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Simplified and enhanced InstancedMesh with frustum culling, fast raycasting (using BVH), sorting, visibility management and more.

bvh frustum-culling instances performance three-js threejs visibility

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Simplified and enhanced InstancedMesh with frustum culling, fast raycasting (using BVH), sorting, visibility management and more.

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Three.ez - InstancedMesh2

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`InstancedMesh2` is an alternative version of `InstancedMesh` that offers advantages:
- *frustum culling for each instance*
- *sorting*
- *visibility for each instance*
- *each instance can have an object similar to `Object3D` to simplify its use*
- *spatial indexing [(*BVH*)]( for fast raycasting and frustum culling*

import { InstancedMesh2 } from '@three.ez/instanced-mesh';

const myInstancedMesh = new InstancedMesh2(renderer, count, geometry, material);

myInstancedMesh.updateInstances((obj, index) => {
obj.position.z = index;


This library has two dependencies:
- `three.js r159+`
- [`bvh.js`](

## Live Examples

These examples use `vite`, and some mobile devices may run out of memory.

- [1kk static trees](
- [Instances array dynamic](
- [Sorting](
- [Custom material](
- [Dynamic BVH (no vite)](
- [Fast raycasting](

More examples will be added soon...

## Frustum Culling

Avoiding rendering objects outside the camera frustum can drastically improve performance (especially for complex geometries).

***Frustum culling by default is performed by iterating all instances***, [but it is possible to speed up this process by creating a spatial indexing data structure **(BVH)**](#spatial-indexing-data-structure-dynamic-bvh).

By default `perObjectFrustumCulled` is **true**.

## Sorting

Sorting should be used to decrease overdraw and render transparent objects.

By default `sortObjects` is **false**.

import { createRadixSort } from '@three.ez/instanced-mesh';

myInstancedMesh.sortObjects = true;
myInstancedMesh.customSort = createRadixSort(myInstancedMesh);

## Visibility

Set the visibility status of each instance like this:

myInstancedMesh.setVisibilityAt(false, 0);
myInstancedMesh.instances[0].visible = false; // if instances array is created

## Instances Array

It is possible to create an array of ***InstancedEntity (Object3D-like)*** in order to easily change the visibility, apply transformations and add custom data to each instance, ***using more memory***.

myInstancedMesh.createInstances((obj, index) => {

myInstancedMesh.instances[0].visible = false;

myInstancedMesh.instances[1].userData = {};

myInstancedMesh.instances[2].updateMatrix(); // necessary after transformations

myInstancedMesh.instances[3].updateMatrix(); // necessary after transformations

## Spatial Indexing Data Structure (Dynamic BVH)

To speed up raycasting and frustum culling, a spatial indexing data structure can be created to contain the boundingBoxes of all instances.

This works very well if the instances are mostly static (updating a BVH can be expensive) and scattered in world space.

// call this function after all instances have been valued
myInstancedMesh.computeBVH({ margin: 0, highPrecision: false });

If all instances are static set the margin to 0.

***Setting a margin makes BVH updating faster***, but may make raycasting and frustum culling slightly slower.

## Raycasting tips

If you are not using a BVH, you can set the `raycastOnlyFrustum` property to **true** to avoid iterating over all instances.

It's also highly recommended to use [three-mesh-bvh]( to create a geometry BVH.

## API


export type Entity = InstancedEntity & T;
export type UpdateEntityCallback = (obj: Entity, index: number) => void;

export interface BVHParams {
margin?: number;
highPrecision?: boolean;

export declare class InstancedMesh2 extends Mesh {
type: 'InstancedMesh2';
isInstancedMesh2: true;
instances: Entity[];
instanceIndex: GLInstancedBufferAttribute;
matricesTexture: DataTexture;
colorsTexture: DataTexture;
morphTexture: DataTexture;
boundingBox: Box3;
boundingSphere: Sphere;
instancesCount: number;
bvh: InstancedMeshBVH;
perObjectFrustumCulled: boolean;
sortObjects: boolean;
customSort: any;
raycastOnlyFrustum: boolean;
visibilityArray: boolean[];
customDepthMaterial: MeshDepthMaterial;
customDistanceMaterial: MeshDistanceMaterial;
get count(): number;
get maxCount(): number;
get material(): TMaterial;
set material(value: TMaterial);
constructor(renderer: WebGLRenderer, count: number, geometry: TGeometry, material?: TMaterial);
updateInstances(onUpdate: UpdateEntityCallback>): void;
createInstances(onInstanceCreation?: UpdateEntityCallback>): void;
computeBVH(config?: BVHParams): void;
disposeBVH(): void;
setMatrixAt(id: number, matrix: Matrix4): void;
getMatrixAt(id: number, matrix?: Matrix4): Matrix4;
setVisibilityAt(id: number, visible: boolean): void;
getVisibilityAt(id: number): boolean;
setColorAt(id: number, color: ColorRepresentation): void;
getColorAt(id: number, color?: Color): Color;
setUniformAt(id: number, name: string, value: UniformValue): void;
getMorphAt(index: number, object: Mesh): void;
setMorphAt(index: number, object: Mesh): void;
raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, result: Intersection[]): void;
computeBoundingBox(): void;
computeBoundingSphere(): void;
copy(source: InstancedMesh2, recursive?: boolean): this;
dispose(): this;


export type UniformValueNoNumber = Vector2 | Vector3 | Vector4 | Matrix3 | Matrix4;
export type UniformValue = number | UniformValueNoNumber;

export declare class InstancedEntity {
isInstanceEntity: true;
readonly id: number;
readonly owner: InstancedMesh2;
position: Vector3;
scale: Vector3;
quaternion: Quaternion;
get visible(): boolean;
set visible(value: boolean);
get color(): Color;
set color(value: ColorRepresentation);
get matrix(): Matrix4;
get matrixWorld(): Matrix4;
constructor(owner: InstancedMesh2, index: number);
updateMatrix(): void;
setUniform(name: string, value: UniformValue): void;
copyTo(target: Mesh): void;
applyMatrix4(m: Matrix4): this;
applyQuaternion(q: Quaternion): this;
rotateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number): this;
rotateOnWorldAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number): this;
rotateX(angle: number): this;
rotateY(angle: number): this;
rotateZ(angle: number): this;
translateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, distance: number): this;
translateX(distance: number): this;
translateY(distance: number): this;
translateZ(distance: number): this;


export declare function patchShader(shader: string): string;

export declare function createRadixSort(target: InstancedMesh2): typeof radixSort;

export declare function createTexture_float(count: number): DataTexture;
export declare function createTexture_vec2(count: number): DataTexture;
export declare function createTexture_vec3(count: number): DataTexture;
export declare function createTexture_vec4(count: number): DataTexture;
export declare function createTexture_mat3(count: number): DataTexture;
export declare function createTexture_mat4(count: number): DataTexture;

## How Does It Work?

It works similarly to `BatchedMesh`: ***matrices, colors, etc.*** are stored in `Texture` instead of `InstancedAttribute`.

The only `InstancedAttribute` is used to store the indices of the instances to be rendered.

***If you create a custom material, you will need to use `Texture` instead of `InstancedBufferAttribute` (don't worry, there are utility methods).***

## Installation

You can install it via npm using the following command:

npm install @three.ez/instanced-mesh

Or you can import it from CDN:


"imports": {
"three": "[email protected]/build/three.module.js",
"three/addons/": "[email protected]/examples/jsm/",
"@three.ez/instanced-mesh": "",
"bvh.js": ""


## Questions?

If you have questions or need assistance, you can ask on our [discord server](

## Future Work

- LOD system
- Remove renderer from constructor parameters

## Like it?

If you find this project helpful, I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a star on this repository!

This helps me know that you appreciate my work and encourages me to continue improving it.

Thank you so much for your support! 🌟

## Special thanks to

- [gkjohnson](
- [manthrax](
- [jungle_hacker](

## References

- [three-mesh-bvh](
- [ErinCatto_DynamicBVH](
- [BatchedMesh](