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Windows setup and configuration via Ansible.

ansible automation chocolatey playbook windows windows-10 windows-11

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Windows setup and configuration via Ansible.

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# Windows Ansible Playbook



This playbook installs and configures most of the software I use on my Windows 11 machine for software development.

## Contents

- [Playbook capabilities](#playbook-capabilities)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Windows host prerequisites installation](#prepare-your-windows-host-)
- [Ansible control node prerequisites installation](#ansible-control-node-)
- [Running a specific set of tagged tasks](#running-a-specific-set-of-tagged-tasks)
- [Overriding Defaults](#overriding-defaults)
- [Included Applications / Configuration (Default)](#included-applications--configuration-default)
- [Available Parameters](#available-parameters)

## Playbook capabilities

> **NOTE:** The Playbook is fully configurable. You can skip or reconfigure any task by [Overriding Defaults](#overriding-defaults).

- **Software**
- Remove Bloatware (see default config for a complete list of Bloatware).
- Install software and packages selected by the user via Chocolatey.
- Install software and packages selected by the user via WinGet.
- **Windows apps & features**
- Install and Enable Optional Windows Features chosen by the user.
- Install and Enable the WSL2 distro selected by the user.
- Run defragmentation on volumes selected by the user (in parallel).
- **Windows Settings**
- **Explorer**
- Enable Explorer file extensions in file names.
- Open Explorer in the Computer view by default.
- Disable the Ribbon menu in Windows Explorer.
- Enable Right-click Context Menu (Windows 11).
- **Start Menu**
- Disable Automatic Install of Suggested Apps.
- Disable the "App Suggestions" in the Start menu.
- Disable the "tips" popup.
- Disable 'Windows Welcome Experience'.
- **Taskbar**
- Unpin 'Search' from Taskbar.
- Unpin Task View, Chat, and Cortana from Taskbar.
- Unpin 'News and Interests' from Taskbar.
- Unpin 'People' from Taskbar.
- Unpin 'Edge', 'Store' and other built-in shortcuts from the Taskbar.
- **Desktop**
- Remove Desktop icons (Ink).
- **General**
- Set the hostname selected by the user is assigned.
- Configure remote desktop services.
- Set the sound scheme to 'No sounds'.
- Set the power plan selected by the user.
- Install Windows updates categories selected by the user.
- Disable mouse acceleration.
- **Terminal Settings**
- Install [oh-my-posh]( with the theme chosen by the user and it set as a default PowerShell theme engine.

## Installation

### Prepare your Windows host ⏲

#### **This playbook was tested on Windows 10 2004 and Windows 11 21H2 (Pro, Ent). Other versions may work but have not tried.**

Copy and paste the code below into your PowerShell terminal to get your Windows machine ready to work with Ansible.

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$url = ""
$file = "$env:temp\setup.ps1"

(New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $file)
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File $file -Verbose

### Ansible Control node πŸ•Ή

1. [Install Ansible](

1. Upgrade Pip: `pip3 install --upgrade pip`
2. Install Ansible: `pip3 install ansible`

2. Clone or download this repository to your local drive.
3. Run `ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml` inside this directory to install required Ansible collections.
4. Add the IP address and credentials of your Windows machine into the `inventory` file
5. Run `ansible-playbook main.yml` inside this directory.

### Running a specific set of tagged tasks

You can filter which part of the provisioning process to run by specifying a set of tags using `ansible-playbook` `--tags` flag. The tags available are `choco` , `debloat` , `desktop` , `explorer` , `fonts` , `hostname` , `mouse` , `power` , `sounds` , `start_menu` , `taskbar` , `updates` , `windows_features` , `wsl`, `winget`.

ansible-playbook main.yml --tags "choco,wsl"

## Overriding Defaults

**NOTE:** You can override any of the defaults configured in `default.config.yml` by creating a `config.yml` file and setting the overrides in that file. For example, you can customize the installed packages and enable/disable specific tasks with something like:

configure_hostname: true
custom_hostname: myhostname

install_windows_updates: true
- Critical Updates
- Security Updates
- * # Installs all updates

# installs latest version of the Google Chrome while ignoring the package checksum
- name: googlechrome
state: latest
choco_args: --ignorechecksum
# installs 2.37.1 version of the git
- name: git
version: "2.37.1"
# installs GO, but won't update it
- golang

install_fonts: true
- Meslo

install_ohmyposh: true
ohmyposh_theme: agnoster

install_windows_features: true
Microsoft-Hyper-V: true

install_wsl2: true
wsl2_distribution: wsl-archlinux

remove_bloatware: true
- Microsoft.Messaging

## Included Applications / Configuration (Default)

Packages (installed with Chocolatey):

- adobereader
- auto-dark-mode
- awscli
- Firefox
- git
- golang
- jre8
- kubernetes-cli
- microsoft-windows-terminal
- peazip
- powertoys
- python3
- sharex
- telegram
- terraform
- vlc
- vscode
- zoom

## Available Parameters

| Name | Description | Type | Default |
| -------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| configure_hostname | (Optional) Whether or not to set a custom hostname. | `bool` | `false` |
| custom_hostname | (Optional) The hostname to set for the computer. | `string` | `windows-ansible` |
| install_windows_updates | (Optional) Whether or not to install Windows updates. | `bool` | `true` |
| update_categories | (Optional) A list of categories to install updates from. The value \* will match all categories. | `list` | `["CriticalUpdates", "SecurityUpdates", "UpdateRollups"]` |
| windows_updates_reboot | (Optional) Whether or not to reboot the host if it is required and continue to install updates after the reboot. | `bool` | `true` |
| remove_bloatware | (Optional) Whether or not to uninstall Windows bloatware. | `bool` | `true` |
| bloatware | (Optional) A list of applications (bloatware) to be uninstalled | `list` | [full_list]( |
| choco_installed_packages | (Optional) A list of Chocolatey packages to be installed. | `dict` | [full_list](#included-applications--configuration-default) |
| choco_installed_packages.state | (Optional) State of the package on the system. (present, latest) | `string` | `present` |
| choco_installed_packages.version | (Optional) Specific version of the package to be installed. | `string` | `omit` |
| choco_installed_packages.choco_args | (Optional) Additional parameters to pass to choco.exe. | `string` | `omit` |
| install_windows_features | (Optional) Whether or not to install Windows features. | `bool` | `false` |
| windows_features | (Optional) A list of dicts with Windows features to be installed. | `list(dict)` | `Microsoft-Hyper-V: true` |
| install_wsl2 | (Optional) Whether or not to install Windows Subsystem for Linux. | `bool` | `true` |
| wsl2_distribution | (Optional) The valid name of Linux distribution that will be installed. | `string` | `wsl-ubuntu-2004` |
| install_fonts | (Optional) Whether or not to install [Nerd Fonts]( | `bool` | `true` |
| installed_nerdfonts | (Optional) A list of [Nerd Fonts]( to be installed. | `list` | `["FiraCode", "FantasqueSansMono"]` |
| install_ohmyposh | (Optional) Whether or not to [Oh My Posh]( | `bool` | `true` |
| configure_explorer | (Optional) Whether or not to configure Windows Explorer with sane defaults. | `bool` | `true` |
| configure_taskbar | (Optional) Whether or not to configure Windows TaskBar with sane defaults. | `bool` | `true` |
| configure_start_menu | (Optional) Whether or not to configure Windows Start menu with sane defaults. | `bool` | `true` |
| set_sound_scheme | (Optional) Whether or not to set default Windows Sound Scheme to "No Sounds". | `bool` | `true` |
| disable_mouse_acceleration | (Optional) Whether or not to disable mouse acceleration. | `bool` | `true` |
| remote_desktop_enabled | (Optional) Whether or not enable Remote Desktop. | `bool` | `true` |
| remove_desktop_icons | (Optional) Whether or not remove desktop icons (\*.lnk files only). | `bool` | `false` |
| defrag_volumes | (Optional) Whether or not to perform disk defragmentation. | `bool` | `true` |
| include_volumes | (Optional) A list of volumes to be defragmented. | `list` | `["C"]` |
| change_power_plan | (Optional) Whether or not change Power Plan. | `bool` | `true` |
| power_plan | (Optional) Choose a power plan (high_performance, balanced, power_saver). | `string` | `high_performance` |
| install_winget_packages | (Optional) Whether or not to install WinGet packages. | `bool` | `true` |
| winget_packages | (Required) A list of WinGet packages to be installed. | `dict` | |
| | (Optional) A name of the WinGet package to be installed. | `string` | |
| winget_packages.source | (Optional) The source of the WinGet package (`msstore` or `winget`). | `string` | |
| configure_storage_sense | (Optional) Whether or not configure Windows Storage Sense. | `string` | |
| storage_sense | (Optional) A map of storage_sense options. | `dict` | |
| storage_sense.enabled | (Optional) Enable or Disable Windows Storage Sense. | `bool` | `true` |
| storage_sense.run_frequency | (Optional) How often Windows Storage Sense has to run (once in 1, 7 or 30 days). | `int` | `1` |
| storage_sense.delete_unused_files | (Optional) Delete temporary files that my apps aren’t using. | `bool` | `true` |
| storage_sense.delete_recycle_bin_files | (Optional) Delete files in my recycle bin. | `bool` | `true` |
| storage_sense.recycle_bin_age | (Optional) How often recycle bin has to be cleaned up (once in 1, 14, 30 or 60 days). | `int` | `14` |
| storage_sense.delete_downloads_files | (Optional) Delete files in my Downloads folder. | `bool` | `true` |
| storage_sense.downloads_age | (Optional) How often downloaded files has to be cleaned up (once in 1, 14, 30 or 60 days). | `int` | `14` |

## Author

This project was created by [Alexander Nabokikh]( (initially inspired by [geerlingguy/mac-dev-playbook](

## License

This software is available under the following licenses:

- **[MIT](**
