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fades is a system that automatically handles the virtualenvs in the cases normally found when writing scripts and simple programs, and even helps to administer big projects.

packaging pip pypi python virtualenv

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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fades is a system that automatically handles the virtualenvs in the cases normally found when writing scripts and simple programs, and even helps to administer big projects.

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What is fades?

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:alt: Documentation Status
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:alt: Snap Status
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:alt: Appveyor Status

fades is a system that automatically handles the virtual environments in the
cases normally found when writing scripts and simple programs, and
even helps to administer big projects.

.. image:: resources/logo256.png

*fades* will automagically create a new virtual environment (or reuse a previous
created one), installing the necessary dependencies, and execute
your script inside that virtual environment, with the only requirement
of executing the script with *fades* and also marking the required

*(If you don't have a clue why this is necessary or useful, I'd recommend you
to read this small text about* `Python and the Management of Dependencies
`_ *.)*

The first non-option parameter (if any) would be then the child program
to execute, and any other parameters after that are passed as is to that
child script.

*fades* can also be executed without passing a child script to execute:
in this mode it will open a Python interactive interpreter inside the
created/reused virtual environment (taking dependencies from ``--dependency`` or
``--requirement`` options).

.. contents::

How to use it?

Click in the following image to see a video/screencast that shows most of
fades features in just 5'...

.. image:: resources/video/screenshot.png

...or inspect `these several small GIFs `_ that
show each a particular `fades` functionality, but please keep also reading
for more detailed information...

Yes, please, I want to read

When you write an script, you have to take two special measures:

- need to execute it with *fades* (not *python*)

- need to mark those dependencies

At the moment you execute the script, fades will search a
virtual environment with the marked dependencies, if it doesn't exists
fades will create it, and execute the script in that environment.

How to execute the script with fades?

You can always call your script directly with fades::


However, for you to not forget about fades and to not execute it
directly with python, it's better if you put at the beggining of
the script the indication for the operating system that it should
be executed with fades... ::

#!/usr/bin/env fades

...and also set the executable bit in the script::

chmod +x

You can also execute scripts directly from the web, passing directly the
URL of the pastebin where the script is pasted (most common pastebines are
supported,, gist,, but also it's supported if
the URL points to the script directly)::


How to mark the dependencies to be installed?

The procedure to mark a module imported by the script as a *dependency
to be installed by fades* is by using a comment.

This comment will normally be in the same line of the import (recommended,
less confusing and less error prone in the future), but it also can be in
the previous one.

The simplest comment is like::

import somemodule # fades
from somepackage import othermodule # fades

The ``fades`` is mandatory, in this examples the repository is PyPI,
see `About different repositories`_ below for other examples.

With that comment, *fades* will install automatically in the virtual environment the
``somemodule`` or ``somepackage`` from PyPI.

Also, you can indicate a particular version condition, examples::

import somemodule # fades == 3
import somemodule # fades >= 2.1
import somemodule # fades >=2.1,<2.8,!=2.6.5

Sometimes, the project itself doesn't match the name of the module; in
these cases you can specify the project name (optionally, before the

import bs4 # fades beautifulsoup4
import bs4 # fades beautifulsoup4 == 4.2

What if no script is given to execute?

If no script or program is passed to execute, *fades* will provide a virtual environment
with all the indicated dependencies, and then open an interactive interpreter
in the context of that virtual environment.

Here is where it comes very handy the ``-i/--ipython`` option, if that REPL
is preferred over the standard one.

In the case of using an interactive interpreter, it's also very useful to
make *fades* to automatically import all the indicated dependencies,
passing the ``--autoimport`` parameter.

Other ways to specify dependencies

Apart of marking the imports in the source file, there are other ways
to tell *fades* which dependencies to install in the virtual environment.

One way is through command line, passing the ``--dependency`` parameter.
This option can be specified multiple times (once per dependency), and
each time the format is ``repository::dependency``. The dependency may
have versions specifications, and the repository is optional (defaults
to 'pypi').

Another way is to specify the dependencies in a text file, one dependency
per line, with each line having the format previously described for
the ``--dependency`` parameter. This file is then indicated to fades
through the ``--requirement`` parameter. This option can be specified
multiple times.

In case of multiple definitions of the same dependency, command line
overrides everything else, and requirements file overrides what is
specified in the source code.

Finally, you can include package names in the script docstring, after
a line where "fades" is written, until the end of the docstring;
for example::

"""Script to do stuff.

It's a very important script.

We need some dependencies to run ok, installed by fades:

About different repositories

*fades* supports installing the required dependencies from multiples repositories: besides PyPI, you can specify URLs that can point to projects from GitHub, Launchpad, etc. (basically, everything that is supported by ``pip`` itself).

When a dependency is specified, *fades* deduces the proper repository. For example, in the following examples *fades* will install requests from the latest revision from PyPI in the first case, and in the second case the latest revision from the project itself from GitHub::

-d requests
-d git+

If you prefer, you can be explicit about which kind of repository *fades* should use, prefixing the dependency with the special token double colon (``::``)::

-d pypi::requests
-d vcs::git+

There are two basic repositories: ``pypi`` which will make *fades* to install the desired dependency from PyPI, and ``vcs``, which will make *fades* to treat the dependency as a URL for a version control system site. In the first case, for PyPI, a full range of version comparators can be specified, as usual. For ``vcs`` repositories, though, the comparison is always exact: if the very same dependency is specified, a *virtual environment* is reused, otherwise a new one will be created and populated.

In both cases (specifying the repository explicitly or implicitly) there is no difference if the dependency is specified in the command line, in a ``requirements.txt`` file, in the script's docstring, etc. In the case of marking the ``import`` directly in the script, it slightly different.

When marking the ``import`` it normally happens that the package itself to be installed has the name of the imported module, and because of that it can only be found in PyPI. So, in the following cases the ``pypi`` repository is not only deduced, but unavoidable::

import requests # fades
from foo import bar # fades
import requests # fades <= 3

But if the package is specified (normally needed because it's different than the module name), or if a version control system URL is specified, the same possibilities stated above are available: let *fades* to deduce the proper repository or mark it explicitly::

import bs4 # fades beautifulsoup
import bs4 # fades pypi::beautifulsoup
import requests # fades git+
import requests # fades vcs::git+

One last detail about the ``vcs`` repository: the format to write the URLs is the same (as it's passed without modifications) than what ``pip`` itself supports (see `pip docs `_ for more details).

Furthermore, you can install from local projects. It's just fine to use a
dependency that starts with ``file:``. E.g. (please note the triple slash,
because we're mixing the protocol indication with the path)::

fades -d file:///home/crazyuser/myproject/allstars/

How to control the virtual environment creation and usage?

You can influence several details of all the virtual environment related process.

The most important detail is which version of Python will be used in
the virtual environment. Of course, the corresponding version of Python needs to
be installed in your system, but you can control exactly which one to use.

No matter which way you're executing the script (see above), you can
pass a ``-p`` or ``--python`` argument, indicating the Python version to
be used just with the number (``3.9``), the whole name (``python3.9``) or
the whole path (``/usr/bin/python3.9``).

Other detail is the verbosity of *fades* when telling what is doing. By
default, *fades* only will use stderr to tell if a virtual environment is being
created, and to let the user know that is doing an operation that
requires an active network connection (e.g. installing a new dependency).

If you call *fades* with ``-v`` or ``--verbose``, it will send all internal
debugging lines to stderr, which may be very useful if any problem arises.
On the other hand if you pass the ``-q`` or ``--quiet`` parameter, *fades*
will not show anything (unless it has a real problem), so the original
script stderr is not polluted at all.

If you want to use IPython shell you need to call *fades* with ``-i`` or
``--ipython`` option. This option will add IPython as a dependency to *fades*
and it will launch this shell instead of the python one.

You can also use ``--system-site-packages`` to create a venv with access to
the system libs.

Finally, no matter how the virtual environment was created, you can always get the
base directory of the virtual environment in your system using the ``--where`` (or its
alias ``--get-venv-dir``) option.

Running programs in the context of the virtual environment

The ``-x/--exec`` parameter allows you to execute any program (not just
a Python one) in the context of the virtual environment.

By default the mandatory given argument is considered the executable
name, relative to the environment's ``bin`` directory, so this is
specially useful to execute installed scripts/program by the declared
dependencies. E.g.::

fades -d flake8 -x flake8

Take in consideration that you can pass an absolute path and it will be
respected (but not a relative path, as it will depend of the virtual environment

For example, if you want to run a shell script that in turn runs a Python
program that needs to be executed in the context of the virtual environment, you
can do the following::

fades -r requirements.txt --exec /var/lib/foobar/

Finally, if the intended code to run is prepared to be executed as a module
(what you would normally run as `python3 -m some_module`), you can
use the same parameter with *fades* to run that module inside the virtual environment::

fades -r requirements.txt -m some_module

How to deal with packages that are upgraded in PyPI

When you tell *fades* to create a virtual environment using one dependency and
don't specify a version, it will install the latest one from PyPI.

For example, you do ``fades -d foobar`` and it installs foobar in
version 7. At some point, there is a new version of foobar in PyPI,
version 8, but if do ``fades -d foobar`` it will just reuse previously
created virtual environment, with version 7, not downloading the new version and
creating a new virtual environment with it!

You can tell fades to do otherwise, just do::

fades -d foobar --check-updates

...and *fades* will search updates for the package on PyPI, and as it will
found version 8, will create a new virtual environment using the latest version. You
can also use the ``-U`` option as an alias for ``--check-updates``::

fades -d foobar -U

From this moment on, if you request ``fades -d foobar`` it will bring the
virtual environment with the new version. If you want to get a virtual environment with
not-the-latest version for any dependency, just specify the proper versions.

You can even use the ``--check-updates`` parameter when specifying the package
version. Say you call ``fades -d foobar==7``, *fades* will install version 7 no
matter which one is the latest. But if you do::

fades -d foobar==7 --check-updates will still use version 7, but will inform you that a new version
is available!

What about pinning dependencies?

One nice benefit of *fades* is that every time dependencies change in your
project, you actually get to use a new virtual environment automatically.

If you don't pin the dependencies in your requirements file, this has
another nice side effect: everytime you use them in a new environment (or
if you have `--check-updates` set) you will get latest versions, effectively
avoiding the trap of sticking in old versions forever.

However, this has a bad side. If it happens that a dependency of your
project released a revision between the moment you run the tests and the
moment your project is deployed to the server, it may happen that you
actually put in production an untested combination. Furthermore, it may
happen that even if you do pin your dependencies, the dependencies of
those dependencies may not be pinned, and you get into the same situation.

For example, you may have the ``requests == 2.19.1`` dependency, but
``requests`` declares its own dependencies, for example
``chardet >= 3.0.2``, and when running tests locally you may get ``chardet``
in version ``3.0.3``, but nothing guarantees you that when deploying your
project to a server (effectively building everything from scratch) you will
not get a newer version of ``chardet``, which may be totally fine but in fact
it's something that you did NOT test locally.

Here is where *fades* comes to the rescue with the ``--freeze`` option. If
this parameter is given, *fades* will operate exactly as it normally would,
but also will dump the result of ``pip freeze`` into the specified file.

So to continue with the example above, you could run your tests like::

fades -d "requests == 2.19.1" --freeze=reqs-frozen.txt -x python3 -m unittest

...which will leave you ``reqs-frozen.txt`` with a content similar to::


And then you could use *that file* for deployment, which has *all packages*
pinned, so you will get exactly what you was expecting.

Under the hood options

For particular use cases you can send specifics arguments to the ``venv`` module, ``pip`` and ``python`` itself, using the ``--venv-options``, ``--pip-options`` and ``--python-options`` modifiers respectively. You have to use that argument for each argument sent.


``fades -d requests --venv-options="--symlinks"``

``fades -d requests --pip-options="--index-url=''"``

``fades --python-options=-B``

Setting options using config files

You can also configure fades using `.ini` config files. fades will search config files in
`/etc/fades/fades.ini`, the path indicated by `xdg` for your system
(for example `~/config/fades/fades.ini`) and `.fades.ini`.

So you can have different settings at system, user and project level.

With fades installed you can get your config dir running::

python -c "from fades.helpers import get_confdir; print(get_confdir())"

The config files are in `.ini` format. (configparser) and fades will search for a `[fades]` section.

You have to use the same configurations that in the CLI. The only difference is with the config
options with a dash, it has to be replaced with a underscore.::

dependency=requests;django>=1.8 # separated by semicolon

There is a little difference in how fades handle these settings: "dependency", "pip-options" and
"venv-options". In these cases you have to use a semicolon separated list.

The most important thing is that these options will be merged. So if you configure in
`/etc/fades/fades.ini` "dependency=requests" you will have requests in all the virtual environments
created by fades.

How to clean up old virtual environments?

When using *fades* virtual environments are something you should not have to think about.
*fades* will do the right thing and create a new virtual environment that matches the required
dependencies. There are cases however when you'll want to do some clean up to remove
unnecessary virtual environments from disk.

By running *fades* with the ``--rm`` argument, *fades* will remove the
virtual environment matching the provided UUID if such environment exists (one easy
way to find out the environment's UUID is calling *fades* with the
``--where`` option).

Another way to clean up the cache is to remove all venvs that haven't been used for some time.
In order to do this you need to call *fades* with ``--clean-unused-venvs``.
When fades it's called with this option, it runs in mantain mode, this means that fades will exit
after finished this task.

All virtual environments that haven't been used for more days than the value indicated in param will be

It is recommended to have some automatically way of run this option;
ie, add a cron task that perform this command::

fades --clean-unused-venvs=42

Some command line examples

Execute ```` under *fades*, passing the ``--bar`` parameter to the child program, in a virtual environment with the dependencies indicated in the source code::

fades --bar

Execute ```` under *fades*, showing all the *fades* messages (verbose mode)::

fades -v

Execute ```` under *fades* (passing the ``--bar`` parameter to it), in a virtual environment with the dependencies indicated in the source code and also ``dependency1`` and ``dependency2`` (any version > 3.2)::

fades -d dependency1 -d "dependency2>3.2" --bar

Execute the Python interactive interpreter in a virtual environment with ``dependency1`` installed::

fades -d dependency1

Execute the Python interactive interpreter in a virtual environment after installing there all dependencies taken from the ``requirements.txt`` file::

fades -r requirements.txt

Execute the Python interactive interpreter in a virtual environment after installing there all dependencies taken from files ``requirements.txt`` and ``requirements_devel.txt``::

fades -r requirements.txt -r requirements_devel.txt

Use the ```` script to start a new project named ``foo``, without having to have django previously installed::

fades -d django -x startproject foo

Remove a virtual environment matching the given uuid from disk and cache index::

fades --rm 89a2bf83-c280-4918-a78d-c35506efd69d

Download the script from the given pastebin and executes it (previously building a virtual environment for the dependencies indicated in that pastebin, of course)::


Run all the tests in a project (running ``pytest`` directly as a module, for better behaviour) and at the same time freeze dependencies for later deployment::

fades -r requirements.txt --freeze -m pytest -v

Some examples using fades in project scripts

Including *fades* in project helper scripts makes it easy to stop
worrying about the virtual environment activation/deactivation when working
in that project, and also solves the problem of needing to
update/change/fix an already created virtual environment if the
dependencies change.

This is an example of how a script to run your project may look like::

if (command -v fades > /dev/null)
# fades FTW!
fades -r requirements.txt bin/start
echo 2
# hope you are in the correct virtual environment
python3 bin/start

To run the tests, it's super handy to have a script that also takes care
of the development dependencies::

fades -r requirements.txt -r reqs-dev.txt -x python -m pytest -s "$@"

What if Python is updated in my system?

The virtual environments created by fades depend on the Python version used to
create them, considering its major and minor version.

This means that if run fades with a Python version and then run it again
with a different Python version, it may need to create a new virtual environment.

Let's see some examples. Let's say you run fades with ``python``, which
is a symlink in your ``/usr/bin/`` to ``python3.6`` (running it directly
by hand or because fades is installed to use that Python version).

If you have Python 3.6.2 installed in your system, and it's upgraded to
Python 3.6.3, fades will keep reusing the already created virtual environments, as
only the micro version changed, not minor or major.

But if Python 3.7 is installed in your system, and the default ``python``
is pointed to this new one, fades will start creating all the
virtual environments again, with this new version.

This is a good thing, because you want that the dependencies installed
with one specific Python in the virtual environment are kept being used by the
same Python version.

However, if you want to avoid this behaviour, be sure to always call fades
with the specific Python version (``/usr/bin/python3.6`` or ``python3.6``,
for example), so it won't matter if a new version is available in the

How to install it

Several instructions to install ``fades`` in different platforms.

Simplest way

In some systems you can install ``fades`` directly, no needing to
install previously any dependency.

If you are in debian unstable or testing, just do:

sudo apt-get install fades

For Arch Linux, you can install it from the **AUR** using any `AUR helper `_, e.g. with ``pikaur``:

pikaur -S fades

In systems with Snaps:

snap install fades --classic

(why `--classic`? Because it's the only way that `fades` could, from
inside the snap, access the rest of the system in case you want to
use a different Python version, or a dependency that needs
compilation, etc).

For Mac OS X (and `Homebrew `_):

brew install fades

Else, keep reading to know how to install the dependencies first, and
``fades`` in your system next.


Besides needing Python 3.6 or greater, fades depends on the ``python-xdg`` package. This package should be installed on any GNU/Linux OS wiht a GUI. However it is an **optional** dependency.

You can install it in Ubuntu/Debian with::

apt-get install python3-xdg

And on Arch Linux with::

pacman -S python-xdg

For others debian and ubuntu

If you are NOT in debian unstable or testing (if you are, see
above for better instructions), you can use this
`.deb `_.

Download it and install doing::

sudo dpkg -i fades_*.deb

Using pip if you want

pip3 install fades

Multiplatform tarball

Finally you can always get the multiplatform tarball and install
it in the old fashion way::

tar -xf fades_*.tar.gz
cd fades-*
sudo ./ install

Can I try it without installing it?

Yes! Branch the project and use the executable::

git clone
cd fades

What about Windows?

Windows is a platform supported by fades.

However, we don't have a proper Windows installer (a ``.exe`` or
``.msi``), but you can install it using ``pip``, or from the tarball,
or try it directly from the project. All these options are properly
described above.

We *do* want to have a Windows installer. If you can help us in this
regard, please contact us. Also we would want a Travis running in
Windows so that GitHub runs all the tests in this platform too before
landing any code. Thanks!

Get some help, give some feedback

You can ask any question or send any recommendation or request to
the `mailing list `_.

Come chat with us on IRC. The #fades channel is located at the `Freenode `_ network.

Also, you can open an issue
`here `_ (please do if you
find any problem!).

Thanks in advance for your time.

How to develop fades itself

Quick guide to get you up and running in fades development.

Getting the code

Clone the project::

git clone [email protected]:PyAr/fades.git

Install dependencies

*fades* manages it's own dependencies, so there is nothing extra you need to install.

To try it, just do::

bin/fades -V

How to run the tests

When starting development, at all times, and specially before wrapping up
a new branch, you need to be sure that all tests pass ok.

This is very simple, actually, just run::


That will not only check test cases, but also that the code complies with
aesthetic recommendations, and that the README document has a proper format.

If you want to run *one* particular test, just specify it. Example::

./test tests.test_main:DepsMergingTestCase.test_two_different

Development process

Just pick an issue from `the list `_.

Develop, assure ``./test`` is happy, commit, push, create a pull request, etc.

Please, if you aim for creating a Pull Request with new code (functionality
or fixes), include tests for your changes.

Thanks! Enjoy.