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Full HTML tags including HTML5 Snippets.

html html5-canvas snippets vscode-extension

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Full HTML tags including HTML5 Snippets.

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# Using

Just enter the prefix name, and the complete code snippet will be automatically completed.

div →

doc →

imp → import xxx from xxx;
clo → console.log(xxx);

col → color: #000;
bg → background: #fff;

# HTML/Pug/Jade

| Prefix | Snippets |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| doctype | `$1` |
| a | `$2$3` |
| abbr | `$2$3` |
| address | `

` |
| area | `$5` |
| article | `$1` |
| aside | `$1$2` |
| audio | `$1` |
| b | `$1$2` |
| base | `$3` |
| bdi | `$1$2` |
| bdo | `$2` |
| big | `$1$2` |
| blockquote | `
` |
| body | `$1` |
| br | `
` |
| button | `$2$3` |
| canvas | `$2$3` |
| caption | `$1$2` |
| cite | `$1$2` |
| code | `$1$2` |
| col | `$2` |
| colgroup | `$1` |
| command | `$1$2` |
| datalist | `$1` |
| dd | `
$2` |
| del | `$1$2` |
| details | `$1` |
| dialog | `$1$2` |
| dfn | `$1$2` |
| div | `
` |
| dl | `
` |
| dt | `
$2` |
| em | `$1$2` |
| embed | `$2` |
| fieldset | `$1` |
| figcaption | `$1$2` |
| figure | `$1` |
| footer | `$1` |
| form | `$1` |
| h1 | `


$2` |
| h2 | `


$2` |
| h3 | `


$2` |
| h4 | `


$2` |
| h5 | `
$2` |
| h6 | `
$2` |
| head | `$1` |
| header | `$1` |
| hgroup | `$1` |
| hr | `
` |
| html | `$1` |
| html5 | `$2$4` |
| i | `$1$2` |
| iframe | `$2$3` |
| img | `$2$3` |
| input | `$4` |
| ins | `$1$2` |
| keygen | `$2` |
| kbd | `$1$2` |
| label | `$2$3` |
| legend | `$1$2` |
| li | `
  • $1
  • $2` |
    | link | `$4` |
    | main | `$1` |
    | map | `$2` |
    | mark | `$1$2` |
    | menu | `$1` |
    | menuitem | `$1$2` |
    | meta | `$3` |
    | meter | `$2$3` |
    | nav | `$1` |
    | noscript | `$1` |
    | object | `$4$5` |
    | ol | `
    ` |
    | optgroup | `$1` |
    | option | `$2$3` |
    | output | `$3$4` |
    | p | `


    $2` |
    | param | `$3` |
    | pre | `
    ` |
    | progress | `$3$4` |
    | q | `$1$2` |
    | rp | `$1$2` |
    | rt | `$1$2` |
    | ruby | `$1` |
    | s | `$1$2` |
    | samp | `$1$2` |
    | script | `$1` |
    | section | `$1` |
    | select | `$1` |
    | small | `$1$2` |
    | source | `$3` |
    | span | `$1$2` |
    | strong | `$1$2` |
    | style | `$1` |
    | sub | `$1$2` |
    | sup | `$1$2` |
    | summary | `$1$2` |
    | table | `$1` |
    | tbody | `$1` |
    | td | `$1$2` |
    | textarea | `$3$4` |
    | tfoot | `$1` |
    | thead | `$1` |
    | th | `$1$2` |
    | time | `$3` |
    | title | `$1$2` |
    | tr | `$1$2` |
    | track | `$5` |
    | u | `$1$2` |
    | ul | `
    ` |
    | var | `$1$2` |
    | video | `$3` |

    # JavaScript/Typescript

    | Prefix | Snippets |
    | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
    | `imp→` | `import fs from 'fs';` |
    | `imn→` | `import 'animate.css'` |
    | `imd→` | `import {rename} from 'fs';` |
    | `ime→` | `import * as localAlias from 'fs';` |
    | `ima→` | `import { rename as localRename } from 'fs';` |
    | `rqr→` | `require('');` |
    | `req→` | `const packageName = require('packageName');` |
    | `mde→` | `module.exports = {};` |
    | `env→` | `export const nameVariable = localVariable;` |
    | `enf→` | `export const log = (parameter) => { console.log(parameter);};` |
    | `edf→` | `export default function fileName (parameter){ console.log(parameter);};` |
    | `ecl→` | `export default class Calculator { };` |
    | `ece→` | `export default class Calculator extends BaseClass { };` |
    | `con→` | `constructor() {}` |
    | `met→` | `add() {}` |
    | `pge→` | `get propertyName() {return value;}` |
    | `pse→` | `set propertyName(value) {}` |
    | `fre→` | `array.forEach(currentItem => {})` |
    | `fof→` | `for(const item of object) {}` |
    | `fin→` | `for(const item in object) {}` |
    | `anfn→` | `(params) => {}` |
    | `nfn→` | `const add = (params) => {}` |
    | `dob→` | `const {rename} = fs` |
    | `dar→` | `const [first, second] = [1,2]` |
    | `sti→` | `setInterval(() => {});` |
    | `sto→` | `setTimeout(() => {});` |
    | `prom→` | `return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {});` |
    | `thenc→` | `.then((res) => {}).catch((err) => {});` |
    | `cas→` | `console.assert(expression, object)` |
    | `ccl→` | `console.clear()` |
    | `cco→` | `console.count(label)` |
    | `cdb→` | `console.debug(object)` |
    | `cdi→` | `console.dir` |
    | `cer→` | `console.error(object)` |
    | `cgr→` | `` |
    | `cge→` | `console.groupEnd()` |
    | `clg→` | `console.log(object)` |
    | `clo→` | `console.log('object :>> ', object);` |
    | `ctr→` | `console.trace(object)` |
    | `cwa→` | `console.warn` |
    | `cin→` | `` |
    | `clt→` | `console.table` |
    | `cti→` | `console.time` |
    | `cte→` | `console.timeEnd` |

    # CSS/Sass/Less/Stylus

    | Prefix | Snippets |
    | -------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
    | `ai` | `align-items : flex-start;` |
    | `aib` | `align-items : baseline;` |
    | `aic` | `align-items : center;` |
    | `aifs` | `align-items : flex-start;` |
    | `aife` | `align-items : flex-end;` |
    | `ais` | `align-items : stretch;` |
    | `as` | `align-self : flex-start;` |
    | `ani` | `animation : name 1s linear;` |
    | `anide` | `animation-delay : 1s;` |
    | `anidi` | `animation-direction : alternate;` |
    | `anidu` | `animation-duratuion : 1s;` |
    | `anifm` | `animation-fill-mode : forwards;` |
    | `aniic` | `animation-iteration-count: infinite;` |
    | `anin` | `animation-name : name;` |
    | `anips` | `animation-play-state : paused;` |
    | `anitf` | `animation-timing-function: linear;` |
    | `bg` | `background : #fff;` |
    | `bga` | `background-attachment : fixed;` |
    | `bgc` | `background-color : #fff;` |
    | `bgcl` | `background-clip : border-box;` |
    | `bgi` | `background-image : url("background.jpg");` |
    | `bgo` | `background-origin : border-box;` |
    | `bgp` | `background-position : left top;` |
    | `bgr` | `background-repeat : no-repeat;` |
    | `bgrr` | `background-repeat : repeat;` |
    | `bgrx` | `background-repeat : repeat-x;` |
    | `bgry` | `background-repeat : repeat-y;` |
    | `bgrn` | `background-repeat : no-repeat;` |
    | `bgs` | `background-size : cover;` |
    | `bor` | `border : 1px solid #000;` |
    | `born` | `border : none;` |
    | `borc` | `border-color : #000;` |
    | `bors` | `border-style : solid;` |
    | `borw` | `border-width : 1px;` |
    | `borb` | `border-bottom : 1px solid #000;` |
    | `borl` | `border-left : 1px solid #000;` |
    | `borr` | `border-right : 1px solid #000;` |
    | `bort` | `border-top : 1px solid #000;` |
    | `br` | `border-radius : 2px;` |
    | `bot` | `bottom : 0;` |
    | `bos` | `box-shadow : 1px 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);` |
    | `boz` | `box-sizing : border-box;` |
    | `clr` | `clear : both;` |
    | `col` | `color : #000;` |
    | `con` | `content : '';` |
    | `cur` | `cursor : auto;` |
    | `curp` | `cursor : pointer;` |
    | `curd` | `cursor : default;` |
    | `dis` | `display : none;` |
    | `disb` | `display : block;` |
    | `disi` | `display : inline-block;` |
    | `disn` | `display : none;` |
    | `disf` | `display : flex;` |
    | `flex` | `flex : 1 1 auto;` |
    | `fle` | `flex : 1 1 auto;` |
    | `fld` | `flex-direction : row;` |
    | `fldr` | `flex-direction : row;` |
    | `fldc` | `flex-direction : column;` |
    | `flf` | `flex-flow : row, wrap;` |
    | `flw` | `flex-wrap : wrap;` |
    | `fl` | `float : left;` |
    | `fll` | `float : left;` |
    | `flr` | `float : right;` |
    | `fln` | `float : none;` |
    | `ff` | `font-family : arial;` |
    | `fz` | `font-size : 12px;` |
    | `fst` | `font-style : italic;` |
    | `fsti` | `font-style : italic;` |
    | `fstn` | `font-style : normal;` |
    | `fsto` | `font-style : oblique;` |
    | `fw` | `font-weight : bold;` |
    | `fwb` | `font-weight : bold;` |
    | `fwl` | `font-weight : light;` |
    | `fwn` | `font-weight : normal;` |
    | `ft` | `font : 12px/1.5;` |
    | `hei` | `height : 1px;` |
    | `jc` | `justify-content : flex-start;` |
    | `jcfe` | `justify-content : flex-end;` |
    | `jcfs` | `justify-content : flex-start;` |
    | `jcc` | `justify-content : center;` |
    | `jcsa` | `justify-content : space-around;` |
    | `jcsb` | `justify-content : space-between;` |
    | `lis` | `list-style : disc outside;` |
    | `lisp` | `list-style-position : outside;` |
    | `list` | `list-style-type : disc;` |
    | `listc` | `list-style-type : circle;` |
    | `listd` | `list-style-type : disc;` |
    | `listlr` | `list-style-type : lower-roman;` |
    | `listn` | `list-style-type : none;` |
    | `lists` | `list-style-type : square;` |
    | `listur` | `list-style-type : upper-roman;` |
    | `lef` | `left : 0;` |
    | `lh` | `line-height : 1.5;` |
    | `ls` | `letter-spacing : 2px;` |
    | `lsn` | `letter-spacing : normal;` |
    | `mar` | `margin : 0;` |
    | `marb` | `margin-bottom : 0;` |
    | `marl` | `margin-left : 0;` |
    | `marr` | `margin-right : 0;` |
    | `mart` | `margin-top : 0;` |
    | `mara` | `margin : 0 auto;` |
    | `mih` | `min-height : 1px;` |
    | `miw` | `min-width : 1px;` |
    | `mah` | `max-height : 1px;` |
    | `maw` | `max-width : 1px;` |
    | `opa` | `opacity : 0;` |
    | `ov` | `overflow : visible;` |
    | `ova` | `overflow : auto;` |
    | `ovh` | `overflow : hidden;` |
    | `ovs` | `overflow : scroll;` |
    | `ovv` | `overflow : visible;` |
    | `pad` | `padding : 0;` |
    | `padb` | `padding-bottom : 0;` |
    | `padl` | `padding-left : 0;` |
    | `padr` | `padding-right : 0;` |
    | `padt` | `padding-top : 0;` |
    | `pos` | `position : relative;` |
    | `posa` | `position : absolute;` |
    | `posf` | `position : fixed;` |
    | `posr` | `position : relative;` |
    | `poss` | `position : sticky;` |
    | `rig` | `right : 0;` |
    | `ta` | `text-align : center;` |
    | `tac` | `text-align : center;` |
    | `tal` | `text-align : left;` |
    | `tar` | `text-align : right;` |
    | `td` | `text-decoration : none;` |
    | `tdu` | `text-decoration : underline;` |
    | `tdn` | `text-decoration : none;` |
    | `tdl` | `text-decoration : line-through;` |
    | `ti` | `text-indent : 2em;` |
    | `ts` | `text-shadow : 1px 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);` |
    | `tt` | `text-transform : capitalize;` |
    | `top` | `top : 0;` |
    | `va` | `vertical-align : baseline;` |
    | `vab` | `vertical-align : bottom;` |
    | `vam` | `vertical-align : middle;` |
    | `vat` | `vertical-align : top;` |
    | `vis` | `visibility : visible;` |
    | `visv` | `visibility : visible;` |
    | `vish` | `visibility : hidden;` |
    | `wb` | `word-break : break-all;` |
    | `wid` | `width : 0;` |
    | `wida` | `width : auto;` |
    | `ws` | `white-space : nowrap;` |
    | `wsn` | `white-space : nowrap;` |
    | `wsp` | `white-space : pre;` |
    | `ww` | `word-wrap : break-word;` |
    | `zi` | `z-index : -1;` |
    | `imp` | `@import 'filename';` |
    | `inc` | `@include mixin;` |
    | `key` | `@keyframes name {};` |
    | `med` | `@media screen and (max-width: 300px) {}` |
    | `mix` | `@mixin name {}` |
    | `!` | `!important` |
    | `i` | `!important` |

    ## License

    [HTML/CSS/JavaScript Snippets]( is released under the MIT.