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Converts files from file input into base64 encoded models.

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Converts files from file input into base64 encoded models.

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Converts files from file input into base64 encoded models.
This directive is based from one of the answers in this [SO question](

Requires angular version greater than or equal to `1.2.0`. Tested on angular versions `1.2.0` through `1.3.15`.



`$scope.myfile` :
"filesize": 54836, /* bytes */
"filetype": "image/jpeg",
"filename": "profile.jpg",
"base64": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD//gAEKgD/4gIctcwIQA..."

- Bower - `bower install angular-base64-upload`
- NPM - `npm install angular-base64-upload`

See [plunker](


Include `angular.js` and `angular-base64-upload.js` in your application and add `naif.base64` as dependency to your main module.

angular.module('myApp', ['naif.base64']);



Multiple File Selection
Just add `multiple` attribute to the input element. `yourModel` will be an array of base64 file objects.

- `maxsize` = Maximum file size in kilobytes (KB) (applied to all files when multi-select is enabled)
- `minsize` = Minimum file size in kilobytes (KB) (applied to all files when multi-select is enabled)
- `maxnum` = Maximum number of items to select (applicable only for multi-select)
- `minnum` = Minimum number of items to select (applicable only for multi-select)
- `accept` = [Input file accept attribute]( `file_extension|audio/*|video/*|image/*|media_type` comma separated
- `required` = Checks if the model value is `null`, empty array `[]` or empty object `{}`


Files must not exceed 5000 KB


- `do-not-parse-if-oversize` = Prevents the image from being converted to base64 whenever its size exceeds the maximum file size; this can be useful to prevent the browser from freezing whenever an exceedingly large file is uploaded. If this flag is set, the base64 attribute in the model will be set to null whenever an oversized image is uploaded.

- `allow-same-file` = [boolean]( allow or disallow selecting same file



Custom Parser
You can implement your own parsing logic before the data gets added into the model.

Use case: You want images to be auto-resized after selecting files and add custom model attributes ([Jimp]( has been used in the example below).

app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope, $q) {

$scope.resizeImage = function ( file, base64_object ) {
// file is an instance of File constructor.
// base64_object is an object that contains compiled base64 image data from file.
var deferred = $q.defer();
var url = URL.createObjectURL(file);// creates url for file object.
.then(function (item) {
.resize(1280, Jimp.AUTO)// width of 1280px, auto-adjusted height
.quality(50)//drops the image quality to 50%
.getBase64(file.type, function (err, newBase64) {
if (err) {throw err;}
var bytes = Math.round((3/4)*newBase64.length);
base64Object.filetype = file.type;
base64Object.filesize = bytes;
base64Object.base64 = newBase64;
// Note that base64 in this package doesn't contain "data:image/jpeg;base64," part,
// while base64 string from Jimp does. It should be taken care of in back-end side.
.catch(function (err) {
return console.log(err);// error handling
return deferred.promise;



- `File` - File object
- `Object` - base64 encoded representation of file

Note: The parser handler can return a value or a promise. In case of a promise, it's resolved value will be appended to the model.


FileReader Events - You can listen to all [FileReader events]( by adding attributes to the input element using the format `event_name="handler"`. Ex: `onerror="errorHandlerFunc"`.
- List of file reader event names:
- `onabort`
- `onerror`
- `onload`
- `onloadstart`
- `onloadend`
- `onprogress`
- Params
- `EventObject` - File reader event object depending on the event type. This can be an `abort`, `error`, `load`, `loadstart`, `loadend`, or `progress` event object.
- `FileReader` - A [File Reader]( instance used to read the file. Each file is read by respective file reader instance.
- `File` - Current file being read by the file reader.
- `FileList` - Array of selected files.
- `FileObjects` - Array of base64 file objects that are done reading.
- `Object` - Result of reading the file. In case of reading error, `object.base64` might be undefined.

on-change - Unfortunately, Angular's `ng-change` directive doesn't work so well with input type file. This is the alternative way of binding to input's `onchange` event.


- Params:
- Event - Event object.
- FileList - Array of selected files.

on-after-validate - Ran after the validations are executed and after file object(s) are added to the model.


- Params:
- Event - Event object.
- FileObjects - Array of base64-encoded files.
- FileList - Array of selected files.

Example event handler implementation:
$scope.errorHandler = function (event, reader, file, fileList, fileObjs, object) {
console.log("An error occurred while reading file: ";


Clearing the input element
Just assign your model with `null`, `{}` or `[]` and it will automatically clear the input element


You will have to decode the base64 file in your backend by yourself.

Below is a ruby code for decoding the base64-encoded file to be passed to paperclip:
def create
@resource.attachment = decode_base64
# save resource and render response ...

def decode_base64
# decode base64 string 'decoding base64 file'
decoded_data = Base64.decode64(params[:your_model][:base64])
# create 'file' understandable by Paperclip
data =
data.class_eval do
attr_accessor :content_type, :original_filename

# set file properties
data.content_type = params[:your_model][:filetype]
data.original_filename = params[:your_model][:filename]

# return data to be used as the attachment file (paperclip)

- Uses [jasmine 1.3]( in writing unit test specs
- `npm install -g gulp gulp-cli bower`
- `npm install`
- `bower install`
- `gulp test` to run unit tests
- `gulp build` to build the project
- Update `` and `` to reflect the new changes
- Update the version number of `package.json` and `bower.json`

Change Log
See [](./

[Adones Pitogo](

See [contributors list](

## License

Released under the terms of MIT License.