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πŸ…°οΈ single character search, select, and jump

ace-jump easymotion editor-plugin emacs ide intellij intellij-platform intellij-plugin keyboard kotlin search-interface text vim

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πŸ…°οΈ single character search, select, and jump

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[AceJump]( is a plugin for the [IntelliJ Platform]( that lets you jump to any symbol in the editor with just a few keystrokes. Press the keyboard shortcut for `AceAction` (Ctrl+; by default) to activate AceJump. Type any string in the editor, followed by one of the illustrated tags, to jump its position:


Press the AceJump shortcut a second time to activate **Declaration Mode**, which is equivalent to the `Navigate To` action in the IDE. Press the AceJump shortcut three times before completing a tag to activate **Target Mode**. Once **Target Mode** is activated, jumping to a tag will select an entire word. **Target Mode** can also be activated directly by pressing the shortcut for `AceTargetAction` (Ctrl+Alt+; by default).


Press the AceJump shortcut for **Line Mode**(Ctrl+Shift+; by default), to target the beginning, first non-whitespace, and last character of every line in the editor). Then jump to one by completing the tag.


Press the AceJump shortcut, followed by β†’ to target the last, ← to target the first, or ↑, to target the first non-whitespace characters of every line in the editor.


## Tips

- Press Tab when searching to jump to the next group of matches in the editor.

- If you make a mistake searching, just press Backspace to restart from scratch.

- If no matches can be found on-screen, AceJump will scroll to the next match it can find.

- Note that search is [smart case]( sensitive, however tag selection is *not* case sensitive.

- Holding down Shift when typing the last tag character will select all text from the current cursor position to that destination.

- Pressing Enter or Shift+Enter during a search will cycle through tagged results on screen.

- To select a location and continue editing, just press Esc.

- To use this feature with IdeaVim, you must be in Vim's Insert Mode (to be fixed at a later point).

- Keep typing! AceJump will accept multiple sequential characters before tag selection.

- Press the AceJump shortcut multiple times to cycle between modes.

- **Word Mode** action that will tag all visible words as soon as it is activated.

- **Declaration Mode** will jump to a token's declaration, if it exists.

- To rebind any keyboard shortcuts visit **Settings | Keymap | πŸ” "AceJump"**

## Installing

AceJump can be [installed directly from the IDE](, via **Settings | Plugins | Browse Repositories... | πŸ” "AceJump"**.

## Configuring

[IdeaVim]( users can choose to activate AceJump with a single keystroke (f, F and g are arbitrary) by running:

echo -e '

" Press `f` to activate AceJump
map f (AceAction)
" Press `F` to activate Target Mode
map F (AceTargetAction)
" Press `g` to activate Line Mode
map g (AceLineAction)

' >> ~/.ideavimrc

To customize AceJump's behavior further with additional actions, see the `` tags in [plugin.xml](src/main/resources/META-INF/plugin.xml). The following example shows how to activate AceJump before or after the caret.

" Press `S` in normal mode to activate AceJump mode before the caret
nmap S (AceBackwardAction)

" Press `s` in normal mode to activate AceJump mode after the caret
nmap s (AceForwardAction)

To change the default keyboard shortcuts, open **File \| Settings \| Keymap \| πŸ” "AceJump" \| AceJump \|** Enter⏎.


## Building

*Prerequisites: [JDK 8 or higher](*

To build AceJump, clone and run the Gradle task [`buildPlugin`]( like so:

* `git clone && cd AceJump`
* For Linux and Mac OS: `./gradlew buildPlugin`
* For Windows: `gradlew.bat buildPlugin`

The build artifact will be placed in `build/distributions/`.

*Miscellaneous: AceJump is built using [Gradle]( with the [Gradle Kotlin DSL]( and the [gradle-intellij-plugin](*

## Extending

AceJump can be used by other [IntelliJ Platform]( plugins. To do so, add the following snippet to your `build.gradle.kts` file:

intellij {

Callers who pass an instance of [`Editor`]( into `SessionManager.start(editor)` will receive a [`Session`](src/main/kotlin/org/acejump/session/Session.kt) instance in return. Sessions are disposed after use.

To use AceJump externally, please see the following example:

import org.acejump.session.SessionManager
import org.acejump.session.AceJumpListener
import org.acejump.boundaries.StandardBoundaries.*

val aceJumpSession = SessionManager.start(editorInstance)

aceJumpSession.addAceJumpListener(object: AceJumpListener {
override fun finished() {
// ...

// Sessions provide these endpoints for external consumers:

/*1.*/ aceJumpSession.markResults(sortedSetOf(/*...*/)) // Pass a set of offsets
/*2.*/ aceJumpSession.startRegexSearch("[aeiou]+", WHOLE_FILE) // Search for regex
/*3.*/ aceJumpSession.startRegexSearch(ALL_WORDS, VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN) // Search for Pattern

Custom boundaries for search (i.e. current line before caret etc.) can also be defined using the [Boundaries](src/main/kotlin/org/acejump/boundaries/Boundaries.kt) interface.

## Contributing

AceJump is supported by community members like you. Contributions are highly welcome!

If you would like to [contribute](, here are a few of the ways you can help improve AceJump:

* [Improve test coverage](
* [Add action to repeat last search](
* [Add configurable RegEx modes](
* [Add font family and size options](
* [Tag placement and visibility improvements](
* [Animated documentation](
* [Fold text between matches](

To start [IntelliJ IDEA CE]( with AceJump installed, run `./gradlew runIde -PluginDev [-x test]`.

To just run [the tests](src/test/kotlin/AceTest.kt), execute `./gradlew test` - this is usually much faster than starting an IDE.

For documentation on plugin development, see the [IntelliJ Platform SDK](

## Release notes

Please [see here](/ for a detailed list of changes.

## Comparison

AceJump is inspired by prior work, but adds several improvements, including:

* **Ergonomic** tagging: Tries to minimize finger and eye travel on most common keyboards layouts and languages.
* **Full-text** search: If a string is not visible on the screen, AceJump will scroll to the next occurrence.
* **Smart tag** rendering: Tags will occupy nearby whitespace if available, rather than block adjacent text.
* **Target mode**: Jump and select a full word in one rapid motion. (Ctrl+Alt+;)
* **Line Mode**: Jump to the first, last, or first non-whitespace character of any line on-screen (Ctrl+Shift+;).
* **Word Mode**: Jump to the first character of any visible word on-screen in two keystrokes or less.
* **Declaration Mode**: Jump to the declaration of a token (if it is available) rather than the token itself.
* **Unicode support**: Unicode search and selection, e.g. to search for "ζ‹ΌιŸ³", activate AceJump and type: py

The following plugins have a similar UI for navigating text and web browsing:

| Source Code | Download | Application | Actively Maintained | Language |
| AceJump | [⬇]( | [IntelliJ Platform]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Kotlin]( |
| [IdeaVim-EasyMotion]( | [⬇]( | [IntelliJ Platform]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Kotlin]( |
| [KJump]( | [⬇]( | [IntelliJ Platform]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Kotlin]( |
| [AceJump-Lite]( | [⬇]( | [IntelliJ Platform]( | :x: | [Java]( |
| [emacsIDEAs]( | [⬇]( | [IntelliJ Platform]( | :x: | [Java]( |
| [TraceJump]( | [⬇]( | Desktop | :x: | [Kotlin]( |
| [ace-jump-mode]( | [⬇]( | [emacs]( | :x: | [Emacs Lisp]( |
| [avy]( | [⬇]( | [emacs]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Emacs Lisp]( |
| [EasyMotion]( | [⬇]( | [Vim]( | :x: | [Vimscript]( |
| [eyeliner.nvim]( | [⬇]( | [NeoVim]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Lua]( |
| [Hop]( | [⬇]( | [NeoVim]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Lua]( |
| [leap.nvim]( | [⬇]( | [NeoVim]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Fennel]( |
| [lightspeed.nvim]( | [⬇]( | [NeoVim]( | :x: | [Fennel]( |
| [Sublime EasyMotion]( | [⬇]( | [Sublime]( | :x: | [Python]( |
| [AceJump]( | [⬇]( | [Sublime]( | :x: | [Python]( |
| [Jumpy]( | [⬇]( | [Atom]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [TypeScript]( |
| [Jumpy2]( | [⬇]( | [Visual Studio Code]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [TypeScript]( |
| [Find-Jump]( | [⬇]( | [Visual Studio Code]( | :x: | [TypeScript]( |
| [MetaGo]( | [⬇]( | [Visual Studio Code]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [TypeScript]( |
| [VSCodeVim]( | [⬇]( | [Visual Studio Code]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [TypeScript]( |
| [CodeAceJumper]( | [⬇]( | [Visual Studio Code]( | :x: | [TypeScript]( |
| [AceJump]( | [⬇]( | [Visual Studio]( | :x: | [C#]( |
| [EasyMotion]( | [⬇]( | [Visual Studio]( | :x: | [C#]( |
| [tmux-fingers]( | [⬇]( | [tmux]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Crystal]( |
| [tmux-thumb]( | [⬇]( | [tmux]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Rust]( |
| [tmux-jump]( | [⬇]( | [tmux]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [Ruby]( |
| [tmux-copycat]( | [⬇]( | [tmux]( | :x: | [Shell]( |
| [cVim]( | [⬇]( | [Chrome]( | :x: | [JavaScript]( |
| [SurfingKeys]( | [⬇]( | [Chrome]([Firefox]([Edge]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [JavaScript]( |
| [Vimium]( | [⬇]( | [Chrome]([Firefox]([Edge]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [JavaScript]( |
| [Vimium-C]( | [⬇]( | [Chrome]([Firefox]([Edge]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [TypeScript]( |
| [Vrome]( | [⬇]( | [Chrome]( | :x: | [CoffeeScript]( |
| [ViChrome]( | [⬇]( | [Chrome]( | :x: | [CoffeeScript]( |
| [VimFx]( | [⬇]( | [Firefox]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [CoffeeScript]( |
| [Vimperator]( | [⬇]( | [Firefox]( | :x: | [JavaScript]( |
| [Pentadactyl]( | [⬇]( | [Firefox]( | :x: | [JavaScript]( |
| [Vim Vixen]( | [⬇]( | [Firefox 57+]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [JavaScript]( |
| [Tridactyl]( | [⬇]( | [Firefox 57+]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [TypeScript]( |
| [Vimari]( | [⬇]( | [Safari]( | :x: | [JavaScript]( |
| [Jump To Link]( | [⬇]( | [Obsidian]( | :heavy_check_mark: | [TypeScript]( |

## Acknowledgements

The following individuals have significantly improved AceJump through their contributions and feedback:

* [John Lindquist]( for creating AceJump and supporting it for many years.
* [Breandan Considine]( for maintaining the project and adding some new features.
* [chylex]( for numerous [performance optimizations](, [bug fixes]( and [refactoring](
* [Alex Plate]( for submitting [several PRs](
* [Sven Speckmaier]( for [improving]( search latency.
* [Stefan Monnier]( for algorithmic advice and maintaining Emacs for several years.
* [Fool's Mate]( for the [icon]( and graphic design.

AceJump is made possible by users just like you! If you enjoy using AceJump, please consider [Contributing](#contributing).
