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ROS2 node for 3D object detection using TAO-PointPillars.

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ROS2 node for 3D object detection using TAO-PointPillars.

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# ROS2 node for TAO-PointPillars

This is a ROS2 node for 3D object detection in point clouds using [TAO-PointPillars]( for inference with TensorRT.

Node details:
- Input: Takes point cloud data in [PointCloud2]( format on the topic `/point_cloud`. Each point in the data must contain 4 features - (x, y, z) position coordinates and intensity. ROS2 bags for testing the node, provided by Zvision, can be found [here](
- Output: Outputs inference results in [Detection3DArray]( format on the topic `/bbox`. This contains the class ID, score and 3D bounding box information of detected objects.
- Inference model: You can train a model on your own dataset using [NVIDIA TAO Toolkit]( following instructions [here]( We used a TensorRT engine generated from a TAO-PointPillars model trained to detect objects of 3 classes - Vehicle, Pedestrian and Cyclist.

## Requirements
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS2 Foxy.
- TensorRT 8.2(or above)
- TensorRT OSS 22.02 (see how to install below)
git clone -b 22.02 TensorRT
cd TensorRT
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir -p build && cd build
make nvinfer_plugin -j$(nproc)
make nvinfer_plugin_static -j$(nproc)
cp* /usr/lib/$ARCH-linux-gnu/
cp libnvinfer_plugin_static.a /usr/lib/$ARCH-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin_static.a
- [TAO Converter](
- [ROS2 Foxy](

## Usage

1. This project assumes that you have already trained your model using NVIDIA TAO Toolkit and have an **.etlt** file. If not, please refer [here]( for information on how to do this. The pre-trained PointPillars model used by this project can be found [here](
2. Use **tao-converter** to generate a TensorRT engine from your model. For instance:
tao-converter -k $KEY \
-e $USER_DIR/trt.engine \
-p points,1x204800x4,1x204800x4,1x204800x4 \
-p num_points,1,1,1 \
-t fp16 \

Argument definitions:
- -k: User-specific encoding key to save or load an etlt model.
- -e: Location where you want to store the resulting TensorRT engine.
- -p points: (N x P x 4), where N is the batch size, P is the maximum number of points in a point cloud file, 4 is the number of features per point.
- -p num_points: (N,), where N is the batch size as above.
- -t: Desired engine data type. The options are fp32 or fp16 (default value is fp32).

3. Source your ROS2 environment:
`source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash`
4. Create a ROS2 workspace (more information can be found [here](
mkdir -p pointpillars_ws/src
cd pointpillars_ws/src
Clone this repository in `pointpillars_ws/src`. The directory structure should look like this:
+- pointpillars_ws
+- src
+- CMakeLists.txt
+- package.xml
+- include
+- launch
+- src
5. Resolve missing dependencies by running the following command from `pointpillars_ws`:

`rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro foxy -y`

6. Specify parameters including the path to your TensorRT engine in the launch file. Please see [Modifying parameters in the launch file]( below for how to do this.

7. Build and source the package files:
colcon build --packages-select pp_infer
. install/setup.bash
8. Run the node using the launch file:
`ros2 launch pp_infer`
9. Make sure data is being published on the **/point_cloud** topic. If your point cloud data is being published on a different topic name, you can remap it to **/point_cloud** (please see [Modifying parameters in the launch file]( below). For good performance, point cloud input data should be from the same lidar and configuration that was used for training the model.
10. Inference results will be published on the **/bbox** topic as Detection3DArray messages. Each Detection3DArray message has the following information:
- header: The time stamp and frame id following [this]( format.
- detections: List of detected objects with following information for each:
- class ID
- score
- X, Y and Z coordinates of object bounding box center
- length, width and height of bounding box
- yaw (orientation) of bounding box in 3D Euclidean space

The resulting bounding box coordinates follow the coordinate system below with origin at the center of lidar:

## Modifying parameters in the launch file
Parameters such as the engine path and detection threshold can be specified in the launch file `` under the `launch` folder. Below is a description of each parameter:
- nms_iou_thresh: NMS IOU threshold.
- pre_nms_top_n: Top `n` boxes to use for NMS.
- class_names: List of object classes detected by the model.
- model_path: Path to PointPillars model (not required if TensorRT engine is specified in engine_path below).
- engine_path: Path to TensorRT engine generated using tao-converter.
- data_type: Data type (fp32 or fp16).
- intensity_scale: Float specifying scale factor for dividing intensity. For example, if model is trained on data with point intensity in the range [0.0 - 1.0] and input data at inference has intensity in the range [1 - 255], this parameter should be set to 255.0 so that input data matches training data.

Remappings: This node subscribes to the **/point_cloud** topic, but topic names can be changed through remapping. If your point cloud is coming from a different topic name, you can modify the following line in ``:

`remappings=[('/point_cloud', '/my_topic_name')]`

Change the second argument to the topic name of your choice and it will be remapped to **/point_cloud**.

After specifying your parameters, build and source the package again before launching the node as per step 7 above.


Top left is an image from the zvision camera's point of view; at the bottom is a point cloud from the zvision lidar; and top right is the detection results using TAO-PointPillars.

## Limitations
- Inference batch size: Currently the TensorRT engine for PointPillars model can only run for batch size 1.
- Detection3DArray visualization: RViz currently does not support Detection3DArray messages. We provide a simple workflow to visualize results of this node [here](

## Related projects
[viz_3Dbbox_ros2_pointpillars]( A visualization tool for 3D bounding box results of TAO-PointPillars.

## Support
Please reach out regarding issues and suggestions [here](