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🍒 Classic Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in C++

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🍒 Classic Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in C++

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Algorithms and Data Structures

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Classic Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in C++

_Code written for practice. During my Master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Udine._

Algorithms Implemented

|Algorithm|Average Cost|Worst-case Cost|
|[Insertion Sort](|O(n^2)|O(n^2)|
|[Merge Sort](|Θ(nlogn)|Θ(nlogn)|
|[Counting Sort](|O(n+k)|O(n+k)|
|[Binary Search](|O(logn)|O(logn)|
|[Bubble Sort](|O(n^2)|O(n^2)|
|[Breadth-first Search (BFS)](|O(\|V\|+\|E\|)|O(\|V\|+\|E\|)|
|[Depth-first Search (DFS)](|O(\|V\|+\|E\|)|O(\|V\|+\|E\|)|
|[Prim (MST)](|O(\|E\|log\|V\|)|O(\|E\|log\|V\|)|
|[Kruskal (MST)](|O(\|E\|log\|V\|)|O(\|E\|log\|V\|)|
|[Maximum subarray (J.Kadane)](|O(n)|O(n)|

Data Structures Implemented
|Data Structure|Methods|
|[Linked list](|```insertFront(int value)``` - O(1), ```deleteFront()``` - O(1), ```isEmpty()``` - O(1)|
|[Double Linked list](|```insertFront(int value)``` - O(1), ```deleteFront()``` - O(1)|
|[Queue](|```enqueue(int value)``` - O(1), ```dequeue()``` - O(1), ```isEmpty()``` - O(1)|
|[Stack](|```pop()``` - O(1), ```push()``` - O(1), ```top()``` - O(1), ```isEmpty()``` - O(1)|
|[Binary Search Tree (BST)](|```insert(int value)``` - Θ(logn), ```search(int value)``` - Θ(logn), ```printInOrder()``` - Θ(n), ```printPreOrder()``` - Θ(n), ```printPostOrder()``` - Θ(n)|
|[Heap (binary max heap)](|```heapify(int index)``` - O(logn), ```insert(int value)``` - O(logn), ```deleteMax()``` - O(logn), ```buildHeap(vector values)``` - O(n), ```heapSort()``` - O(nlogn)|
|[Heap (binary min heap)](|```heapify(int index)``` - O(logn), ```insert(int value)``` - O(logn), ```deleteMin()``` - O(logn), ```buildHeap(vector values)``` - O(n), ```heapSort()``` - O(nlogn)|
|[Disjoint Set](|```makeSet()``` - Θ(1), ```findSet()``` - Θ(1), ```union()``` - Θ(1)|
|[Trie](|```add()``` - O(\|string\|), ```find()``` - O(\|string\|)|

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