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A simple, but highly customisable auto-typer, written in Vue3.

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A simple, but highly customisable auto-typer, written in Vue3.

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# Auto Typer - Vue3

A simple auto-typer, written in Vue3.

Version Number
Total Downloads

## Screenshot(s)

## Contents

- [Auto Typer - Vue3](#auto-typer---vue3)
- [Screenshot(s)](#screenshots)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage/Example](#usageexample)
- [Basic Example](#basic-example)
- [Type out word, then stop](#type-out-word-then-stop)
- [Props](#props)
- [Emits](#emits)
- [Styling Customisation: changing the cursor styling](#styling-customisation-changing-the-cursor-styling)
- [Example: Changing the cursor colour/opacity](#example-changing-the-cursor-colouropacity)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Future Plans](#future-plans)

## Installation

Install Auto Typer Vue3 with npm

npm install auto-typer-vue3

Then import the module and css file into your Vue component (see usage/example below).

## Usage/Example

### Basic Example


import { AutoTyperVue } from "auto-typer-vue3";

let text = [
'This is a demo.',
'And this is another Demo!'

@import "auto-typer-vue3/dist/style.css";


### Type out word, then stop


import { AutoTyperVue } from "auto-typer-vue3";

@import "auto-typer-vue3/dist/style.css";


## Props

| Prop | Type | Default | Description | Validation |
| :---------------------- | :----------------------- | :------ | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `componentTag` | `string` | 'span' | The HTML tag that the element will be. | Currently accepts any of the following: `span`, `p`, `a`, `h*` (where * is any number). |
| `beginningWord` | `string` | `''` | A string prepended to every text item. | N/A. |
| `writtenBeginningWord` | `string` | `''` | A word that will be typed when the auto-typer begins, and then will stay there. | N/A. |
| `text` | `string \|array` | `''` | Either a string to be auto-typed, or an array of strings to be auto-typed. | |
| `startDelay` | `number` | `500` | Time (ms) before the auto-typer begins. | Number >= 0. |
| `betweenWordDelay` | `number` | `500` | Time (ms) before the next `text` string is typed. | Number >= 0. |
| `typingDelay` | `number` | `150` | Time (ms) between each character is typed (lower means faster typing). | Number >= 0. |
| `deletingDelay` | `number` | `100` | Time (ms) between each character is deleted after the text has been typed. | Number >= 0. |
| `waitBeforeDeleteDelay` | `number` | `500` | Time (ms) after the text has been typed before deleting it begins. | Number >= 0. |
| `startByDefault` | `bool` | `true` | Whether to start the auto-typer by default. If set to false, the `begin()` method must be called manually. | Number >= 0. |
| `repeat` | `bool` | `true` | Whether to repeat the text once all of them have been typed. | N/A. |
| `removeAfterRepeat` | `bool` | `false` | If repeat is false, whether to remove the final word. | N/A. |

## Emits

- `finished` - Emitted once the auto-typer has finished typing (only applicable if `repeat` is false).

## Styling Customisation: changing the cursor styling

The cursor styling can be completely overridden, or certain parts can be altered by adding additional styles below the import of `style.css`, targetting the element `.auto-typer-vue::after`.

### Example: Changing the cursor colour/opacity

Note: You may need to use `!important` to override the default styling if you use this approach.


@import "auto-typer-vue3/dist/style.css";
.auto-typer-vue::after {
border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0) !important;
opacity: 1 !important;


You could also give an ID attribute to auto typer component, and then target the attribute. This helps if there is more than one on the page, and you want each to have different styling:

You will not need to use `!important` if you use this approach.


import { AutoTyperVue } from "auto-typer-vue3";

@import "auto-typer-vue3/dist/style.css";
#main-auto-typer::after {
border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
opacity: 0.8;


## Contributing

There is a folder `playground` inside this repository which can be used as a basis for development. Clone the repo and run:

1. `npm run dev:install`
2. `npm run dev:run`

To launch this folder with Vite.

The `App.vue` file can be modified to see changes in the browser, and navigating to `/src/components/auto-typer-vue/AutoTyperVue.vue` will update the changes on the browser for the Auto Typer.

To test the packaged build, run:

0. `npm install`
1. `npm run build:vite`
2. `npm run dev:run-pack`

This will run a dev server with the packaged version of `auto-typer-vue3`, instead of the normal one.

## Future Plans

- [x] Add custom styling options the the cursor.
- [x] Handle whether to leave the final word on the screen once repeating has stopped.
- [ ] Add a variable to allow a certain number of repeats, instead of just a boolean.
- [ ] ...any other suggestions will be considered, please leave an issue if you have any feature requests!