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BuckleScript bindings to Emotion

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BuckleScript bindings to Emotion

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# bs-emotion

> **Warning**
> This repository is no longer maintained, as we don't use it anymore at Ahrefs. For alternatives, check [styled-ppx]( or [bs-css](

bs-emotion status
bs-emotion-ppx status

BuckleScript bindings to [Emotion](

## BuckleScript v8+

`bs-emotion` and `bs-emotion-ppx` are compatible with BuckleScript v7 starting from version 2.0.0.

## Previous versions

Use v1.0.1 if you need compatibility with BuckleScript v7.

If you need to use them with BuckleScript v5 or below, install the earlier versions:
- `@ahrefs/bs-emotion` version ^0.1.2
- `@ahrefs/bs-emotion-ppx` version ^0.0.7

## Installation
Get the package:

# yarn
yarn add @ahrefs/bs-emotion
# or npm
npm install --save @ahrefs/bs-emotion

Then add it to `bsconfig.json`:

"bs-dependencies": [

### `bs-emotion-ppx`
If you want to auto-label generated classnames for easier debugging, you can install `bs-emotion-ppx`:

# yarn
yarn add --dev @ahrefs/bs-emotion-ppx
# or npm
npm install --save-dev @ahrefs/bs-emotion-ppx

Then add it to `bsconfig.json`:

"ppx-flags": ["@ahrefs/bs-emotion-ppx/ppx -as-ppx"],

## Usage
### Defining styles
There are 2 ways to define a CSS class:

open Emotion

(* If you use ppx *)
let button = [%css [ ... ]] (* -> "css-HASHED-button" *)

(* If you don't use ppx *)
let button = css [ ... ] (* -> "css-HASHED" *)

And here's real-world example:
> It's in OCaml syntax, but you can use Reason too.

(* *)

open Emotion

let container = [%css [
display `flex;
flexFlow `column `nowrap;
alignItems `center;

let shape = [%css [
display `flex;
flexFlow `row `nowrap;
alignItems `center;
justifyContent `center;
transitionProperty "border-radius";
transitionDuration (`ms 100);
transitionTimingFunction `easeInOut;
width (`px 200);
height (`px 200);
borderRadius (`px 6);
backgroundColor (`hex "29d");

(* :hover selector, same as `select ":hover" [ ... ]` *)
hover [
borderRadius (`pct 50.);
important (cursor `grab);

(* Dynamic styling *)
(* NOTE: ppx supports functions with max 2 arguments *)
let text ~size = [%css [
color (`hex "fff");
fontSize (`px size);
fontWeight 700;

(* Transition takes property, duration, timing-function & delay *)
transition "font-size" (`ms 100) `easeInOut `zero;

(* You can define multiple transitions by packing them into list of tuples *)
transitions [
("font-size", `ms 100, `easeInOut, `ms 0);

(* Complex selector that uses .container class defined above *)
(* Rendered as: `.container:hover .text {...}` *)
select {j|.$container:hover &|j} [
fontSize Calc.(((`px size) + (`pct 150.)) * (`n 1.5));

(* @media quiery with nested selectors *)
media "(max-width: 900px)" [
color (`hex "ff69b4");

select ":hover" [
color (`hex "fff");

(* Define keyframes *)
let bounce = keyframes [
(0, [ transform (`translateY `zero); ]);
(50, [ transform (`translateY (`px (-20))); ]);
(100, [ transform (`translateY `zero); ]);

let animated = [%css [
(* Use generated animation name *)
animationName bounce;
animationDuration (`ms 300);
animationIterationCount (`i 7);

(* Compose things *)
let smallText = [%css [
fontSize (`em 0.8);

let note = css ~extend: smallText [
label "note";

marginTop (`px 10);

### Applying styles
/* */

module Css = ComponentStyles;

let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent(__MODULE__);

let make = _ => {
render: _ =>


### Composing classnames

#### Cx
This package provides `Cx.merge` function which is a binding to Emotion's [`cx`]( It merges 2 Emotion's CSS classes into single unique class. See the [Caveats](#caveats) section for details.

#### Cn
Also, there is [`re-classnames`]( You can use it to combine classnames together. It's not aware of Emotion and simply operates on strings.

#### Caveats
First, let's talk about the difference between `Cn.make` and `Cx.merge`:

Cn.make([, Css.two]) /* => "css--one css--two" */
Cx.merge([|, Css.two|]) /* => "css--one-two" */

If the former simply concatenates two classname strings into a single string (and as a result 2 CSS classes are applied) then the latter merges 2 Emotion classes into single unique class and applies it to a node (as a result 1 unique CSS class is applied).

##### Caveat #1



let foo = css [ ... ]
let bar = css [ ... ]

let button = css [

select {j|.$foo:hover &|j} [
It won't work due to `.foo` class is being merged w/ `.bar`
into single unique classname inside component

To make this css work you can use `Cn.make`, e.g:



##### Caveat #2

let make = (~className, children) => {
render: _ =>


Oftentimes, UI abstractions accept `className` prop to extend or override default CSS of abstraction. Since position of classname on application site doesn't guarantee precedence of `className` prop (in CSS, precedence is determined by position of classname on definition site), it's not safe to use `Cn.make` here. In this case, use `Cx.merge` since `Emotion` determines precedence on application site and guarantees that last classname has precedence over the preceding classes.



## Contributing

See [``](./

## Thanks
- [`glennsl/bs-typed-css-core`]( and [`SentiaAnalytics/bs-css`]( for examples and inspiration.