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IKPy, an Universal Inverse Kinematics library

inverse-kinematics poppy python robotics urdf

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IKPy, an Universal Inverse Kinematics library

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# IKPy




![IKPy on the baxter robot](baxter.png)

## Demo

Live demos of what IKPy can do \(click on the image below to see the video\):


Also, a presentation of IKPy: [Presentation](

## Features

With IKPy, you can:

* Compute the **Inverse Kinematics** of every existing robot.
* Compute the Inverse Kinematics in **position, [orientation](./tutorials/Orientation.ipynb)**, or both
* Define your kinematic chain using **arbitrary representations**: DH (Denavit–Hartenberg), URDF, custom...
* Automatically import a kinematic chain from a **URDF file**.
* Support for arbitrary joint types: `revolute`, `prismatic` and more to come in the future
* Use pre-configured robots, such as [**baxter**](./tutorials/Baxter%20kinematics.ipynb) or the **poppy-torso**
* IKPy is **precise** (up to 7 digits): the only limitation being your underlying model's precision, and **fast**: from 7 ms to 50 ms (depending on your precision) for a complete IK computation.
* **Plot** your kinematic chain: no need to use a real robot (or a simulator) to test your algorithms!
* Define your own Inverse Kinematics methods.
* Utils to parse and analyze URDF files:


Moreover, IKPy is a **pure-Python library**: the install is a matter of seconds, and no compiling is required.

## Installation

You have three options:

1. From PyPI \(recommended\) - simply run:

pip install ikpy

If you intend to plot your robot, you can install the plotting dependencies \(mainly `matplotlib`\):

pip install 'ikpy[plot]'

2. From source - first download and extract the archive, then run:

pip install ./

NB: You must have the proper rights to execute this command

## Quickstart

Follow this IPython [notebook](

## Guides and Tutorials

Go to the [wiki]( It should introduce you to the basic concepts of IKPy.

## API Documentation

An extensive documentation of the API can be found [here](

## Dependencies and compatibility

Starting with IKPy v3.1, only Python 3 is supported.
For versions before v3.1, the library can work with both versions of Python \(2.7 and 3.x\).

In terms of dependencies, it requires `numpy` and `scipy`.

`sympy` is highly recommended, for fast hybrid computations, that's why it is installed by default.

`matplotlib` is optional: it is used to plot your models \(in 3D\).

## Contributing

IKPy is designed to be easily customisable: you can add your own IK methods or robot representations \(such as DH-Parameters\) using a dedicated [developer API](

Contributions are welcome: if you have an awesome patented \(but also open-source!\) IK method, don't hesitate to propose adding it to the library!

## Links

* If performance is your main concern, `aversive++` has an inverse kinematics [module]( written in C++, which works the same way IKPy does.

## Citation

If you use IKPy as part of a publication, please use the Bibtex below as a citation:

author = {Manceron, Pierre},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6551105},
license = {GPL-2.0},
title = {{IKPy}},
url = {}