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Comic book server with in-browser reader

comics comicvine django python

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Comic book server with in-browser reader

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## This project is currently on hiatus while I'm focussing on some other work. The project is not dead, and I will return to it. I still have big plans for it. If you have any urgent bugs or issues please create an issue and I will try and get to it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconveniences. ##

**Tenma is currently in alpha. I can not claim that this application is secure to run over the internet.**

Tenma is a self-hosted server that allows you to store, organize, and read DRM-free digital comic books. Tenma leverages the [ComicVine]( [API]( to retrieve metadata for your comics that will show how your different comics are related (ComicVine account required for this optional feature).

### Features ###

* Read your DRM-free digital comic books from any device that has a browser.
* See how your comics are connected by characters, creators, teams, story arcs and publishers.
* Live search through all of your series.
* Two view modes. Fit the comic horizontally or vertically to your browser window.
* Comic navigation with arrow buttons, or with your keyboard's arrow keys.
* Supports CBZ, ZIP, CBR, RAR, CBT, TAR and PDF formats.
* ... More features on the way!

# Where to get DRM-free comics #

**Please don't pirate your digital comics!**

You can legally download DRM-free comics from the following sources:

- [**Comixology**]( Allows you to download your comics (depends on the publisher). They also have a number of [free comics](
- [**Image Comics**]( This publisher sells their own comics, DRM-free, on their site.
- [**Humble Bundle**]( Humble Bundle will occasionally feature digital comics in their books section. It's definitely worth checking once in awhile.
- [**Drive Thru Comics**]( Sells DRM-free digital comic books.

**NOTE:** When purchasing, keep in mind that PDF is currently an unsupported format. This will hopefully change in the near future.

# Installation and Configuration #

For Docker installation check out the [tenma-docker]( repo.

To manually install, please refer to the [Tenma Wiki]( for installation and configuration instructions for different operating systems.

# Screenshots #

#### Homepage ####

#### Issue Page ####

*For more screenshots, check out the screenshots directory*

# Contributing #
If you'd like to contribute, please create an issue and a related PR.