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Vue.js drag & drop uploader based on Dropzone.js

drag-and-drop upload upload-file uploader

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Vue.js drag & drop uploader based on Dropzone.js

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# Vue-Transmit

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**STATUS: Unmaintained**

_I am currently unable to give this project much attention. I won't be
addressing issues or creating new versions for the forseeable future. Feel free
to fork this project and hack away though!_

A Vue.js drag & drop uploader based on Dropzone.js (`~22KB`, `~6.5KB` gzipped).
Many thanks to [Matias Meno]( for
paving the way with the original Dropzone.js!
[Check it out]( for any of your
non-vue projects. 🙌

Check out the CodeSandbox here:

Have a question? Check out the [FAQ section](#faq).
Can't find what you're
looking for?
[Open an issue](
to add to the docs?
[Submit a PR](

## Table of Contents

- [Features](#features) - Vue Transmit features
- [v8.x](#v8xx) - Info for v8.x users
- [Installation](#installation) - Package install
- [Builds](#builds) - ESM, UMD build info
- [Component Props](#props-vue-transmit) - Vue component props
- [XHR Adapter Options](#adapter-options-xhruploadadapter) - Default adapter
- [Component Events](#events) - Events emitted from VueTransmit
- [File Statuses](#file-statuses) - enum of `file.status` values
- [Slots](#slots) - Component slots
- [Slot: default](#default-slotsdefault) - default slot
- [Slot: `"files"`](#files-scoped-slotsfiles) - files slot
- [VTransmitFile](#vtransmitfile) - the class that wraps the native File object
- [Usage example](#usage) - implementation example
- [FAQ](#faq) - Frequently Asked Questions
- [I don't see the dropzone](#i-dont-see-the-dropzone)
- [How to add a button or text to the dropzone](#how-to-add-a-button-or-text-to-the-dropzone)
- [Accessing the VueTransmit instance](#accessing-the-vuetransmit-component-instance)
- [How to Remove a File](#how-to-remove-a-file)
- [Lifecycle](#lifecycle) - Basic explanation of upload lifecycle

## Download

To get the latest alpha build:

npm install [email protected]

## Features

Vue-Transmit is a fork of Dropzone.js that has been completely rewritten in
TypeScript/ES6 for Vue.js. Instead of creating a Vue wrapper component that
duplicates and proxies all of the methods and event logic between Dropzone and
the component, Vue-Transmit implements them directly from the component. This
cuts down on library size and offers a much tighter integration.

Vue-Transmit takes an event-based approach to the upload cycle. Instead of
passing callbacks to the component via an options object, use the template event
binding syntax (``). All events strictly
conform to kebab-casing, including events proxied off native events (e.g.
`dragover => @drag-over`). This is for uniformity and so events can be easily

Vue-Transmit also has a modular upload transport. The default transport
implementation uses `XMLHttpRequest` to upload client-side files using
multi-part form data, but this could be swapped for a custom implementation for
something like Firebase or WebSockets.

In order to integrate with Vue.js reactivity, an object's properties must be
defined initially, be enumerable, and be configurable. A special File class has
been written (`VTransmitFile`) to register native browser file objects from
uploads reactively, since the native object properties are read-only. This class
also adds useful information not present in the native File object (dimensions,
upload stats, etc.).

- HTML 5 file uploads
- Emits upload lifecycle events (accepted, sending, progress, success, etc.)
- Image thumbnail previews
- Support for concurrent uploads
- Modular upload transport layer
- Completely written in Vue.js—no wrapper components
- Scoped slots allow for fully customizable styling
- Written in modern TypeScript/ES6 with modules

_\* Note: this library uses some built-ins (`Array.from`, `Promise`) that
[a polyfill](
All other ESNext language features (arrow fns, for of, etc.) are transpiled with


## v8.x.x

[Visit the `8.x` branch here.](

Version 9 of Vue Transmit marks a new design that introduces various breaking
changes. Migrating an existing app to `>=v9.x.x` should be roughly hour of work
for most use cases (mileage may vary), but if you're using `v8.x.x` and you
don't need any `v9` features, there's no need to update. An `8.x` branch will be
maintained for LTS\* support.

\* LTS support `===` patches only.

## Installation

# npm
npm install vue-transmit

# yarn
yarn add vue-transmit

### Builds

The default build for ESM loaders like webpack is indicated in the `module`
field of the package, while non-esm will resolve from the `main` field. By
default, the unminified versions are specified. For most setups, importing the
lib would like either of the following:

// ESM default export
import VueTransmit from "vue-transmit";
// ESM named export
import { VueTransmitPlugin } from "vue-transmit";
// Common.js (no 'default' export)
const { VueTransmitPlugin } = require("vue-transmit");
// Browser
const { VueTransmitPlugin } = window.VueTransmit;

// Installation

If you don't wish to register `VueTransmit` as a global component, you can
import the component directly.

// ESM
import { VueTransmit } from "vue-transmit";
// Common.js
const { VueTransmit } = require("vue-transmit");
// Browser
const { VueTransmit } = window.VueTransmit;

// Your component using VueTransmit
const MyComponent = Vue.extend({
name: "my-component",
components: {
"vue-transmit": VueTransmit,

| Target | Path | Minified |
| ------ | ------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| ESM | `vue-transmit/dist/vue-transmit.esm.js` | false |
| ESM | `vue-transmit/dist/vue-transmit.esm.min.js` | true |
| UMD | `vue-transmit/dist/vue-transmit.js` | false |
| UMD | `vue-transmit/dist/vue-transmit.min.js` | true |

└── dist
├── index.d.ts
├── vue-transmit.css
├── vue-transmit.esm.js
├── vue-transmit.esm.min.js
├── vue-transmit.js
├── vue-transmit.min.js

## Props: <vue-transmit>

[**View Source**](./src/components/VueTransmit.vue#L91)

| Property | Type | Default/Function Signature |
| ---------------------- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| tag | string | `"div"` |
| uploadAreaClasses | array, object, string | `null` |
| uploadAreaAttrs | object | `{}` |
| uploadAreaListeners | object | `{}` |
| dragClass | string | `null` |
| maxConcurrentUploads | number | `2` |
| uploadMultiple | boolean | `false` |
| maxFileSize | number | `256` |
| fileSizeBaseInBinary | boolean | `false` |
| createImageThumbnails | boolean | `true` |
| maxThumbnailFileSize | number | `10` |
| thumbnailWidth | number | `120` |
| thumbnailHeight | number | `120` |
| maxFiles | number | `null` |
| clickable | boolean | `true` |
| ignoreHiddenFiles | boolean | `true` |
| acceptedFileTypes | array | `[]` |
| autoProcessQueue | boolean | `true` |
| autoQueue | boolean | `true` |
| capture | string | `null` |
| errMaxFileSizeExceeded | function | `(fileSize: number, maxFileSize: number, units: string) => string` |
| errInvalidFileType | function | `(type: string, acceptedTypes: string[], file: VTransmitFile) => string` |
| errMaxFilesExceeded | function | `(maxFiles: number) => string` |
| accept | function | `(file: VTransmitFile, done: Function) => string` |
| resize | function | `(file: VTransmitFile, dims: { width: number; height: number; }) => { sx: number; sy: number; sWidth: number; sHeight: number; dx: number; dy: number; dWidth: number; dHeight: number; }` |
| adapterOptions | object | `{}` |
| uploadAdapter | function | `XHRUploadAdapter` |

## Adapter Options: XHRUploadAdapter

[**View Source**](./src/upload-drivers/xhr.ts#L41)

| Property | Type | Default/Function Signature |
| ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |
| url | string | _(required)_ |
| method | string | `"post"` |
| withCredentials | boolean | `false` |
| timeout | number | `0` |
| paramName | string | `"file"` |
| params | `{ [key: string]: string }` | `{}` |
| headers | `{ [key: string]: string }` | `{ Accept, 'Cache-Control', 'X-Requested-With' }` |
| responseType | `"" \| "arraybuffer" \| "blob" \| "document" \| "json" \| "text"` | `"json"` |
| errUploadError | function | `(xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => string` |
| errUploadTimeout | function | `(xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => string` |
| renameFile | function | `(name: string) => string` |
| responseParseFunc | function | `(xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => T` |

## Events

| Event | Arguments | Description |
| ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `drop` | `event: DragEvent` | The `drop` event is fired when an data transfer is dropped on the drop target. |
| `drag-start` | `event: DragEvent` | The `drag-start` event is fired when the user starts dragging an element or text selection. |
| `drag-end` | `event: DragEvent` | The `drag-end` event is fired when a drag operation is being ended (by releasing a mouse button or hitting the escape key). |
| `drag-enter` | `event: DragEvent` | The `drag-enter` event is fired when a dragged element or text selection enters a valid drop target. |
| `drag-over` | `event: DragEvent` | The `drag-over` event is fired when an element or text selection is being dragged over a valid drop target (every few hundred milliseconds). |
| `drag-leave` | `event: DragEvent` | The `drag-leave` event is fired when a dragged element or text selection leaves a valid drop target. |
| `added-file` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired on change from the hidden file input after the Native File has been copied to file: VTransmitFile and added to the component data. _(status: 'added')_ |
| `added-files` | `files: VTransmitFile[]` | Fired on change from the hidden file input after the Native Files have been copied to VTransmitFiles and added to the component data. _(status: 'added')_ |
| `accepted-file` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired if the user-supplied accept function returns without error. _(status: 'added', accepted: true)_ |
| `rejected-file` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired if the user-supplied accept function returns an error. Fired AFTER the `error` event to ensure correct file status. _(status: 'error', accepted: false)_ |
| `accept-complete` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired after the user-supplied accept function has returned regardless of success/failure. Fired after `accepted-file` & `rejected-file`. _(status: ?, accepted: ?)_ |
| `removed-file` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired on the removal of a file. |
| `thumbnail` | `file: VTransmitFile, data: Blob\|URL` | Fires on creation of a thumbnail. |
| `error` | `file: VTransmitFile, message: string, data: any` | Fired on an ajax upload error. _(status: 'error')_ |
| `error-multiple` | `files: VTransmitFile[], message: string, data: any` | Fired on an ajax upload error. _(status: 'error')_ |
| `processing` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired after the status is changed to `'uploading'`, right before the ajax request. |
| `processing-multiple` | `files: VTransmitFile[]` | Fired after the status is changed to `'uploading'`, right before the ajax request. |
| `upload-progress` | `file: VTransmitFile, progress: number, bytesSent: number` | Fired on progress of the upload. |
| `total-upload-progress` | `file: VTransmitFile, totalUploadProgress: number` | Fired directly after `upload-progress`. |
| `sending` | `file: VTransmitFile, xhr: XMLHttpRequest, data: FormData` | Fired right before the upload is sent. |
| `sending-multiple` | `files: VTransmitFile[], xhr: XMLHttpRequest, FormData` | Fired right before the upload is sent. |
| `success` | `file: VTransmitFile, result: any` | Fired on load of the upload. |
| `success-multiple` | `files: VTransmitFile[], result: any` | Fired on load of the upload. |
| `timeout` | `file: VTransmitFile, message: string, data: any` | Fired on timeout of the upload. |
| `timeout-multiple` | `files: VTransmitFile[], message: string, data: any` | Fired on timeout of the upload. |
| `canceled` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired upon cancellation of the upload. _(status: 'canceled')_ |
| `canceled-multiple` | `files: VTransmitFile[]` | Fired upon cancellation of the upload. _(status: 'canceled')_ |
| `complete` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired upon completion of the upload. _(whether success or failure)_ |
| `complete-multiple` | `files: VTransmitFile[]` | Fired upon completion of the upload. _(whether success or failure)_ |
| `reset` | `void` | Fired when all files have been removed. |
| `max-files-exceeded` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired if a file is added that exceeds the max files prop. |
| `max-files-reached` | `files: VTransmitFile[]` | Fired when the total accepted files on the instance exceeds the max files prop. |
| `queue-complete` | `file: VTransmitFile` | Fired once all added files have uploaded and the queue has been flushed. |

## File Statuses

VTransmitFiles have a status property used to indicate its place in the upload
cycle. Note that `Accepted` is an alias of `Queued` since the is the same place
in the lifecycle (inherited from Dropzone lifecycle). This may change in a
future version for more clarity. Also note that `Rejected` is not a status.
Accepted/rejected is derived from the `file.accepted` boolean property.

enum UploadStatuses {
None = "",
Added = "added",
Queued = "queued",
Accepted = "queued",
Uploading = "uploading",
Canceled = "canceled",
Error = "error",
Timeout = "timeout",
Success = "success",

## Slots

### Default (`$slots.default`)

The default slot should contain your markup for getting an upload started. This
could be a file uploader button and/or a dropzone.

### Files (Scoped, `$slots.files`)

This slot receives a number of props:

interface FilesSlotProps {
files: VTransmitFile[];
acceptedFiles: VTransmitFile[];
rejectedFiles: VTransmitFile[];
addedFiles: VTransmitFile[];
queuedFiles: VTransmitFile[];
uploadingFiles: VTransmitFile[];
canceledFiles: VTransmitFile[];
failedFiles: VTransmitFile[];
timeoutFiles: VTransmitFile[];
successfulFiles: VTransmitFile[];
activeFiles: VTransmitFile[];
isUploading: boolean;

## `VTransmitFile`

"_nativeFile": {},
"id": "v-transmit-file-1",
"accepted": true,
"lastModified": 1478117443000,
"lastModifiedDate": "2016-11-02T20:10:43.000Z",
"name": "cosmo.jpg",
"processing": true,
"size": 142776,
"status": "success",
"type": "image/jpeg",
"upload": {
"bytesSent": 142776,
"progress": 100,
"speed": {
"kbps": 10.06,
"mbps": 0.01
"start": 1503273157993,
"end": 1503273158029,
"time": 0.036,
"total": 142776
"webkitRelativePath": "",
"width": 700,
"height": 700,
"xhr": {},
"dataUrl": ""

## Usage

If you have PHP installed on your machine, you can clone this repo and open up a
working test app by running:

npm test

Now navigate to [http://localhost:3030/](http://localhost:3030/).



Upload Files

{{ }}

{{ file | json }} 

Vue.use(VueTransmit); = new Vue({
el: "#root",
data: {
options: {
acceptedFileTypes: ["image/*"],
clickable: false,
adapterOptions: {
url: "./upload.php",
methods: {
triggerBrowse() {
filters: {
json(value) {
return JSON.stringify(value, null, 2);


## FAQ

### I don't see the dropzone

Default styles are extracted into a separate `.css` file and are entirely
optional. If you are using Vue single-file components, you can include it via
the `` section:

@import "~vue-transmit/dist/vue-transmit.css";

Alternatively, you can style the dropzone using your own classes using the
`uploadAreaClasses` and `dragClass` props.

### How to add a button or text to the dropzone

Vue Transmit doesn't add any markup for your dropzone target by default.
Instead, it makes a default slot available for you to provide markup custom to
your use-case. Any content you put between the opening and closing
`<vue-transmit>` tags will be rendered inside the drop zone.

<h3 class="text-center">Drop file here or click to upload.</h3>

### Accessing the VueTransmit component instance

It's always recommended to place a ref on your vue-transmit instance so that
your component can call methods and retrieve data directly from the instance.

<vue-transmit ref="vtransmit" />

### How to remove a file

You can remove a single file or all files from the component instance. To remove
a single file, you'll need the file you wish to delete.

// from your component
this.$refs.vtransmit.removeFile(vtFile); // single file
this.$refs.vtransmit.removeAllFiles((cancelInProgressUploads = false)); // all files

## Lifecycle

The upload process has many stages, each with different possible outcomes. Here
is an overview of the lifecycle of an upload with Vue Transmit:

- Trigger event
- input on `change`: value of `input.files` is read and passed to
- target on `drop`: value of `event.dataTransfer["files" || "items"]` is
read/traversed and passed to `vm.addFile`
- Add File
- instantiate `VTransmitFile` from native file object (for reactivity &
extra info)
- status `added`
- pushed onto `vm.files`
- thumbnail is enqueued
- Accept File
- check size, type, upload limit
- invoke `accept` function for consumer validation
- `accept` or `reject` complete
- if `autoQueue`, enqueue file
- Enqueue file
- check that file status is `added` & has been accepted
- status = `queued`
- if `autoProcessQueue`, invoke `processQueue` async _(like node
- Process queue
- check number of uploading files against upload limit
- invoke `processFiles` with max amount of queued files options allow
- Process files
- do upload
- Progress updates
- Complete upload
- status = `success || error`
- process queue to handle buffered files