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write APIs using direct SQL queries with no hassle, let's rethink about SQL

api-rest baas cockroach mssql mysql postgresql restful sqlite3

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write APIs using direct SQL queries with no hassle, let's rethink about SQL

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> `SQL-er` is a tiny portable server enables you to write APIs using SQL query to be executed when anyone hits it, also it enables you to define validation rules so you can validate the request body/query params, as well as data transformation using simple `javascript` syntax. `sqler` uses `nginx` style configuration language ([`HCL`]( and `javascript` engine for custom expressions.

Table Of Contents
- [SQLer](#sqler)
- [Table Of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Features](#features)
- [Quick Tour](#quick-tour)
- [Supported DBMSs](#supported-dbmss)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [Configuration Overview](#configuration-overview)
- [REST vs RESP](#rest-vs-resp)
- [Sanitization](#sanitization)
- [Validation](#validation)
- [Authorization](#authorization)
- [Data Transformation](#data-transformation)
- [Aggregators](#aggregators)
- [Issue/Suggestion/Contribution ?](#issuesuggestioncontribution)
- [Author](#author)
- [License](#license)

- Standalone with no dependencies.
- Works with most of SQL databases out there including (`SQL Server`, `MYSQL`, `SQLITE`, `PostgreSQL`, `Cockroachdb`)
- Built-in RESTful server
- Built-in RESP `Redis Protocol`, you connect to `SQLer` using any `redis` client
- Built-in `Javascript` interpreter to easily transform the result
- Built-in Validators
- Automatically uses prepared statements
- Uses ([`HCL`]( configuration language
- You can load multiple configuration files not just one, based on `unix glob` style pattern
- Each `SQL` query could be named as `Macro`
- Uses `Javascript` custom expressions.
- Each macro has its own `Context` (`query params` + `body params`) as `.Input` which is `map[string]interface{}`, and `.Utils` which is a list of helper functions, currently it contains only `SQLEscape`.
- You can define `authorizers`, an `authorizer` is just a simple webhook that enables `sqler` to verify whether the request should be done or not.
- Trigger a `webhook` or another `macro` when a specific `macro` get executed.
- Schedule specific macros to run at specific time using simple `cron` syntax.

Quick Tour
- You install `sqler` using the right binary for your `os` from the [releases]( page.
- Let's say that you downloaded `sqler_darwin_amd64`
- Let's rename it to `sqler`, and copy it to `/usr/local/bin`
- Now just run `sqler -h`, you will the next
____ ___ _
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\___ \| | | | | / _ \ '__|
___) | |_| | |__| __/ |
|____/ \__\_\_____\___|_|

turn your SQL queries into safe valid RESTful apis.

-config string
the config file(s) that contains your endpoints configs, it accepts comma seprated list of glob style pattern (default "./config.example.hcl")
-driver string
the sql driver to be used (default "mysql")
-dsn string
the data source name for the selected engine (default "root:root@tcp(")
-resp string
the resp (redis protocol) server listen address (default ":3678")
-rest string
the http restful api listen address (default ":8025")
-workers int
the maximum workers count (default 4)
- you can specifiy multiple files for `-config` as [configuration](#configuration-overview), i.e `-config="/my/config/dir/*.hcl,/my/config/dir2/*.hcl"`
- you need specify which driver you need and its `dsn` from the following:

| Driver | DSN |
---------| ------ |
| `mysql`| `usrname:password@tcp(server:port)/dbname?option1=value1&...`|
| `postgres`| `postgresql://username:password@server:port/dbname?option1=value1`|
| `sqlite3`| `/path/to/db.sqlite?option1=value1`|
| `sqlserver` | `sqlserver://username:password@host/instance?param1=value&param2=value` |
| | `sqlserver://username:password@host:port?param1=value&param2=value`|
| | `sqlserver://sa@localhost/SQLExpress?database=master&connection+timeout=30`|
| `mssql` | `server=localhost\\SQLExpress;user id=sa;database=master;app name=MyAppName`|
| | `server=localhost;user id=sa;database=master;app name=MyAppName`|
| | `odbc:server=localhost\\SQLExpress;user id=sa;database=master;app name=MyAppName` |
| | `odbc:server=localhost;user id=sa;database=master;app name=MyAppName` |
| `hdb` (SAP HANA) | `hdb://user:password@host:port` |
| `clickhouse` (Yandex ClickHouse) | `tcp://host1:9000?username=user&password=qwerty&database=clicks&read_timeout=10&write_timeout=20&alt_hosts=host2:9000,host3:9000` |

Supported DBMSs
- `MYSQL`, `TiDB`, `MariaDB`, `Percona` and any MYSQL compatible server uses `mysql` driver.
- `PostgreSQL`, `CockroachDB` and any PostgreSQL compatible server uses `postgres` driver.
- `SQL Server`, `MSSQL`, `ADO`, `ODBC` uses `sqlserver` or `mssql` driver.
- `SQLITE`, uses `sqlite3` driver.
- `HANA` (SAP), uses `hdb` driver.
- `Clickhouse`, uses `clickhouse` driver.

> SQLer has a docker image called `alash3al/sqler` it is an automated build, you can use it like the following:


# run the help message
docker run --rm alash3al/sqler --help

# connect to a local mysql
docker run --network=host alash3al/sqler -driver=mysql -dsn=usr:pass@tcp(

# connect to another mysql container
docker run -link mysql alash3al/sqler -driver=mysql -dsn=usr:pass@tcp(mysql:3306)/dbname


Configuration Overview
// create a macro/endpoint called "_boot",
// this macro is private "used within other macros"
// because it starts with "_".
_boot {
// the query we want to execute
exec = < RESTful server could be used to interact directly with i.e `mobile, browser, ... etc`, in this mode `SQLer` is protected by `authorizers`, which gives you the ability to check authorization against another 3rd-party api.
> Each macro you add to the configuration file(s) you can access to it by issuing a http request to `/`, every query param and json body will be passed to the macro `.Input`.

> RESP server is just a basic `REDIS` compatible server, you connect to it using any `REDIS` client out there, even `redis-cli`, just open `redis-cli -p 3678 list` to list all available macros (`commands`), you can execute any macro as a redis command and pass the arguments as a json encoded data, i.e `redis-cli -p 3678 adduser "{\"user_name\": \"u6\", \"user_email\": \"[email protected]\", \"user_password\":\"pass@123\"}"`.

> `SQLer` uses prepared statements, you can bind inputs like the following:

addpost {
// $input is a global variable holds all request inputs,
// including the http headers too (prefixed with `http_`)
// all http header keys are normalized to be in this form
// `http_x_header_example`, `http_authorization` ... etc in lower case.
bind {
title = "$input.post_title"
content = "$input.post_content"
user_id = "$input.post_user"

exec = < Data validation is very easy in `SQLer`, it is all about simple `javascript` expression like this:

addpost {
// if any rule returns false,
// SQLer will return 422 code, with invalid rules.
// $input is a global variable holds all request inputs,
// including the http headers too (prefixed with `http_`)
// all http header keys are normalized to be in this form
// `http_x_header_example`, `http_authorization` ... etc in lower case.
validators {
post_title_length = "$input.post_title && $input.post_title.trim().length > 0"
post_content_length = "$input.post_content && $input.post_content.length > 0"
post_user = "$input.post_user"

bind {
title = "$input.post_title"
content = "$input.post_content"
user_id = "$input.post_user"

exec = < If you want to expose `SQLer` as a direct api to API consumers, you will need to add an authorization layer on top of it, let's see how to do that

addpost {
authorizer = < using that trick, you can use any third-party Authentication service that will remove that hassle from your code.

Data Transformation
> In some cases we need to transform the resulted data into something more friendly to our API consumers, so I added `javascript` interpreter to `SQLer` so we can transform our data, each js code has a global variable called `$result`, it holds the result of the `exec` section, you should write your code like the following:

// list all databases, and run a transformer function
databases {

transformer = < `SQLer` helps you to merge multiple macros into one to minimize the API calls number, see the example bellow

databases {

transformer = < I'm Mohamed Al Ashaal, just a problem solver :), you can view more projects from me [here](, and here is my email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

> Copyright 2019 The SQLer Authors. All rights reserved.
> Use of this source code is governed by a Apache 2.0
> license that can be found in the [LICENSE](/License) file.