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🎩 Dark & Light Accented Alfred Themes tailored for macOS Mojave & Catalina users.

Last synced: 27 days ago
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🎩 Dark & Light Accented Alfred Themes tailored for macOS Mojave & Catalina users.

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# Mojave Alfred Accented Themes
🎩 Collection of Dark & Light Accented Alfred Themes tailored with care for macOS Mojave & Alfred Powerpack users.

## Releases

- 1.2.1 : Fixed the ```theme install``` command. *August 2019*
- 1.2.0 : New ```theme install``` command to easily download the 16 themes at once. *July 2019*
- 1.1.1 : Alfred 4 compatibility. *June 2019*
- 1.0.0 : Initial release. *October 2018*

## Installation

[Download the latest workflow](, then use the ```theme install``` command to grab the 16 themes at once!
I personnaly rock the Light Purple one most of the time, and disabled the Hat Logo in Alfred's Preferences.

*If you want to clean your Alfred themes folder, here are some terminal shortcuts to open the most common Alfred preferences' locations:*

- ```open ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/themes```
- ```open ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/themes```
- ```open ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/themes```

## Theme Switcher

The workflow designed for this theme collection allows you to select your Alfred's theme accent color and switch between Dark & Light modes. Here are the main commands :
- ```theme``` : toggles between Dark & Light Themes on **both macOS and Alfred**.
- ```theme color``` : toggles between the accent color of your choice variant of this set of themes (replace *color* with either *Blue*, *Purple*, *Pink*, *Red*, *Orange*, *Yellow*, *Green*, *Gray*).

Mojave Theme Switcher Workflow

## Known limitations

- To preserve your actual accent color when toggling between Dark and Light modes, I use the themes' background color as an identifier for a specific accent. Which means if you modify the colors of the themes, or try to adapt it for another set of themes, you'll have to adapt the "accentColorLookup" table.
- There is currently no macOS API that I know of which features a way to change the system UI's accent color. When Apple adds it, I'll add the feature to toggle everything from this workflow at once, which will make it a breeze to swap colors system wide in one command!

## Previews

Mojave Light - Blue

Mojave Light - Purple

Mojave Light - Pink

Mojave Light - Red

Mojave Light - Orange

Mojave Light - Yellow

Mojave Light - Green

Mojave Light - Gray

Mojave Dark - Blue

Mojave Dark - Purple

Mojave Dark - Pink

Mojave Dark - Red

Mojave Dark - Orange

Mojave Dark - Yellow

Mojave Dark - Green

Mojave Dark - Gray

## Inspiration and thanks

- Thanks to dvldev for his stylish themes,
which inspired me to further embrace macOS Mojave's Accent Colors 🙏
- Thanks also to mermaid for the Theme Switcher workflow inspiration 👌
- Thanks to Mike Barker's suggested fixes, which led to a very quick Alfred 4 compatibility update 👍