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This repository contains the collections of interactive python notebooks (ipynb) that are some of my projects on Data Science, Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

colaboratory data-analysis data-science lstm machine-learning nlp statistics time-series

Last synced: 5 days ago
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This repository contains the collections of interactive python notebooks (ipynb) that are some of my projects on Data Science, Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

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### google.colaboratory_projects

## Description : The First Project : EURUSD Prediction Model
### This is a program that predict future currency price using artificial recurrent nural network
The Keras layer we are using in this program is an artificial recurrent neural network architecture which is also called 'Long Short Term Memory' or LSTM. LSTM architecture is mostly used in Deep Learning. Unlike Standard feed for neural networks LSTM has feedback connections. It not only process single data point such as images but also entire sequence of data such as spech and videos. LSTM are widely used for sequence prediction problems and proven to be extremely effective. The reason LSTM works so well is because it is able to store past information that is important and forgive the information that is not important..
##### So now, we will predict the closing price of the EURUSD currency pair from the past 60 days price.

------------------------------------ END Description of FIRST-PROJECT ----------------------------------

## Description : Project-Two: Price-Prediction Model using SVM and LR