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A project management plugin for Neovim

lua neovim neovim-plugin nvim nvim-plugin plugin project-management vim

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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A project management plugin for Neovim

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# conduct.nvim

A project management plugin for Neovim with session support

## Table of Contents

- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Projects](#projects)
- [Sessions](#sessions)
- [Project Config Structure](#project-config-structure)
- [Keybinds](#keybinds)
- [Variables](#variables)
- [Presets](#presets)
- [Functions](#functions)
- [Telescope](#telescope)

## Features

- Intuitive and easy to manage projects
- Run commands or Lua functions on keybindings
- Presets for multiple projects that share some similarities
- Store multiple sessions for a single project
- Provides hooks to customize your experience
- Easy to use API
- Telescope integration

## Requirements

- Neovim >= 0.8.0 (might work with earlier version)
- [plenary.nvim](

## Installation


dependencies = "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim",
cmd = {

## Configuration

-- define function that you bind to a key in a project config
functions = {},

-- define presets for projects
presets = {},

hooks = {
before_session_save = function() end,
before_session_load = function() end,
after_session_load = function() end,
before_project_load = function() end,
after_project_load = function() end,

## Usage

### Projects

| Command | Args | Function |
| -------------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ConductNewProject | `name` | Creates a new project with the supplied name |
| ConductLoadProject | `name` | Loads the supplied project |
| ConductLoadLastProject | none | Loads the last opened project |
| ConductLoadCwdProject | none | Loads the first project that has the current directory as cwd |
| ConductRenameProject | `old_name` `new_name` | Renames the project with `old_name` to `new_name` |
| ConductDeleteProject | `name` | Deletes the project with the supplied name |
| ConductLoadProjectConfig | none | Loads the project config file |
| ConductReloadProjectConfig | none | Reloads the config file of the active project |

### Sessions

One of the main differences between conduct.nvim and other project management plugins, is its ability to store multiple session for a single project. This allows you to switch between different contexts in the code.

_These commands only work when a project is active_

| Command | Args | Function |
| --------------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| ConductProjectNewSession | `session_name` | Saves current session and creates a new session with the supplied name. The new session is made the active session |
| ConductProjectLoadSession | `session_name` | Saves the current session and loads the supplied session |
| ConductProjectDeleteSession | `session_name` | Deletes the supplied session |
| ConductProjectRenameSession | `old_name` `new_name` | Renames `old_name` session to `new_name` even if `old_name` is the active session |

## Project Config Structure

"name": "project name",
"cwd": "/home/user/project/foo",
"variables": [],
"preset": "",
"keybinds": []

| Field | Value |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| name | project name. only change the project name via the rename command. this is only for the API |
| cwd | path to project |
| variables | object with keys as variable names and value as the variable value |
| preset | name of preset |
| keybinds | list containing a keybindings |

### Keybinds

The keybinds property should be a list that contains data in the following manner:

"keybinds": [["keybinding", "command", "type"]]

- keybinding: the key combination of the binding ("hi", "so")
- command: can be a vim command or the name of a function
- type: can be either `command` or `function`. If not provided, it is assumed as command

### Variables

Variables can only be used in the `command` type keybindings. They can be mentioned using the `${variable_name}` syntax.

"variables": {
"flags": "-la"
"keybinds": [["so", "TermOpen control ls ${flags}"]]

## Presets

Presets can be used to setup keybinds for multiple projects that might share similarities

presets = {
node = {
keybinds = {
{"sd", "TermOpen dev-server npm run dev", "command"}
{"sb", "TermOpen build npm run build", "command"}

"name": "personal-blog-react",
"cwd": "/home/user/project/blog",
"variables": [],
"preset": "node",
"keybinds": []

## Functions

Define functions when setting up conduct.nvim and bind keys to them in the project config

functions = {
run_npm_server = function()
local tm = require("termnames")
if not tm.terminal_exists("server") then

tm.run_terminal_cmd({"server", "npm run dev"})

"name": "personal-blog-react",
"cwd": "/home/user/project/blog",
"variables": [],
"preset": "",
"keybinds": [["so", "run_npm_server", "function"]]

## Telescope

Conduct.nvim provides telescope integration for switching between projects and sessions.

| Key combination | Operation |
| --------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| Ctrl d | Delete selected session or project |
| Ctrl r | Rename selected session or project |


Run `:Telescope conduct projects` to search and load a project and run `:Telescope conduct sessions` to switch between project sessions.