- Version: 1.0
- Last modified: Thu Sep 3 12:52:30 CEST 2020
- Sign: Abhijeet Singh ([email protected])
## Description
AcetoScan is a software pipeline for the analysis of Illumina MiSeq sequencing data for the FTHFS (Formyl--tetrahydrofolate synthetase) gene/amplicons
AcetoScan can also process fasta sequences to filter out non-target sequences, assigning taxonomy to the FTHFS fasta sequences and generate phylogenetic tree (see AcetoScan commands)
For installation run the following command in terminal, this will check all dependencies and download the reference database from acetobase website.
$ chmod +x install_linux.sh OR install_mac.sh
$ sudo ./install_linux.sh OR install_mac.sh
## Installation without sudo/ROOT
For installation as local user make sure the dependency software are installed and modules are loaded (on server environment)
bash install_linux.sh OR install_mac.sh
## acetoscan installation
`install_linux.sh` OR `install_mac.sh` will create main directory `acetoscan` in `$HOME` and sub-directories
1. bin - containing all main AcetoScan command scripts
2. dat - containing test
3. db - containing reference database AcetoBase
4. doc - containing user manual and tutorial video
5. scripts - containing dependencies scripts
## AcetoScan input
1. user_data_directory - containing input raw data
###### Raw data must in format "Samplename_XYZ_L001_R1_001.fastq.(gz or bz2)"
https://support.illumina.com/content/dam/illumina-support/documents/documentation/software_documentation/miseqreporter/miseq-reporter-generate-fastq-workflow-guide-15042322-01.pdf, page 9, FASTQ File Names
## AcetoScan output
`acetoscan` will result in two directories
- Directories will be created `in default/destination path`
1. output_data - containing process data will be generated and stored. In case of process failure, data can be accessed from here for further processing
2. acetoscan_result - containing all the final graphics, OTU table and TAX table. After successful execution of analysis, all the important data will be copies to this final directory.
## AcetoScan commands
$ acetoscan -X
$ /$HOME/acetoscan/acetoscan -X
1. acetoscan - for complete processing of raw sequence data
2. acetocheck - for processing fasta sequences and filter out non-target sequences
3. acetotax - acetocheck + taxonomic assignments
4. acetotree - acetotax + phylogenetic tree generation
### Use
acetocheck -i /home/abhi/Desktop/seq.fasta -o /home/abhi/Desktop/my_sequences -e 1e-3 -P 8
#### output
1. my_sequences.fasta
2. acetotax_< Date >_< Time >.log
## acetotax
Use this command for the FTHFS fasta a sequences and filter out any unspecific / non-FTHFS sequence and taxonomic annotations of the fasta sequences
### Use
acetotax -i /home/abhi/Desktop/seq.fasta -o /home/abhi/Desktop/my_sequences -e 1e-3 -P 8
#### output
1. my_sequences.fasta
2. my_sequences.csv
3. acetotax_< Date >_< Time >.log
## acetotree
Use this command for the FTHFS fasta a sequences and filter out any unspecific / non-FTHFS sequence and taxonomic annotations of the fasta sequences and generation of phylogenetic tree
# Running AcetoScan Pipelline as a Docker image/container
### Mounting the local volume / connecting the files on local computer to the container
sudo docker volume create --opt type=none --opt o=bind --opt device=/PATH/to/my/DATA --name MY_CUSTOM_NAME
#### Example
###### Here
`--opt device=` - will have the path to your raw input data
### Running docker image as container
##### NOTE: only `MY_CUSTOM_NAME` should be changed according to your `--name` flag
sudo docker run --rm -v MY_CUSTOM_NAME:/acetoscan/input_dir -it abhijeetsingh1704/acetoscan -i /acetoscan/input_dir
#### Example
sudo docker run --rm -v myDockerAcetoscan:/acetoscan/input_dir -it abhijeetsingh1704/acetoscan -i /acetoscan/input_dir
###### Default program for AcetoScan pipeline is `acetoscan` command, therefore it is optional to call it with `--entrypoint` flag. But in case of `acetocheck`,`acetotax` or `acetotree` command the code need to include `--entrypoint` flag
#### Example
##### acetoscan
sudo docker run --rm -v myDockerAcetoscan:/acetoscan/input_dir --entrypoint acetoscan -it abhijeetsingh1704/acetoscan -i /acetoscan/input_dir
##### acetocheck
Singh A, Nylander JAA, Schnürer A, Bongcam-Rudloff E and Müller B (2020) High-Throughput Sequencing and Unsupervised Analysis of Formyltetrahydrofolate Synthetase (FTHFS) Gene Amplicons to Estimate Acetogenic Community Structure. Front. Microbiol. 11:2066. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.02066