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C++ API wrapper for displaying shapes and meshes in Rviz

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C++ API wrapper for displaying shapes and meshes in Rviz

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# Rviz Visual Tools

C++ API wrapper for displaying shapes and meshes in Rviz via helper functions that publish markers. Useful for displaying and debugging data. For more advanced robot visualization features, see the [moveit_visual_tools]( which builds on this class.

This package includes:

- Rviz Panel GUI to step through your code for debugging and testing
- Rviz-based keyboard control for stepping through application
- Easy to use helper functions for visualizing in Rviz fast
- Basic geometric markers for Rviz
- More complex geometric shapes such as coordinate frames, framed boxes, planes, paths, graphs
- Ability to quickly choose standard colors and sizes
- Tools to ensure proper connection to Rviz before publishing visualizations
- Shortcuts to convert between different types of points and poses - ROS msgs, Eigen, tf, etc
- Batch publishing capabilities to reduce over throttling ROS messages
- A tf publishing helper class
- An interactive marker helper class

This open source project was developed at [PickNik Robotics]( Need professional ROS development and consulting? Contact us at [email protected] for a free consultation.

* [![Build Status](]( Travis CI
* [![Build Status](]( ROS Kinetic Buildfarm - AMD64 Xenial Debian Build for Ubuntu 16.04
* [![Build Status](]( ROS Kinetic Buildfarm - AMD64 Xenial Devel Build for Ubuntu 16.04
* [![Build Status](]( ROS Melodic Buildfarm - AMD64 Bionic Debian Build for Ubuntu 18.04
* [![Build Status](]( ROS Melodic Buildfarm - AMD64 Bionic Devel Build for Ubuntu 18.04


## Install

### Ubuntu Debian

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-rviz-visual-tools

### Build from Source

Clone this repository into a catkin workspace, then use the rosdep install tool to automatically download its dependencies. Depending on your current version of ROS, use:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro melodic

## Quick Start Demo

To see random shapes generated in Rviz, first launch Rviz:

roslaunch rviz_visual_tools demo_rviz.launch

Then start demo:

roslaunch rviz_visual_tools demo.launch

## Code API

See [the Doxygen documentation](

## Usage

We'll assume you will be using these helper functions within a class. Almost all of the functions assume you are publishing transforms in the world frame (whatever you call that e.g. /odom).

### Initialize

Add to your includes:

Add to your class's member variables:
// For visualizing things in rviz
rviz_visual_tools::RvizVisualToolsPtr visual_tools_;

In your class' constructor add:
visual_tools_.reset(new rviz_visual_tools::RvizVisualTools("base_frame","/rviz_visual_markers"));

Change the first parameter to the name of your robot's base frame, and the second parameter to whatever name you'd like to use for the corresponding Rviz marker ROS topic.

### Tools

Now in your code you can easily debug your code using visual markers in Rviz

Start rviz and create a new marker using the 'Add' button at the bottom right. Choose the marker topic to be the same as the topic you specified in the constructor.

### Example Code

In the following snippet we create a pose at xyz (0.1, 0.1, 0.1) and rotate the pose down 45 degrees along the Y axis. Then we publish the pose as a arrow for visualziation in Rviz. Make sure your Rviz fixed frame is the same as the one chosen in the code.

// Create pose
Eigen::Isometry3d pose;
pose = Eigen::AngleAxisd(M_PI/4, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()); // rotate along X axis by 45 degrees
pose.translation() = Eigen::Vector3d( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ); // translate x,y,z

// Publish arrow vector of pose
ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("test","Publishing Arrow");
visual_tools_->publishArrow(pose, rviz_visual_tools::RED, rviz_visual_tools::LARGE);

// Don't forget to trigger the publisher!

For more example code see [rviz_visual_tools_demo.cpp](

## Rviz GUI Usage

Publishes on the topic of ``/rviz_visual_tools_gui``

The buttons in the [Joy]( message correspond to the following:

1 - Next
2 - Continue
3 - Break
4 - Stop

Note: only Next is fully implemented

### Mouse-Based Control


Use the Rviz panel called "RvizVisualToolsGui" to step through your program.

### Keyboard-Based Control


Switch to the "KeyTool" in the top of the Rviz window and use the following keyboard commands:
- n: next
- c or a: continue
- b: break
- s: stop

## API

### Basic Publishing Functions

See ``rviz_visual_tools.h`` for more details and documentation on the following functions:

- publishSphere
- publishSpheres
- publishArrow/publishXArrow
- publishYArrow
- publishZArrow
- publishCuboid
- publishCone
- publishXYPlane
- publishXZPlane
- publishYZPlane
- publishLine
- publishPath
- publishPolygon
- publishBlock
- publishWireframeCuboid
- publishWireframeRectangle
- publishAxis
- publishAxisLabeled
- publishCylinder
- publishMesh
- publishText
- publishTest

And more...

### Helper Functions

Reset function

- ``deleteAllMarkers()`` - tells Rviz to clear out all current markers from being displayed.

All markers must be triggered after being published, by calling the ``trigger()`` function. This allows batch publishing to be achieved by only calling after several markers have been created, greatly increasing the speed of your application. You can even explicitly tell ``rviz_visual_tools`` how often to publish via the ``triggerEvery(NUM_MARKERS)`` command:

- trigger()
- triggerEvery(20)

Conversion functions

- convertPose
- convertPoint32ToPose
- convertPoseToPoint
- convertPoint
- convertPoint32
- convertFromXYZRPY
- convertToXYZRPY

Convenience functions

- generateRandomPose
- generateEmptyPose
- dRand
- fRand
- iRand
- getCenterPoint
- getVectorBetweenPoints

Frame locking


This allows the markers to be automatically updated as the base frame moves without having to republish. You can enable it via ``enableFrameLocking()`` (this is not enabled by default).

### Available Colors

This package helps you quickly choose colors - feel free to send PRs with more colors as needed

DEFAULT // i.e. 'do not change default color'

### Available Marker Sizes


## Interactive Marker Helper Class

This class quickly gives you basic 6dof pose interactive marker funcitonality. A demo is available:

roslaunch rviz_visual_tools demo_rviz.launch
rosrun rviz_visual_tools imarker_simple_demo

## TF Visual Tools

This tool lets you easily debug Eigen transforms in Rviz. Demo use:

rviz_visual_tools::TFVisualTools tf_visualizer;
Eigen::Isometry3d world_to_shelf_transform = Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity(); // or whatever value
tf_visualizer.publishTransform(world_to_shelf_transform, "world", "shelf");

*Note: this is a work in progress*

## Testing and Linting

To run [roslint](, use the following command with [catkin-tools](

catkin build --no-status --no-deps --this --make-args roslint

To run [catkin lint](, use the following command with [catkin-tools](

catkin lint -W2

Use the following command with [catkin-tools]( to run the small amount of available tests:

catkin run_tests --no-deps --this -i

Run with clang-tidy: -clang-tidy-binary=/usr/lib/llvm-4.0/bin/clang-tidy -fix -p=/home/dave/ros/current/ws_moveit/build/rviz_visual_tools .

## Docker Image

[Dockerhub]( automatically creates a Docker for this repo. To run with GUI:

# This is not the safest way however, as you then compromise the access control to X server on your host
xhost +local:root # for the lazy and reckless
docker run -it --env="DISPLAY" --env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" --volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" davetcoleman/rviz_visual_tools:melodic
export containerId=$(docker ps -l -q)
# Close security hole:
xhost -local:root

(Optional) To build the docker image locally for this repo, run in base of package:

docker build -t davetcoleman/rviz_visual_tools:melodic .

## Contribute

Please send PRs for new helper functions, fixes, etc!

When a pull request is opened, a reviewer is randomly assigned from the reviewer list using the [Auto Assign Github Bot](