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LightService plugin adding DSL for expected/promised keys validation

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LightService plugin adding DSL for expected/promised keys validation

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# LightService - ValidatedContext


This gem _patches_ `light-service` gem implementing validated keys
for `expects` and `promises` action's macros.

This gem is a plugin to `light-service`, thus it depends on it (~> 0.18.0).

## What do I mean with validation

- type check
- type coercion
- mandatory/optional presence
- default value

## Stability, affordability

This plugin uses monkey patching in order to alter the behaviour of `light-service`.
AFAIK this is the only way to achieve the goal. Because of this fact I consider
`light_service-validated_context` more of an experiment/POC.

## Goals

- implement an advanced and flexible interface to declare,
type-check, coerce and describe action's arguments without reinventing the wheel (the wheel we use under the wood is [`dry-types`](
- testing DX and interfaces
- study what parts of code are involved into this area of `light-service`'s code base

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'light_service-validated_context'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Would you need to manualy require the gem, here's the syntax:

require 'light_service/validated_context'

## Usage

The plugin enables you to pass `VK` (`ValidatedKeys`) objects as arguments to built-ins `expects` and
`promises` macros.

This is how you'd usually write an `Action` in LightService:

class ActionOne
extend LightService::Action

expects :age
promises :text

executed do |context|

# Do something...

context.text = 'Long live and prosperity'

def self.validate_age!(context)
context.fail_and_return!(':age must be an Integer') unless context.age.is_a? Integer
context.fail_and_return!('Sorry, you are too young m8') if (context.age <= 30)

and this is how `light_service-validated_context` enables you to write

class ActionOne
extend LightService::Action

expects, Types::Coercible::Integer.constrained(gt: 30))
promises, Types::Strict::String.constrained(max_size: 10).default('Long live and prosperity'))

executed do |context|
# Do something

and you'll get validations for free

ActionOne.execute(age: '19')
# [App::ActionOne][:age] "19" violates constraints (gt?(30, 19) failed) (LightService::ExpectedKeysNotInContextError)
ActionOne.execute(age: 37)
# LightService::Context({:age=>37, :text=>"Long live and prosperity"}, success: true, message: '', error_code: nil, skip_remaining: false, aliases: {})
ActionOne.execute(age: 37, text: 'Too long too pass the constrain')
# [App::ActionOne][:text] "Too long too pass the constrain" violates constraints (max_size?(24, "Too long too pass the constrain") failed) (LightService::PromisedKeysNotInContextError)

Since all the validation and coercion logic is delegated to `dry-types`, you can
read more about what you can achieve at

`VK` objects needs to be created with 2 positional arguments:

- key name as a symbol
- A type declaration from `dry-types` (`Tyeps` namespace is already setup for you)

`VK` and `ValidatedKey` (equivalent) are short aliases for `LightService::Context::ValidatedKey`.
They are created only if not already defined in the global space. You're free to use the namespaced
form to avoid name collisions.

You can find more usage example in `spec/support/test_doubles.rb`

### Custom validation error message

You can set a custom validation error message when instantiating a `VK` object

```ruby, Types::Strict::Integer, message: 'Custom validation message for :my_integer key')

Messages translated via `I18n` are supported too, following standard `light-service`'s

```ruby, Types::Strict::Integer, message: :my_integer_error_message)

### Raise vs fail

By default, following original `light-service` implementation, a validation error will raise a
`LightService::ExpectedKeysNotInContextError` or `LightService::PromisedKeysNotInContextError`.

> NOTE: I know that raised exceptions do not express the concept of "invalid", but I opted
to preserve the original one in order to make this plugin more droppable-in as possible, thus
w/o breaking code relying on, for example, rescueing those specific excpetions.

May you prefere to fail the action, populating outcome's message with error message, just do
`extend LightService::Context::FailOnValidationError` into you action:

class ActionFailInsteadOfRaise
extend LightService::Action
extend LightService::Context::FailOnValidationError

expects, Types::String)

executed do |context|
# do something

result = ActionFailInsteadOfRaise.execute(foo: 12)
result.message # Here you'll find the validation(s) message(s)

### Custom types

As documented in [dry-types doc](,
you can be more expressive defining custom types; you can define them reopening the already defined `LightService::Types` module
(or simply `Types` in the global namespace if it does not conflict with your domain's namespace), e.g.:

module LightService::Types
MyExpressiveThing = Hash.schema(
name: String,
age: Coercible::Integer,
foo: Symbol.constrained(included_in: %i[bar baz])

class ActionOne
extend LightService::Action
extend LightService::Context::FailOnValidationError

expects, Types::MyBusinessHash)

executed do |context|
# do something...

result = App::ActionOne.execute(foo: {
name: 'Alessandro',
age: '37',
foo: :bar

Custom types will be reusable, more expressive and moreover will clean your action up a bit.

## Why validation matters?

In OO programming there's a rule that says to never instantiate an
invalid object.

If you cannot trust the state, given the state is internal or delegated to a context object,
you'll have to do a bunch of validation-oriented logical branches into your logic. E.g.:

class HugAFriend
extend LightService::Action

expects :friend

executed do |context|
context.friend.hug if context.friend.respond_to?(:hug)

The `if` in this uber-trivial example exists just due to untrusted state.

Let's re-imagine the code given an `executed` block that totally trusts the context:

class HugAFriend
extend LightService::Action

expects, Types.Instance(Friend))
# Or a less usual approach could be to trust duck typing
# expects, Types::Interface(:hug))
# Actually not all friends do appreciate hugs nor other forms of physical contact :P

executed do |context|

## Comparison with similar gems

A brief comparison about what similar gems offer to work with validation.

This is a comparison table I've done using my own limited experience w/ other solutions
and/or reading projects' READMEs. Don't take my word for it. And if I was wrong understanding
some features, feel free to drop me a line on Mastodon [@[email protected]](

| Feature | adomokos/light-service | sunny/actor | collectiveidea/interactor | AaronLasseigne/active_interaction | pioneerskies/light_service-validated_context/ |
| ------------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| presence | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ⚠️ Only input, not output | ✅ |
| static default | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
| dynamic default | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
| raise or fail control | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❓ | ✅ |
| type check | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
| data structure type check | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
| optional | ⚠️ through `default` | ✅ through `allow_nil` (which defaults to `true` 🤔 ❓) | ❌ | ⚠️ through `default` | ✅ |
| 1st party code | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ⚠️ ActiveModel::Validation | ❌ Dry::Types |

> NOTE: in `active_interaction` the fact that validation code isn't first party isn't an issue, since
> the gem is a Rails-only gem and validation is delegated to Rails, thus no additional dependencies
> are required. `light_service-validated_context` depends on additional gems from the dry-rb ecosystem

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to [](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](

## Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the LightService::ValidatedContext project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](