with `Discovery` type - you may utilize a convenience macro `@draw_df`. To that end, we need to load both `DataFrames` and `Plots`.

# implement plots
using DataFrames, Plots
AlgebraicAgents.@draw_df Discovery df_output

To see this in action, call

draw(getagent(pharma_model, "therapeutic_area1/dx"))
