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Torchélie is a set of utility functions, layers, losses, models, trainers and other things for PyTorch.

gan loss perceptual pytorch torch utils vqvae

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Torchélie is a set of utility functions, layers, losses, models, trainers and other things for PyTorch.

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# Torchélie

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Torchélie is a set of tools for [PyTorch]( It includes
losses, optimizers, algorithms, utils, layers, models and training loops.

Feedback is absolutely welcome.

You may want to [read the detailed docs](

# Installation

`pip install git+`

It depends on Pytorch (obvi), and has an optional dependency on OpenCV for some
transforms (Canny, as of today). It also depends on Visdom for realtime
visualizations, plotting, etc.

To install visdom: `pip install visdom`. Then, you need to run a Visdom server
with `python -m visdom.server`, direct your browser to `http://localhost:8097`.
Now you're ready to use VisdomLogger and enjoy realtime tracking of your


**Torchelie API is beta and can be a bit unstable**. Minor breaking changes can

Code, README, docs and tests might be out of sync in general. Please tell me if
you notice anything wrong.

# Torchelie Hello World

Let's say you want to do the hello-world of deep learning:
[MNIST]( handwritten digits
classification. Let's also assume that you already have your training and
testing datasets organised properly, e.g. coming from the
[Kaggle]( archive:

$ tree mnist_png

├── testing
│   ├── 0
│   ├── 1
│   ├── 2
│   ├── 3
│   ├── 4
│   ├── 5
│   ├── 6
│   ├── 7
│   ├── 8
│   └── 9
└── training
├── 0
├── 1
├── 2
│   ├── 10009.png
│   ├── 10016.png
│   └── [...]
├── 3
├── 4
├── 5
├── 6
├── 7
├── 8
└── 9

Torchelie comes with a `classification` "recipe" out-of-the-box, which can be
used directly to train your a model **straight from the command line**:

$ python3 -m --trainset mnist_png/training --testset mnist_png/testing

| Ep. 0 It 1 | {'lr_0': '0.0100', 'acc': '0.0938', 'loss': '3.1385'}
| Ep. 0 It 11 | {'lr_0': '0.0100', 'acc': '0.2017', 'loss': '2.4109'}
| Ep. 0 It 21 | {'lr_0': '0.0100', 'acc': '0.3185', 'loss': '2.0410'}
| Ep. 0 It 31 | {'lr_0': '0.0100', 'acc': '0.3831', 'loss': '1.8387'}
| Ep. 0 It 41 | {'lr_0': '0.0100', 'acc': '0.4451', 'loss': '1.6513'}
Test | Ep. 1 It 526 | [...] 'acc': '0.9799', 'loss': '0.0797' [...]
| Ep. 1 It 556 | {'lr_0': '0.0100', 'acc': '0.9588', 'loss': '0.1362'}
| Ep. 1 It 566 | {'lr_0': '0.0100', 'acc': '0.9606', 'loss': '0.1341'}

Want to run it on your laptop which doesnt have a GPU? Simply add the `--device
cpu` option!

With a simple use case and a properly organized dataset, we already saw how
Torchelie can help experiment quickly. But what just happened?

The `classification` **recipe** is a whole **ready-to-use training loop**

- handles all the image loading
- uses the ResNet18 model from [PyTorch's
Torchvision]( to classify images
from the training dataset
- computes a cross entropy loss on the predicted outputs
- uses RAdamW to optimize the model along the way
- periodically (default every 1k iterations) assess the accuracy of the trained
model using the test dataset
- gives as much insights as possible during the training through:
- stdout (as shown above)
- visdom (TODO)

The cool thing is that all these building blocks are available!

## ``

Classes implementing full algorithms, from training to usage

* `NeuralStyleRecipe` implements Gatys' Neural Artistic Style. Also directly
usable with commandline with `python3 -m`
* `FeatureVisRecipe` implements feature visualization through backprop. The
image is implemented in Fourier space which makes it powerful (see
[this]( and
[that]( ). Usable as
commandline as well with `python -m`.
* `DeepDreamRecipe` implements something close to Deep Dream.
`python -m` works.
* `Classification` trains a model for image classification. It
provides logging of loss and accuracy. It has a commandline interface with
`python3 -m` to quickly train a classifier
on an image folder with train images and another with test images.

## `torchelie.utils`


* `freeze` and `unfreeze` that changes `requires_grad` for all tensor in a
* `entropy(x, dim, reduce)` computes the entropy of `x` along dimension `dim`,
assuming it represents the unnormalized probabilities of a categorial
* `kaiming(m)` / `xavier(m)` returns `m` after a kaiming / xavier
initialization of `m.weight`
* `nb_parameters` returns the number of trainables parameters in a module
* `layer_by_name` finds a module by its (instance) name in a module
* `gram` / `bgram` compute gram and batched gam matrices.
* `DetachedModule` wraps a module so that it's not detected by recursive module
* `FrozenModule` wraps a module, freezes it and sets it to eval mode. All calls
to `.train()` (even those made from enclosing modules) will be ignored.

## `torchelie.nn`

Debug modules:

* `Dummy` does nothing to its input.
* `Debug` doesn't modify its input but prints some statistics. Easy to spot
exploding or vanishing values.

Normalization modules:

* `ImageNetInputNorm` for normalizing images like `torchvision.model` wants
* `MovingAverageBN2d`, `NoAffineMABN2d` and `ConditionalMABN2d` are the same as
above, except they also use moving average of the statistics at train time
for greater stability. Useful ie for GANs if you can't use a big ass batch
size and BN introduces too much noise.
* `AdaIN2d` is adaptive instancenorm for style transfer and stylegan.
* `Spade2d` / `MovingAverageSpade2d`, for GauGAN.
* `PixelNorm` from ProGAN and StyleGAN.
* `BatchNorm2d`, `NoAffineBatchNorm2d` should be strictly equivalent to
Pytorch's, and `ConditionalBN2d` gets its weight and bias parameter from a
linear projection of a `z` vector.
* `AttenNorm2d` BN with attention (Attentive Normalization, Li et al, 2019)

Misc modules:

* `FiLM2d` is affine conditioning `f(z) * x + g(z)`.
* `Noise` returns `x + a * z` where `a` is a learnable scalar, and `z` is a
gaussian noise of the same shape of `x`
* `Reshape(*shape)` applies `x.view(x.shape[0], *shape)`.
* `VQ` is a VectorQuantization layer, embedding the VQ-VAE loss in its backward
pass for a great ease of use.

Container modules:

* `CondSeq` is an extension of `nn.Sequential` that also applies a
second input on the layers having `condition()`

Model manipulation modules:

* `WithSavedActivations(model, types)` saves all activations of `model` for its
layers of instance `types` and returns a dict of activations in the forward
pass instead of just the last value. Forward takes a `detach` boolean
arguments if the activations must be detached or not.

Net Blocks:

* `MaskedConv2d` is a masked convolution for PixelCNN
* `TopLeftConv2d` is the convolution from PixelCNN made of two conv blocks: one
on top, another on the left.
* `Conv2d`, `Conv3x3`, `Conv1x1`, `Conv2dBNReLU`, `Conv2dCondBNReLU`, etc. Many
different convenience blocks in ``
* `ResNetBlock`, `PreactResNetBlock`
* `ResBlock` is a classical residual block with batchnorm
* `ClassConditionalResBlock`
* `SpadeResBlock` instead uses `Spade2d`
* `AutoGANGenBlock` is a block for AutoGAN
* `SNResidualDiscrBlock` is a residual block with spectral normalization

## `torchelie.models`

* `Patch16`, `Patch32`, `Patch70`, `Patch286` are Pix2Pix's PatchGAN's
* `UNet` for image segmentation
* `AutoGAN` generator from the paper _AutoGAN: Neural Architecture Search for
Generative Adversarial Networks_
* ResNet discriminator with spectral normalization
* `PerceptualNet` is a VGG16 with correctly named layers for more convenient
use with `WithSavedActivations`
* `attention56` from Residual Attention Networks

Debug models:

* `VggDebug`
* `ResNetDebug`
* `PreactResNetDebug`

## `torchelie.loss`


* `PerceptualLoss(l)` is a vgg16 based perceptual loss up to layer number `l`.
Sum of L1 distances between `x`'s and `y`'s activations in vgg. Only `x` is
* `NeuralStyleLoss`
* `OrthoLoss` orthogonal loss.
* `TotalVariationLoss` TV prior on 2D images.
* `ContinuousCEWithLogits` is a Cross Entropy loss that allows non categorical
* `TemperedCrossEntropyLoss` from _Robust Bi-Tempered Logistic Loss Based on
Bregman Divergences_ (Amid et al, 2019)

Functions (`torchelie.loss.functional`):

* `ortho(x)` applies an orthogonal regularizer as in _Brock et al (2018)_
* `total_variation(x)` applies a spatial L1 loss on 2D tensors
* `continuous_cross_entropy`
* `tempered_cross_entropy` from _Robust Bi-Tempered Logistic Loss Based on
Bregman Divergences_ (Amid et al, 2019)

### `torchelie.loss.gan`

Each submodule is a GAN loss function. They all contain three methods:
`real(x)` and `fake(x)` to train the discriminator, and `ŋenerated(x)` to
improve the Generator.


* Standard loss (BCE)
* Hinge

## `torchelie.transforms`

Torchvision-like transforms:

* `ResizeNoCrop` resizes the _longest_ border of an image ot a given size,
instead of torchvision that resize the smallest side. The image is then
_smaller_ than the given size and needs padding for batching.
* `AdaptPad` pads an image so that it fits the target size.
* `Canny` runs canny edge detector (requires OpenCV)
* `MultiBranch` allows different transformations branches in order to transform
the same image in different ways. Useful for self supervision tasks for
* `ResizedCrop`: deterministic version of

### `torchelie.transforms.differentiable`

Contains some transforms that can be backpropagated through. Its API is
unstable now.

## `torchelie.lr_scheduler`


* `CurriculumScheduler` takes a lr schedule and an optimizer as argument. Call
`sched.step()` on each batch. The lr will be interpolated linearly between
* `OneCycle` implements 1cycle policy

## `torchelie.datasets`

* `HorizontalConcatDataset` concatenates multiple datasets. However, while
torchvision's ConcatDataset just concatenates samples, torchelie's also
relabels classes. While a vertical concat like torchvision's is useful to add
more examples per class, an horizontal concat merges datasets to more
* `PairedDataset` takes to datasets and returns the cartesian products of its
* `MixUpDataset` takes a dataset, sample all pairs and interpolates samples
and labels with a random mixing value.
* `NoexceptDataset` wraps a dataset and suppresses the exceptions raised while
loading samples. Useful in case of a big downloaded dataset with corrupted
samples for instance.
* `WithIndexDataset` returns the sample's index as well. Useful if you want to
retrieve the sample or associate something to it.
* `CachedDataset` lazily caches a dataset so that next iterations won't access
the original storage or recompute the initial dataset's transforms

## `torchelie.datasets.debug`

* `ColoredColumns` / `ColoredRows` are datasets of precedurally generated
images of rows / columns randomly colorized.

## `torchelie.metrics`

* `WindowAvg`: averages measures over a k-long sequence
* `ExponentialAvg`: applies an exponential averaging method over measures
* `RunningAvg`: accumulates total number of items and sum to provide an
accurate average estimation

## `torchelie.opt`

* `DeepDreamOptim` is the optimizer used by DeepDream
* `AddSign` from _Neural Optimiser search with Reinforcment learning_
* `RAdamW` from _On the Variance of the Adaptive Learning Rate and Beyond_,
with AdamW weight decay fix.
* `Lookahead` from `Lookahead Optimizer: k steps forward, 1 step back`

## `torchelie.data_learning`

Data parameterization for optimization, like neural style or feature viz.


* `PixelImage` an image to be optimized.
* `SpectralImage` an image Fourier-parameterized to ease optimization.
* `CorrelateColors` assumes the input is an image with decorrelated color
components. It correlates back the color using some ImageNet precomputed
correlation statistics to ease optimization.

# Testing

* `` tests bones for classifiers on MNIST or CIFAR10
* `` tests class conditional layers with a conditional
classification task `argmin L(f(x, z), y)` where `x` is a MNIST sample, `z` a
class label, and `y = 1` if `z` is the correct label for `x`, 0 otherwise.

## Testing without OpenCV

Since OpenCV is an optional dependency, you might want to run tests in such a
setup (therefore not testing Canny). You can do so by excluding the
`require_opencv` [pytest custom
marker]( like so:

pytest -m "not require_opencv"

# Contributing

## Code format

Code is formatted using [**YAPF**](

For now, the CI doesn't check for code format, and the config files for yapf
isn't there, but do your best to format your code using YAPF (or at least
comply with [**PEP8**]( 🙂)

## Lint

Code is linted using [**Flake8**]( Do your
best to send code that don't make it scream too loud 😉

You can run it like this:

flake8 torchelie

## Type checking

Despite typing being optional in Python, type hints can save a lot of time on a
project such as Torchélie. This project is type-checked using
[**mypy**]( Make sure it passes successfully, and
consider adding type hints where it makes sense to do so when contributing

You can run it like this:

mypy torchelie

## Variable names

Common widespread naming best practices apply.

That being said, please specifically try to **avoid using `l` as a variable
name**, even for iterators. First, because of
[E741]( (see [PEP8 "names to
avoid"](, second
because in the context of Torchélie it might mean `layer`, `label`, `loss`,
`length`, `line`, or other words that are spread among the codebase. Therefore,
using `l` would make it considerably harder to understand code when reading it.