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CMake integration for Neovim

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CMake integration for Neovim

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# Neovim CMake

**This plugin has been deprecated in favor of [neovim-tasks](**. I realized that having separate plugins for each build system is inconvenient, so I decided to write a general purpose plugin that could support support any build system. If you don't like this idea don't worry, there is a maintained hard fork called [cmake-tools.nvim]( with some additional features.

A Neovim 0.7+ plugin that uses [cmake-file-api]( to provide integration with building, running and debugging projects with output to quickfix.

## Dependencies

- Necessary
- [cmake]( for building and reading project information.
- [plenary.nvim]( for internal helpers.
- Optional
- [nvim-dap]( - for debugging.

## Commands

Use the command `:CMake` with one of the following arguments:

| Argument | Description |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `configure ...` | Configure project. It uses `g:cmake_build_dir` as a build folder. It will also generate `compile_commands.json` and symlink it to the project directory. Additional arguments will be passed to CMake. Example: `CMake configure -G Ninja`. |
| `build ...` | Compile selected target (via `--build`). Additional arguments will be passed to CMake. |
| `build_all ...` | Same as above, but will build `all` rule. |
| `run ...` | Run selected target. Additional arguments will be passed to the target being launched. |
| `debug ...` | Run debugging on selected target. Additional arguments will be passed to the target being launched. |
| `clean ...` | Execute `clear` target. Additional arguments will be passed to CMake. |
| `build_and_run ...` | Execute `CMake build` and, if build successful, then `CMake run`. Additional arguments will be passed to CMake. |
| `build_and_debug ...` | Execute `CMake build` and, if build successful, then `CMake debug`. Additional arguments will be passed to CMake. |
| `set_target_arguments` | Set arguments for running / debugging target. |
| `clear_cache` | Remove `CMakeCache.txt` file from the build directory. |
| `open_build_dir` | Open current build folder via `xdg-open` (Linux) or `start` (Windows). |
| `select_build_type` | Select build type (Release, Debug, etc.). |
| `select_dap_config` | Select a project sepecific DAP configuration. You can configure the options in `require('cmake').setup({ dap_configurations = { ... } })` |
| `select_target` | Select target for running / debugging. |
| `create_project` | Create new CMake project. |
| `cancel` | Cancel current running CMake action like `build` or `run`. |

If no arguments are specified, then `configure` will be executed.

Also the corresponding Lua functions with the same names as the arguments are available from [`require('cmake')`](lua/cmake/init.lua).

Commands `select_build_type`, `select_target` and `create_project` use ``. To use your favorite picker like Telescope, consider installing [dressing.nvim]( or [telescope-ui-select.nvim](

## Simple usage example

1. Create a new project (`:CMake create_project`) or open folder with an existing.
2. Configure project (`:CMake configure`, you can pass any additional CMake arguments) to create build folder and get targets information.
3. Select target to execute (`:CMake select_target`).
4. Set target arguments (`:CMake set_target_arguments`, they will be added automatically for running and debugging).
5. Build and run (`:CMake build_and_run`) or build and debug (`:CMake build_and_debug`) to execute the selected target. You can pass additional arguments to these commands, which will be temporarily added to the arguments from 4.

## Configuration

To configure the plugin, you can call `require('cmake').setup(values)`, where `values` is a dictionary with the parameters you want to override. Here are the defaults:

local Path = require('plenary.path')
cmake_executable = 'cmake', -- CMake executable to run.
save_before_build = true, -- Save all buffers before building.
parameters_file = 'neovim.json', -- JSON file to store information about selected target, run arguments and build type.
default_parameters = { args = {}, build_type = 'Debug' }, -- The default values in `parameters_file`. Can also optionally contain `run_dir` with the working directory for applications.
build_dir = tostring(Path:new('{cwd}', 'build', '{os}-{build_type}')), -- Build directory. The expressions `{cwd}`, `{os}` and `{build_type}` will be expanded with the corresponding text values. Could be a function that return the path to the build directory.
samples_path = tostring(script_path:parent():parent():parent() / 'samples'), -- Folder with samples. `samples` folder from the plugin directory is used by default.
default_projects_path = tostring(Path:new(vim.loop.os_homedir(), 'Projects')), -- Default folder for creating project.
configure_args = { '-D', 'CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1' }, -- Default arguments that will be always passed at cmake configure step. By default tells cmake to generate `compile_commands.json`.
build_args = {}, -- Default arguments that will be always passed at cmake build step.
on_build_output = nil, -- Callback that will be called each time data is received by the current process. Accepts the received data as an argument.
quickfix = {
pos = 'botright', -- Where to open quickfix
height = 10, -- Height of the opened quickfix.
only_on_error = false, -- Open quickfix window only if target build failed.
copy_compile_commands = true, -- Copy compile_commands.json to current working directory.
dap_configurations = { -- Table of different DAP configurations.
lldb_vscode = { type = 'lldb', request = 'launch' },
cppdbg_vscode = { type = 'cppdbg', request = 'launch' },
dap_configuration = 'lldb_vscode', -- DAP configuration to use if the projects `parameters_file` does not specify one.
dap_open_command = function(...) require('dap') end, -- Command to run after starting DAP session. You can set it to `false` if you don't want to open anything or `require('dapui').open` if you are using

The mentioned `parameters_file` will be created for every project using `default_parameters` as defaults:

"args": {"target_name": ["arg1", "arg2"]}, // A dictionary with target names and their arguments specified as an array.
"current_target": "target_name", // Current target name.
"build_type": "Debug", // Current build type, can be Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel.
"run_dir": "build/my_folder", // Default working directory for targets. Can be absolute or relative to the current Neovim working directory. By default is missing, in this case current target directory will be used.
"dap_configuration": "cppdbg_vscode" // A string specifying a specific dap configuration to use for this project. If absent then the `dap_configuration` from `require('cmake').setup` will be used, which is the default behaviour.

Usually you don't need to edit it manually, you can set its values using the `:CMake ` commands.

### CodeLLDB DAP configuration example

dap_configuration = {
type = 'codelldb',
request = 'launch',
stopOnEntry = false,
runInTerminal = false,

### Advanced usage examples

progress = "" -- can be displayed in statusline, updated in on_build_output

quickfix = {
only_on_error = true,
on_build_output = function(lines)
-- Get only last line
local match = string.match(lines[#lines], "(%[.*%])")
if match then
progress = string.gsub(match, "%%", "%%%%")

Additionally all `cmake` module functions that runs something return `Plenary.job`, so one can also set callbacks:

function cmake_build()
local job = require('cmake').build()
if job then
function(_, exit_code)
if exit_code == 0 then
vim.notify("Target was built successfully", vim.log.levels.INFO, { title = 'CMake' })
vim.notify("Target build failed", vim.log.levels.ERROR, { title = 'CMake' })