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VueJs Flash Message Component within Vuex

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VueJs Flash Message Component within Vuex

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Vuex Flash

Flash message component for Vue.js within Vuex

Vue.js 2.x compatible
Vuex 2.x compatible
travis-ci build
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npm package
code quality

### Features

- [**multiple flash**](#multiple-flash)
- [**custom template**](#custom-template)
- [**persist flash data in storage**](#persist-flash-message)
- [**highly customizable**](#api)

### Demo & Example

#### [Live demo with code snippet](

### Install
$ npm install --save vuex-flash

### Usage

**register component:**

import Vue from 'vue';
import VuexFlash from 'vuex-flash';


**register vuex store:**

import { createFlashStore } from 'vuex-flash';

const store = new Vuex.Store({
// ...
plugins: [

### Flash data

##### Using `global mixin`

Simply put an option `mixin: true` while registering component, the `this.flash` method will avaiable in every component

Vue.use(VuexFlash, { mixin: true });
Then in other components:

this.flash({ message: 'some message', variant: 'success' });
this.$router.push('/somepage'); //redirect to /somepage
You can change the method name:
Vue.use(VuexFlash, { mixin: true, method: 'flashMe' });
this.flashMe({ message: 'some message', variant: 'success' });
###### about [global mixin](

##### Using `mutation`

Instead of global mixin, you can commit mutation from components to set flash message:

methods: {
this.$store.commit('FLASH/SET_FLASH', { message: 'some message', variant: 'success' });
In **`mapMutations`** way:


methods: {
this.flash({ message: 'some message', variant: 'success' });

Note that the default mutation type is `FLASH/SET_FLASH`. You can configure it in [options](#createflashstoreoptions).

### Display flash

//in somepage component



### Multiple flash

this.flash({ message: 'some success message', variant: 'success' });
this.flash({ message: 'some warning message', variant: 'warning' });
this.flash({ message: 'some danger message', variant: 'danger' });
this.$router.push('/somepage'); //redirect to /somepage
//in somepage


### Props

| Name | Type | Default | Desciption |
| ---: | :---: | :---: | :--- |
| variant | String | - | **`required`** prop.the flash variant type |
| important | Boolean | false | if true, there will no close option of flash alert |
| autoHide | Boolean | false | auto hide flash alert |
| transitionName | String | custom-classes-transition | vue transitions `name` prop [More]( |
| transitionIn | String | 'animated fadeInDown' | space separted string for vue transitions `enter-active-class` prop [More]( |
| transitionOut | String | 'animated fadeOutUp' | space separted string for vue transitions `leave-active-class` prop [More]( |

#### Flash alert style

**vuex-flash uses [Bootstrap v4 alert]( component as default alert.You need to add
[bootstrap css]( file in your head tag.**



**You can always use your own alert using [custom template](#custom-template).**

#### Variant
The Default variant types are:
* success
* warning
* danger
* info

You can [add custom variants](#createflashstoreoptions).

#### Transition

vuex-flash uses [animate.css]( as default transition effect.You need to add the
[css]( file in your head tag

You can set different animation style using `transitionIn` and `transitionOut` props in multiple flash messages:


If you choose to use [custom template](#custom-template), then you need to add this feature yourself if you want.

### Custom Template

- The default template can be found [here](
- Put **`{{ message }}`** inside your template where you want to show the flash message.
- Use **`v-if="show"`** to show the alert.
- The **`cssClasses`** string data will be all classes including `variant class` and your `custom classes` that you provide
in [options](#vueusevuexflash-options). Bind class **`:class="cssClasses"`**
- Use **`closeFlash`** method to trigger the close button click.
- **[Here is an example](** that showing the implementation of custom template of [Bulma notification](

### Persist Flash message

- **[Here is an example](** that shows how to persist vuex state in sessionStorage using [vuex-persistedstate](
- The [path]( must be same as the [namespace](#createflashstoreoptions).
- The [mutataion type]( in filter must be same as the [config mutation key](#createflashstoreoptions)

## API

### `Vue.use(VuexFlash, [options]);`

The following options are available to configure the component plugin:

- `name [String]` - The component name. `(default: 'FlashMessage')`

- `mixin [Boolean]` - If true, an global method mixin will register for setting flash data. `(default: false)`

- `method [String]` - If `mixin` is set true and this option is given, then global mixin method will [register](#using-global-mixin) under this name. `(default: 'flash')`

- `namespace` - [String] - The namespace is the name used for creating vuex flash module.This should be same as the [`createFlashStore` namespace](#createflashstoreoptions).
this namespace used for commiting mutation to [set](#using-mutation) and clear flash data. If provided, the [mutation type](#using-mutation) will be
`'{namespace}/SET_FLASH'`. `(default: 'FLASH')`

- `duration [Number]` - The flash message display duration (in milliseconds) for auto hide flashes. `(default: 3000)`

- `template [String]` - The template to use showing alert. See [custom template](#custom-template).

- `keep [Boolean]` - If false and data is persisted in storage, the storage will cleared after displaying alert every time.
if provided, the storage will keep with null value. `(default: true)`

- `storage [Storage]` - The Storage where the data is persisted. If `keep` is set to false, the data will be cleared from this
storage. `(default: sessionStorage)`

- `key [String]` - The key is used by the store to persist data. `(default: '__vuexFlash')`

- `css [Array]` - An array of custom css class names. This is very useful when creating
[custom template](#custom-template). `(default: [])`

- `variantClass [Function]` - A function returns a css class name to styling alert component based on current variant.
.Can access the current variant using `this.variant`. [Do not use arrow function](

``(default: function(){ return `alert-${this.variant}`; })``

- `clearPersisted [Function]` - A function used for clearing persisted data from storage when `keep` is set to false.Can access the storage using
``. [Do not use arrow function](

``(default: function(){; })``

### `createFlashStore([options])`

The following options are available to configure the vuex store plugin:

- `namespace [String]` - This namespace is the name used for registering the vuex-flash store module. `(default: 'FLASH')`

- `setter [String]` - This is the `mutation name` of flash message setter.If provided, the [mutation key](#using-mutation) will be
`'${namespace}/${setter}'`. `(default: 'SET_FLASH')`

- `variants [Array]` - An array of Custom variants to use as state.Will be merged with [default variants](#variant). `(default: [])`

### License