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A Screenshot app with Screenshot API and React js, that create screenshots of websites with the help of the URL that we will paste to the Input field.

react reactjs screenshot screenshot-generator

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

A Screenshot app with Screenshot API and React js, that create screenshots of websites with the help of the URL that we will paste to the Input field.

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# Snappify

A Screenshot app with Screenshot API and React js, that create screenshots of websites with the help of the URL that we will paste to the Input field.

> See live Demo here: [](

> Chat with us at [Gitter](


![landing page](

## Tech Stack

- **Frontend:** React JS/HTML/CSS/Bootstrap
- **API**: [Screenshot API](

## Get Started

- Fork and Clone the Repo

git clone

- Install Dependencies

cd Snappify
npm install

- Get your own API token from [Screenshot API]( and insert it inside `.env` under the variable name `REACT_APP_API_TOKEN`.
``` bash
echo REACT_APP_API_TOKEN=your-token-here > .env

- Run Server

npm start

## 💼 Code of Conduct

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Please adhere toward our [Code-of-Conduct](

## Open Source Contests


[NWoC (NJACK Winter of Code)]( is a program by NJACK (The Official Computer Science Club of IIT Patna) that helps students understand the paradigm of Open Source contribution and gives them real world software development experience.

> **NOTE:** All the contributions to be counted under NWoC should be made to the `nwoc` branch.


## Project Admin

[![Issues](]( [![Maintenance](]( [![Gitter](](

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| :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| **[Pragati Verma](** |
| |

> **_Need help?_** > **_Feel free to contact me @ [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]?Subject=SnippetShareProject)_**

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#### Thanks goes to our valuable Contributors :

> Made By Pragati Verma with ❤️

> Pragati Verma © 2020

> [![ForTheBadge built-with-love](](
> [![ForTheBadge built-by-developers](](
