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WIP - A very opinionated Laravel SPA SAAS boilerplate using Laravel 7.x / Typescript / Vue (VueRouter - Vuex) / TailwindCSS + Pest & Cypress for testing

laravel saas-boilerplate tailwindcss typescript vue

Last synced: 3 months ago
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WIP - A very opinionated Laravel SPA SAAS boilerplate using Laravel 7.x / Typescript / Vue (VueRouter - Vuex) / TailwindCSS + Pest & Cypress for testing

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# (WIP) Kickstart - A SaaS Laravel Boilerplate

![CI / CD](

## Introduction

A very opinionated Laravel SPA boiletplate using **Laravel 7.x + Sanctum** / **Typescript** / **Vue (VueRouter - Vuex)** / **TailwindCSS** / **Pest & Cypress**

## Features / ToDo:

Check the [.todo](./.todo) file for the current feature set.

## Prerequisites

- PHP 7.3
- Composer
- Node
- A laravel developer: You must be familiar with laravel. This distribution is intended for developers only.

## Installation

- Clone the repository
- Installer back dependencies with `composer install`
- Install front dependencies with `yarn`
- Copy file `.env.example` in `.env` and add following informations:
- Database credentials (`DB_HOST`, `DB_PORT`, ...)
- Application url (`APP_URL`). Either virtual host address if you configure one, either address form the command `php artisan serve`
- Generate application key with `php artisan key:generate`
- Launch migrations with `php artisan migrate`.
- Build front with `yarn dev`

If you didn't set a virtual host, launch application with the `php artisan serve` command. By default, application will be served at ``

## Configuration

## Testing

### Pest

### Cypress

## Docker
### Standalone
### CapRover Ready

## CI / CD

### Github Actions

## Issues

If you come across any issues please [report them here](

## Contributing

Thank you for considering contributing to this project! Please feel free to make any pull requests, or e-mail me a feature request you would like to see in the future to [email protected]

## Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this boilerplate, please send an e-mail to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), or create a pull request if possible. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.