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Node Airbrake

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**DEPRECATION WARNING: Node Airbrake is deprecated in favour of @airbrake/node
( Please migrate to it as soon as
possible. See [migration guide](**

![Node Airbrake][arthur-node]

* [Node Airbrake README][node-airbrake]


**DEPRECATION WARNING: Node Airbrake is deprecated in favour of @airbrake/node
( Please migrate to it as soon as

_Node Airbrake_ is a Node.js notifier for [Airbrake][airbrake-io], the leading
exception reporting service. The library provides minimalist API that enables
the ability to send _any_ Node exception to the Airbrake dashboard. Node
Airbrake provides out-of-box integration with the Express web framework.

Key features

![The Airbrake Dashboard][dashboard]

* Send chosen environment variables (whitelist or blacklist)
* Detect and fix circular references in error context information
* Support for all features of the [2.1 notification API][2.1api]
* Support for [long-stack-traces][]
* Optional auto-handler for `uncaughtException` events
* Provides notification URL linking to Airbrake in `notify()` callback
* Timeout Airbrake requests after 30 seconds, you never know
* Express web application framework support
* hapi web application framework support


### NPM

Add the Node Airbrake package to your `package.json`:

"dependencies": {
"airbrake": "^2.1.3"

### Manual

Invoke the following command from your terminal:

npm install airbrake


### Basic example

This is the minimal example that you can use to test Node Airbrake with your
project. The common use case for this module is to catch all `'uncaughtException'`
events on the `process` object and send them to Airbrake:

var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient(
'105138', // Project ID
'fd04e13d806a90f96614ad8e529b2822' // Project key

throw new Error('I am an uncaught exception');

Note: the above will re-throw the exception after it has been successfully
delivered to Airbrake, causing your process to exit with status 1.

This can optionally be disabled by passing false to `handleExceptions` (not


### Filtering errors

There may be some errors thrown in your application that you're not interested in sending to Airbrake, such as errors thrown by 3rd-party libraries.

The Airbrake notifier makes it simple to ignore this chaff while still processing legitimate errors. Add filters to the notifier by providing filter functions to `addFilter`.

`addFilter` accepts the entire [error notice]( to be sent to Airbrake, and provides access to the `context`, `environment`, `params`, and `session` values submitted with the notice, as well as the single-element `errors` array with its `backtrace` element and associated backtrace lines.

The return value of the filter function determines whether or not the error notice will be submitted.
* If null value is returned, the notice is ignored.
* Otherwise returned notice will be submitted.

An error notice must pass all provided filters to be submitted.

In the following example errors triggered with a message of 'this should not be posted to airbrake' will be ignored:

airbrake.addFilter(function(notice) {
if (notice.errors[0].message === 'this should not be posted to airbrake') {
// Ignore errors with this messsage
return null;
return notice;

Filters can be also used to modify notice payload, e.g. to set environment and application version:

airbrake.addFilter(function(notice) {
notice.context.environment = 'production';
notice.context.version = '1.2.3';
return notice;

### Manual error delivery

If you want more control over the delivery of your errors, you can also
manually submit errors to Airbrake:

var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient("your project ID", "your api key");
var err = new Error('Something went terribly wrong');
airbrake.notify(err, function(err, url) {
if (err) throw err;

// Error has been delivered, url links to the error in airbrake

### Severity

[Severity]( allows
categorizing how severe an error is. By default, it's set to `error`. To
redefine severity, simply set an error's `severity` property. For example:

var err = new Error();
err.severity = 'critical';


### Express integration

The library provides out-of-box integration with the Express framework. It
supports even old Express versions (starting from `2.x`). Select your version
below and configure accordingly.

#### Express 4.x

var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient("your project ID", "your api key");

#### Express 3.x

var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient("your project ID", "your api key");

#### Express 2.x

var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient("your project ID", "your api key");

### hapi integration

The library provides out-of-box integration with the hapi framework. To
integrate Airbrake with a hapi application simply install our handler:

const Hapi = require('hapi');
const server = new Hapi.Server();
const Airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient(
"your project ID",
"your api key"

Airbrake.env = 'production';

server.register(Airbrake.hapiHandler(), err => {
if (err) {
throw err;


## Adding context to errors

The `notify()` method automatically adds the following context information to
each delivered error:

* **error.class:** (`err.type` string if set, or `'Error'`)
* **error.message:** (`err.message` string)
* **error.backtrace:** (`err.stack` as parsed by [stack-trace][])
* **error.severity:** (`err.severity` defaults to `error`)
* **request.url:** (`err.url`, see `airbrake.url`);
* **request.component:** (`err.component` string if set);
* **request.action:** (`err.action` string if set);
* **request.cgi-data:** (`process.env`, merged all other properties of `err`)
* **request.params:** (`err.params` object if set)
* **request.session:** (`err.session` object if set)
* **server-environment.project-root:** (`airbrake.projectRoot` string if set)
* **server-environment.environment-name:** (`airbrake.env` string)
* **** (`airbrake.appVersion string if set)

You can add additional context information by modifying the error properties
listed above:

``` javascript
var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient("your project ID", "your api key");
var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function(req, res) {
if (req.headers['X-Secret'] !== 'my secret') {
var err = new Error('403 - Permission denied');

err.url = req.url;
err.params = {ip: req.socket.remoteAddress};

Unfortunately `uncaughtException` events cannot be traced back to particular
requests, so you should still try to handle errors where they occur.


## Tracking deployments

This client supports Airbrake's [deployment tracking][]:

``` javascript
var airbrake = require('airbrake').createClient("your project ID", "your api key");
var deployment = {
rev: '98103a8fa850d5eaf3666e419d8a0a93e535b1b2',
repo: '[email protected]:felixge/node-airbrake.git',

airbrake.trackDeployment(deployment, function(err, params) {
if (err) {
throw err;

console.log('Tracked deployment of %s to %s', params.rev, params.env);

Check out the `airbrake.trackDeployment()` API docs below for a list of all


### var airbrake = Airbrake.createClient(projectId, key, [env])

`Airbrake.createClient()` returns a new Airbrake instance.

* `projectId` - Your application's Airbrake project ID.
* `key` - Your application's Airbrake API key.
* `env` - The name of the server environment this is running in.

### airbrake.projectId = null

Your application's Airbrake project ID.

### airbrake.key = null

Your application's Airbrake API key.

### airbrake.env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'

The name of the server environment this is running in.

### = 'https://' + os.hostname()

The base url for errors. If `err.url` is not set, `` is used
instead. If `err.url` is a relative url starting with `'/'`, it is appended
to ``. If `err.url` is an absolute url, `` is ignored.

### airbrake.projectRoot = process.cwd()

The root directory of this project.

### airbrake.appVersion = null

The version of this app. Set to a semantic version number, or leave unset.

### airbrake.protocol = 'https'

The protocol to use.

### airbrake.timeout = 30 * 1000

The timeout after which to give up trying to notify Airbrake in ms.

### airbrake.proxy = null

The HTTP/HTTPS proxy to use when making requests.

### airbrake.requestOptions = {}

Additional request options that are merged with the default set of options that are passed to `request` during `notify()` and `trackDeployment()`.

### airbrake.whiteListKeys = []

Names of environment variables to send.

### airbrake.blackListKeys = []

Names of environment variables to filter out.

### airbrake.handleExceptions()

Registers a `process.on('uncaughtException')` listener. When an uncaught
exception occurs, the error is sent to Airbrake, and then re-thrown to
kill the process.

### airbrake.handlePromiseRejections()

Registers a `process.on('unhandledRejection')` listener. When an uncaught
exception occurs inside a promise, the error is sent to Airbrake, and then re-thrown to
kill the process.

### airbrake.expressHandler(disableUncaughtException)

A custom error handler that is used with Express. Integrate with Express
middleware using `app.use()`.

* `disableUncaughtException`: Disables re-throwing and killing process on uncaught exception.

### airbrake.notify(err, [cb])

Sends the given `err` to airbrake.

The callback parameter receives two arguments, `err, url`. `err` is set if
the delivery to Airbrake failed.

If no `cb` is given, and the delivery fails, an `error` event is emitted. If
there is no listener for this event, node will kill the process as well. This
is done to avoid silent error delivery failure.

### airbrake.trackDeployment([params, [cb]])

Notifies Airbrake about a deployment. `params` is an object with the following

* `env:` The environment being deployed, defaults to `airbrake.env`.
* `user:` The user doing the deployment, defaults to `process.env.USER`.
* `repo:` The github url of this repository. Defaults to `git config --get remote.origin.url`.
* `rev:` The revision of this deployment. Defaults to `git rev-parse HEAD`.

Additional notes

### Exception limit

The maximum size of an exception is 64KB. Exceptions that exceed this limit will
be truncated to fit the size.


The library was originally created by [Felix Geisendörfer](
The project uses the MIT License. See for details.

[deployment tracking]: