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A Vue.js slideshow component working with Three.js

images slideshow threejs vuejs webgl

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A Vue.js slideshow component working with Three.js

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# vue-displacement-slideshow

> Webgl image displacement transitions made simple. A Vue.js slideshow component working with Three.js and GSAP.
It works with Vue3 and older versions (until 3.0.1) work with Vue2.

## Demo

Demo gif

> The canvas can be interactive as well by setting the `isInteractive` props to `true`. See the `props` section to find more.

## Live demo


## Installation

# using yarn
yarn add vue-displacement-slideshow
# or using npm
npm i vue-displacement-slideshow

:warning: If you are using this component with Vue2, you have to use this version: `3.0.1`, as
the ones that follow only support Vue3. You can install a particular version like this:

# using yarn
yarn add [email protected]
# or using npm
npm i [email protected]

## Example


import VueDisplacementSlideshow from "vue-displacement-slideshow";

export default {
components: {
computed: {
images() {
return [
methods: {
init() {
//We loop through all our images by calling the 'next' method of our component every 2 seconds
setInterval(() => {
}, 2000);
mounted() {


**With Nuxt :**

Just wrap the component in a `client-only` component like so :


This component is heavily based on this library :

## Props

| name | type | description | required | default value |
| images | `Array` | An array containing the paths of the images you wan to use | `true` | `[]` |
| displacement | `String` | The path of the displacement image | `true` | |
| intensity | `Number` | The intensity of the displacement | `false` | `1` |
| speedIn | `Number` | The duration of the animation for the next image, in seconds | `false` | `1` |
| speedOut | `Number` | The duration of the animation for the previous image, in seconds | `false` | `1` |
| ease | `String` | The GSAP easing to use | `false` | `expo.inOut` |
| preserveAspectRatio| `Boolean` | Whether the images keep their aspect ratio (act as `background-size` : `cover` (`true`) or `contain` (`false`) | `false` | `true` |
| isInteractive| `Boolean`| Whether the canvas is interactive on mouse move | `false` | `false` |
| interactionFactor| `Number` | The factor of the interaction | `false` | `1` |
| interactionDuration| `Number` | The duration of the interaction | `false` | `1` |
| startAsTransparent| `Boolean` | Whether the canvas is initially transparent and the first transition goes to the first picture | `false` | `false` |
| angle| `Number` | The angle of the transition | `false` | `Math.PI / 4` |

## Methods

| Name | Description |Params|Returns
|next | Transition to the second image. | |`void`|
|previous | Transition to the first image. | |`void`|
|pause | Pause the current transition | |`void`|
|play | Play the current paused animation | |`void`|
|insertImage(path,index) | Insert an image at a given index |

  • `path` : the path of the image

  • `index` : the index of the inserted image, if not provided, the image will be inserted at the end of the array. It has the same behavior as the `splice` method (negative number allowed)

|a Promise resolved when the image is loaded|
|insertTransparentTexture(index) | Insert a transparent texture at a given index |
  • `index` : the index of the inserted image, it has the same behavior as the `insertImage` `index` parameter | `void` |
    |removeImage(index) | Remove an image at a given index |
    • `index` : the index of the image to remove (must be different from the current image index)
    | `void`|
    |goTo(index) | Transition to a given image by its index |
    • `index` : the index of the image to transition to
    | `void`|

    ## Events emitted

    | Name | Description |
    |loaded | Fired when the component is ready |
    |animationEnd | Fired when the transition is done. |

    ## Behavior

    The first image of the array is displayed at first.
    When we call the `next` method while currently showing the last image, it will go to the first image.
    When we call the `previous` method while currently showing the first image, it will go to the last image.

    The images are displayed as we would use `background-size:cover` in CSS.

    If you set the prop `startAsTransparent` to `true`, then it **adds a texture to your `images` array**. If you want to
    remove it after, you can just call the `removeImage` method with `0` as the index parameter value.

    ## Contributing

    Contributions are welcome !
    Follow the instructions in the [contributing file](./

    ## License


    ## Support

    If you find the component useful, you can support my open source work via [my ko-fi page](