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Profiling framework for Pharo. Also contains the Hapao test coverage tool.

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Profiling framework for Pharo. Also contains the Hapao test coverage tool.

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# The Spy2 Profiling Framework for Pharo

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Comprehending software execution is known to be a difficult, albeit essential task when building software. Spy2 is a profiling framework for Pharo, useful to gather some information about dynamic execution for a given piece of code. Spy2 allows one to easily build specific code profilers.

The latest stable version of Spy2 may be installed on Pharo 8 and Pharo 9 using the expression:

Metacello new
baseline: 'Spy2';
repository: 'github://ObjectProfile/Spy2:1.0';

The latest unstable version may be loaded using:

Metacello new
baseline: 'Spy2';
repository: 'github://ObjectProfile/Spy2';

Spy2 is also available on the Pharo Catalog Browser.

Spy2 depends on [Roassal3]( since some of the accompagning profilers use visualization. The core of Spy2, without any external dependencies, may be loaded using:

Metacello new
baseline: 'Spy2';
repository: 'github://ObjectProfile/Spy2';
load: 'Core'

# Hapao

Spy2 embeds the Hapao test coverage tool. Hapao provides a visualization of the test coverage of your application. Hapao may be run from the World menu, as illustrated below:


A description of Hapao may be seen in this [.pdf](

Here is a screenshot using the dark theme:

The same output using the light theme:

# Short Tutorial about Spy

This short-tutorial assumes you have the complete installation of Spy, which includes Roassal3. The tutorial is about building a _profiler_ that monitors the number of object creations for each class, and the number of times a method is executed. Afterward, a visualization is built to convey information gathered during an execution.

## Step 1 - Building a skeleton for the profiler
We give the name `DynAnalyzer` to our profiler and the package `Spy2DemoProfiler` will contain all the related code. A skeleton is created by executing the following code in a playground:

Spy2 generate: 'DynAnalyzer' category: 'Spy2DemoProfiler'

The skeleton is made of four classes: `DynAnalyzer`, `DynAnalyzerPackage`, `DynAnalyzerClass`, and `DynAnalyzerMethod`.

## Step 2 - Counting method execution

We need to add an instance variable to the class `DynAnalyzerMethod`. The variable `numberOfExecutions` keeps the number of execution for each method of the profiled application.

S2Method subclass: #DynAnalyzerMethod
instanceVariableNames: 'numberOfExecutions'
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'Spy2DemoProfiler'

The variable is initialized using:

super initialize.
numberOfExecutions := 0

We need a way to access it:

^ numberOfExecutions

The variable has to be incremented at each method execution:
DynAnalyzerMethod>>beforeRun: methodName with: listOfArguments in: receiver
"This method is executed before each method of the profiled application.
Insert here the instrumentation you would like to perform during the profiling."
numberOfExecutions := numberOfExecutions + 1

## Step 3 - Counting objects

We keep the number of objects in the class `DynAnalyzerClass`:

S2Class subclass: #DynAnalyzerClass
instanceVariableNames: 'numberOfObjects'
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'Spy2DemoProfiler'

When created, we simply initialize this variable to 0:
super initialize.
numberOfObjects := 0.

A small utility method to increase the number of created objects:
numberOfObjects := numberOfObjects + 1

The number of objects has to be accessible:
^ numberOfObjects

We now need to make our profiler call `increaseNumberOfObjects` whenever a new object is created. Spy2 offers a dedicated pluggin for this:


^ S2SpecialBehaviorPlugin basicNewPluginOn: self

The method `onBasicNew:` is called on the profiler when a new object is created. This is where we should increase the number of objects:

DynAnalyzer>>onBasicNew: obj
"obj is a newly created object"
(obj class getSpy: self) increaseNumberOfObjects

## Step 4 - Visualization

We will redefine the method `printOn:` to indicate the number of objects created:

DynAnalyzerClass>>printOn: str
super printOn: str.
str nextPutAll: self className.
str nextPutAll: ' - '.
str nextPutAll: numberOfObjects asString.
str nextPutAll: ' created objects'.

We build a dedicated visualization using Roassal3. Consider the method:

DynAnalyzer>>gtInspectorViewIn: composite

composite roassal3
title: 'View';
initializeCanvas: [ self buildCanvas ]

The visualization is implemented using `buildCanvas`:

| c executedClasses label methods composite |
c := RSCanvas new.
executedClasses := self allClasses
[ :clsSpy | clsSpy allMethods anySatisfy: [ :m | m numberOfExecutions > 0 ] ].
do: [ :clsSpy |
"Name of the class"
label := RSLabel new text: clsSpy className.

"Build the method visual elements"
methods := clsSpy methods
collect: [ :m |
RSBox new
model: m;
size: (m numberOfExecutions sqrt max: 4);
color: Color blue ]
as: RSGroup.

"Make all the method located as a grid"
RSGridLayout on: methods.
methods @ RSPopup.

"Locate the label above the methods"
RSLocation new
move: label on: methods.
composite := RSComposite new.
composite model: clsSpy.
composite color: Color veryVeryLightGray.
composite shapes: {label} , methods.
composite @ RSDraggable.
composite padding: 10.
c add: composite.
composite @ RSPopup ].
RSFlowLayout on: c shapes.
RSNormalizer color
shapes: c shapes;
from: Color gray;
to: Color lightRed;
normalize: #numberOfObjects.
c @ RSCanvasController.
^ c

DynAnalyzer new
profile: [ RSShapeExamples new example10Donut open ]
onPackagesMatchingExpresions: #('Roassal3*')

Result of the execution is:

![alt text](screenshots/tutorial01-01.png]

The visualization represents classes as a box with methods in it. The size of the method represents the number of executions the method was executed during the execution. Class boxes faces from gray to red. A red class is the class that has the most objects created from it. On the example, hovering the mouse above the `RSEllipse` indicates that the expression `RSShapeExamples new example10Donut open` creates 1800 objects from that class.

Another example could be:

DynAnalyzer new
profile: [ RSShapeExamples new example07NormalizeColor open ]
onPackagesMatchingExpresions: #('Roassal3*')
![alt text](screenshots/tutorial01-02.png]


# Hapao
Hapao is a test coverage tool for Pharo and VisualWorks. After having run your test, it gives an intuitive visualization of the test coverage.
More information can be found on **

# Contributing to Spy and Hapao
If you wish to contribute to Spy2 or Hapao (e.g., fixing bug, proposing an improvement), please, submit pull requests.

# Pharo 6 and 7

The git repository contains a tag `Pharo7`. You can also use:

Metacello new
baseline: 'Spy2';
repository: 'github://ObjectProfile/Spy2:v1.0/src';

# Developer corner

If you have a local copy of Spy, then you can load it via:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Spy2';
repository: 'gitlocal:///Users/alexandrebergel/Dropbox/GitRepos/Spy2' ;