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Enhance any command with dynamic arguments

autocompletion bash-completion command-line completions productivity zsh-completions

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Enhance any command with dynamic arguments

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# Dargs - Dynamic CLI arguments and completion
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# Introduction

**Contributions Wanted:** If you have use-cases/configurations that could benefit others, please submit them to the
[examples](examples/) folder.


## What is Dargs?

Dargs is a tool that allows you to define dynamic argument transformations and completions for any CLI command.

* Use regex to define which CLI argument should be processed
* Use any external command as an argument transformer or completer
* Define cache duration for results

For example, using dargs one can define rules to:

* ssh into an ec2 instance by instance id:

`ssh i-xxxxxxxx`

* Run packer build using YAML file format instead of JSON:

`packer build demo.yml`

* ssh completions for AWS ec2 instance names:

`ssh ec2:instance_name`

## Installation

If you have go
go get -u

If not, download the stand-alone binary

curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dargs
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/dargs

curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dargs
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/dargs

### Completions installation


Add the following to your `~/.bashrc`
if [[ "$(ls -A ~/.dargs/completions/bash)" ]];then
for f in ~/.dargs/completions/bash/*;do source "$f";done

Add the following to your `~/.zshrc`
if [[ "$(ls -A ~/.dargs/completions/zsh)" ]];then
for f in ~/.dargs/completions/zsh/*;do source "$f";done

## Tutorial

**Note:** This section walks through the basics of dargs, for more detailed information, see [manual](#manual)

Now that you have dargs installed, lets use dargs to enhance ssh with ec2 abilities and give packer YAML support.

First, create the following `~/.dargs.yml` config file:

- name: /usr/bin/ssh
wrapper: ssh
# Use fzf to fuzzy complete (must have fzf installed)
#fzf-complete: true
- ec2_name
- ec2_name # transforms ec2:instance_name -> instance-id (i-xxxxxxxx)
- ec2_id # Transforms instance-id -> PrivateIpAddress

- name: /usr/local/bin/packer
wrapper: packer
- yaml2json # Converts yaml to json

Lets test out the `ec2_id` and `ec2_name` filters using `dargs run`.
# -n = dry run, only print what would have been executed
$ dargs run -n -- ssh i-05d3e9e370805d0b2

# Same instance but now I'm passing in the instance name
# This was processed by both transformers, try running with `-d` to see what's happening
$ dargs run -n -- ssh ec2:test

# We can pass in the transformers on the command line and run any command with dargs.
# The ~/.dargs.yml config allows us to omit the --transformers, -t flag for commands defined in it
$ dargs run -t ec2_id -- echo i-05d3e9e370805d0b2

# Here's an example of the yaml2json filter using cat
$ cat /tmp/test.yml
foo: bar
moo: cow

# -v is verbose, prints out the command before executing it
$ dargs run -v -t yaml2json -- cat /tmp/test.yml
cat /tmp/test.json
"foo": "bar",
"moo": "cow"

Typing all that out wouldn't be very efficient. To make this simpler we can either:
alias ssh='dargs run -- ssh'
$ dargs generate-bins
INFO Wrote /home/***/bin/ssh
INFO Wrote /home/***/bin/packer

# and ensure ~/bin has high precidence in your PATH
$ export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

Lets test out completions
$ dargs generate-completions -f
INFO Wrote /home/***/.dargs/completions/bash/zzdargs_ssh
INFO Wrote /home/***/.dargs/completions/bash/zzdargs_packer

$ source ~/.dargs/completions/bash/*

$ ssh ec2:te

# We can run the dargs completion command stand-alone to see the results
# syntax: dargs completions -- command prev_arg current_arg
$ dargs completions -- ssh "" "ec2:te"

## Manual

### Commands
Dargs commands:
* `dargs run [flags] -- command command_args..`
* Transforms arguments and runs command.
* `dargs generate-bins`
* Generate wrapper bin scripts, alternative to `alias cmd='dargs run -- cmd'`
* `dargs generate-completions [flags]`
* Generate bash/zsh completion scripts
* `dargs complete -- cmd prev_arg cur_arg`
* Used by bash/zsh completion scripts, useful for debugging

### The dargs config file: ~/.dargs.yml

**Note:** You can find example dargs config files in the [examples](examples/) folder of this repo.

Dargs configuration consists of four top level keys:
* **imports** - Import dargs config from file glob or URLs
* **transformers** - Transform matching CLI args before executing the command
* **completers** - Complete matching CLI args
* **commands** - Mapping transformers/completers to commands

# Files to import transformers, completers, and (optionally) commands from
# Can be url
# Local path or glob
- ~/.dargs/config.d/*.yml

# These transform CLI arguments
# Name of transformer
- name: ec2_id
# Transformer only runs on CLI args matching this regex
# Regex groups are available as $RE_0, $RE_1 or if named group $RE_GROUPNAME
match: '^i-[0-9a-z]+$'
# (optional) Only match if the previous argument also matches this regex
# prev-match: '--some-flag'
# Seconds to cache results (604800 seconds = 1 week)
cache: 604800
# Command to run, replacing argument with output of the command
# To convert an argument into many arguments, use newline as a separator
# Example:
# echo -e '-i\n~/.ssh/some_key.pem\n10.11.12.13'
# Will expand into -i ~/.ssh/some_key.pem
command: |
aws ec2 describe-instances \
--filters 'Name=instance-state-name,Values=running' --instance-ids "$RE_0" \
--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[PrivateIpAddress]' --output text

# These complete CLI arguments
# name, match, prev-match, cache have same meaning as transformers
- name: ec2_name
match: '^ec2:(?P.+)$'
cache: 120
# Newline separated list of completions
command: |
aws ec2 describe-instances \
--filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=${RE_name_prefix}*" 'Name=instance-state-name,Values=running' \
--query "Reservations[*].Instances[*].[Tags[?Key=='Name'].Value]" --output text | sed -e "s/^/ec2:/"

# Command to match
- name: /usr/bin/ssh
# Wrapper name when running `dargs generate-bins`
wrapper: ssh
# Use fzf to fuzzy complete (must have fzf installed)
#fzf-complete: true
# List of completers/transformers to associate with this command by default
- ec2_name
# Transformers are run in order which allows them to be chained
- ec2_id