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Programmable database gateway

clickhouse database elasticsearch gateway kibana opensearch opensearch-dashboards

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Programmable database gateway

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Quesma is an actively developed database gateway currently in pre-alpha Early Access. Route your queries through a translation layer that seamlessly connects your apps with the modern database platforms of your choice. No more query refactoring during migrations.

How? Isn't migrating to a new database hard? Quesma does it without touching your application/client stack - keeping backward compatibility and moving safely, step-by-step. We translate your queries so you don’t have to rewrite your database query code during migrations.

Currently supported: Quesma makes it possible to connect seamlessly [**Kibana/OpenSearch Dashboards to Clickhouse**](

## Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to try out the example `docker-compose` setup, which can be found in `/examples/kibana-sample-data.` It features Kibana connecting to Elasticsearch and Clickhouse through Quesma:

flowchart LR;

The setup contains following demo datasets:
- `logs-generic-default` - generated by `log-generator` application
- Logs Explorer: [link](http://localhost:5601/app/observability-log-explorer)
- `kibana_sample_data_ecommerce` - an official Kibana sample data set
- Logs Explorer: [link]()
- Dashboard: [link]()
- `kibana_sample_data_flights` - an official Kibana sample data set
- Logs Explorer: [link]()
- Dashboard: [link]()

### Running the example
In order to run it, you need to:
- clone this repository: `git clone`
- run `docker-compose up` directly from `examples/kibana-sample-data` directory

Handy one-liner for above commands:
git clone && docker compose -f quesma/examples/kibana-sample-data/docker-compose.yml up

The example above uses the latest Quesma Docker image published in DockerHub. In case you want to build Quesma Docker image from the sources, run `./bin/` from the root directory

Once it's running, you can access:
- Kibana at [localhost:5601](http://localhost:5601/)
- Quesma at [localhost:9999](http://localhost:9999/)
- Clickhouse at [localhost:8123/play](http://localhost:8123/play)

### Development

Developer documentation is available in the [docs](docs/DEVELOPMENT.MD) directory.

### License
[Elastic License 2.0](