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A powerful, lightweight and secured encryption, decryption and random string generation library

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A powerful, lightweight and secured encryption, decryption and random string generation library

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# NcryptJs

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**_NcryptJs_** is a light weight javascript data encryption and decryption library. This library implements the nodejs default crypto functionality as a mid-channel cipher in addition to a simple and elegant custom data encoding and encryption algorithm.

## Contents

* [NcryptJs](#NcryptJs)
* [Contents](#contents)

* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [NcryptJs Methodss](#ncryptjs-methods)
* [Using the `randomString()` methods](#using-randomstring-method)
* [Using `encrypt()` and `decrypt()` methods](#using-encrypt-and-decrypt-methods)
* [Using default imports](#using-default-imports)

* [Built With](#built-with)
* [Contribution](#contribution)
* [Version Management](#version-management)
* [Authors](#authors)
* [License](#license)
* [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)

## Getting Started

This library is available through these javascript node package manager [npm]( and [yarn](

## Installation

To use this library, first ensure you have a package manager initialized either with [npm]( or [yarn](

# for npm use:
npm install --save ncrypt-js

# for yarn use:
yarn add ncrypt-js

To include **_ncrypt-js_** in your project. use one of these:

// ES6 and later
+ import ncrypt from "ncrypt-js";
- import * as ncrypt from "ncrypt-js";

// or
- import { encrypt, decrypt } from "ncrypt-js";

However, if you are using ECMAScript 5 and older, use the require statement:

// ES5 and older
+ var ncrypt = require("ncrypt-js");

// or
- var { encrypt, decrypt } = require("ncrypt-js");

## Documentation

**_NcryptJs_** is a simple library with only two two exposed functions. This is all intentional mainly to keep everything simple. This is a complete documentation of the library and how to use it in your project. All examples work on both ECMAScript 6 (and later) and ECMAScript 5 (and older).

### NcryptJs Methods

### List of **_NcryptJs_** Methods.

| Methods | Description | Parameters | Return |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [_static_] **randomString()** | Random String. |**size**: _number_ - An optional size of the generated `randomBytes`.
**enc:** _base64/hex_ - Encoding used for encoding the `randomBytes` |**encoded**: _string_ - encoded string. |
| **encrypt()** | Encrypts data. |**data**: _object/string/number/boolean_ - The data to be encrypted.
|**ciphered**: _string_ - encrypted data. |
| **decrypt()** | Decrypts the encrypted or ciphered data | **encodedData**: string - The encrypted data: _string_ to be decrypted. | **data**: _string/object/number/boolean_ - The decrypted or original data (it might be string or object, depends on the initial input data type).

### Using randomString method

The `randomString()` static method can generate [random bytes]( encoded into a `hexadecimal` or `base64` strings. This string can be useful in a variety of use cases e.g to generate database ids, to generate a unique string for a list, a unique serial strings etc.

var ncrypt = require('ncrypt-js');

var randomStr = ncrypt.randomString(8, 'base64');
console.log(randomStr) // t78WcmYAFOY=

// signature
ncrypt.randomString(size?: number, enc?: 'base64' | 'hex');

### Using encrypt() and decrypt() methods
The `encrypt()` and `decrypt()` methods as of version 2.0.0 directly importing or invoking these methods is deprecated, an object must be created with a secret first, before the methods can now be invoked on the created object.

To `encrypt` and `decrypt` data, simply use `encrypt()` and `decrypt()` methods respectively. This will use `AES-256-CBC` encryption algorithm as the mid-channel cipher.

- var { encrypt, decrypt } = require("ncrypt-js");
+ var ncrypt = require("ncrypt-js");

var data = "Hello World!";
var _secretKey = "some-super-secret-key";

+ var { encodeData, decodeData } = new ncrypt(_secretKey);

// encrypting super sensitive data here
- var encryptedData = encrypt(data, _secretKey);
+ var encryptedData = encrypt(data);

console.log("Encryption process...");
console.log("Plain Text : " + data);
console.log("Cipher Text : " + encryptedData);

// decrypted super encrypted string here
var decryptedData = decrypt(encryptedData);
console.log("... and then decryption...");
console.log("Decipher Text : " + decryptedData);

### Using default imports

var ncrypt = require("ncrypt-js");

var data = "Hello World!";
var _secretKey = "some-super-secret-key";

var ncryptObject = new ncrypt(_secretKey);

// encrypting super sensitive data here
var encryptedData = ncryptObject.encrypt(data);
console.log("Encryption process...");
console.log("Plain Text : " + data);
console.log("Cipher Text : " + encryptedData);

// decrypted super encrypted string here
var decryptedData = ncryptObject.decrypt(encryptedData);
console.log("... and then decryption...");
console.log("Decipher Text : " + decryptedData);

### Object Encryption

Encryption and decryption of JavaScript object literal has never been simpler than this.

To encrypt and decrypt JavaScript object literal, simply use `encrypt()` and `decrypt()` function from an instance. This will use AES-CBC encryption algorithm.

var ncrypt = require("ncrypt-js");

var _secretKey = "some-super-secret-key";
var object = {
NycryptJs: "is cool and fun.",
You: "should try it!"

var ncryptObject = new ncrypt('ncrypt-js');

// encrypting super sensitive data here
var encryptedObject = ncryptObject.encrypt(object);
console.log("Encryption process...");
console.log("Plain Object : " + object);
console.log("Encrypted Object : " + encryptedObject);

// decrypted super encrypted string here
var decryptedObject = ncryptObject.decrypt(encryptedObject);
console.log("... and then decryption...");
console.log("Decipher Text : " + decryptedObject);
If you are using any sort of environmental key-value store, e.g `.env` and for additional security, you can add the following to your environment.

# .env

# used internally to set the key
KEY='sshhhh this is a super secret key'

# used internally to set the encoding - ['base64' | 'binary' | 'hex' | 'ucs-2' | 'ucs2' | 'utf16le']

SECRET='this is our hashing secret'
Then when creating your object, you can use the SECRET from your environment e.g:
var ncrypt = require('ncrypt-js');
var { encrypt, decrypt } = new ncrypt(process.env.SECRET);

## Built With

Written in [TypeScript](, built into ECMAScript 5 using the TypeScript compiler.

## Contribution

To contribute, simply fork this project, and issue a pull request.

## Version Management

We use [SemVer]( for version management. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](

## Authors

* **Chukwuemeka Ajima** - _Initial work_ - [ajimae](

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details

## Acknowledgments

* This library was developed to simplify how data is encrypted and decrypted in javascript.
* Made available by open source and special thanks to [Shahid]( for his super simple [article]( on node core encryption (crypto) library.
* Thanks to [danang-id]( whose [README]( was very insightful and [Jorgeblom]( for his custom cipher algorithm on this stackoverflow [answer](